Awesome I apparently have you on mine lol I'm Misuuchan, and Zaire needs them friends too lol so .

The mixed variety of answer gained a pleased noise in return. Fantastic, maybe he had finally found a creature like himself. Zaire leaned to look at the mp3 as it was presented, nodding and commenting idily as a song rolled passed he knew and liked. Finding it easy for once to be friendly, a thing that proved difficult due to personality. After all it was difficult when your interest tended to shift every other month, if not sooner. But there was just no way in jack Zaire would conform, become boring or restless for the sake of company.

At the questioning of his own taste he shrugged softly, "eh...anything really..musics really more of a mood for me I guess?" If that made sense to the ghoul all the better if not he wasn't really inclined to elaborate. Grinning though at the once over he chuckled and assumed she meant instrument when asked of playing, " did...I tried drums at one point...but got bored. You?" He hadn't been exactly good nor bad but it didn't hold interest considering it had been a solitary hobby.

"Makes sense..." The comment was murmured in response to the familiar in question. Zaire hadn't particularly wanted to feed it as it was so that worked all the same but it was an opening, "guess that means..we will have to hang out more...heh." Besides it wouldn't be unlikely he assumed that the ghoul would just give the familiar something from her snacks. That in mind a curious eye was given to the press to machine and point, shifting to check out the machine the monster hummed happily. Those were tasty, he had forgotten about them mostly due to the sweeth tooth he held this week.

"Looks good to me." A press of a few seeds into the machine and Zaire's tanned fingers punched in the numbers to get two bags of the snack to fall free. A shift back to the machine next to the ghoul and some dried minipet jerky was picked as well, a glance to the familiar and he bent to pick up the bags, offering one up to the ghoul as he asked, "want... a drink or you good?" He had a little more change, they both could get one before sitting down.