The Hunter
Name: Cianan Delnoir
Nicknames: Cee
Gender: Identifies as male.
Age: 19

Category: Life

The Weapon
Name: I... don't know yet. Some demonic name.
Type of Weapon: (Can be pretty much any weapon as long as your Hunter can carry it.)
Former species of weapon: Envy Demon
Gender: Genderfluid


Quiet, dreamy:
Cianan is someone who is constantly lost in thought, and usually has a warm, rumpled look to him like he just rolled right out of bed. You're constantly having to get his attention to keep a conversation going -- just about anything you say seems to cause some 'eureka' moment for him that causes him to mentally sift through his entire body of knowledge.

Soft-spoken and polite:
Cianan is always willing to listen.

Vague, shifty:
You can never quite pin him down on a definite answer when asking him to promise to do something. He's very comfortable with half-truths (and will be quite surprised if you ever accuse him about lying about something), and perceptive people will get the feeling that he's holding something back -- whether it's the darker implications of whatever research he's doing, or the full extent of his feelings. He feels he has to constantly simplify for other people, and you'll find that he doesn't quite seem to believe in other people's intelligence.

A huge chasm between what he says and what he really believes:
Although he'll claim vocally otherwise, his actions always convey the simple fact that his research is more important than anything else.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?
(If your character participated in the original Hunter metaplot, then you've already written a solo that explains their reasons! Just link to that with a brief (2-3 lines, max) summary.

If not: all Hunters are human, chosen from among ordinary humans for their extraordinary ability to detect "evil beings". This abilty has affected them their entire life. The original solo guidelines are here: while, as a quest character, you do not have to write a solo yet, you should keep those guidelines in mind! Use them to develop your character's past, and their reasons for signing their life away to become a Hunter.)

Weapon Ability
(A charged weapon can deliver a powerful attack in battle! This charged attack is like a limit break or other unique power, and is the Hunter equivalent of a student's FEAR ability.

The nature of a Hunter's charged attack is related to the weapon's original species. If your weapon was a mermaid, you can't have a charged attack that inflicts a stone-like temporary paralysis on your enemy - but you could do that with a weapon that was a gorgon.)

Don't forget to include what TYPE of Fear it is! For more information please see the FEAR guide:

Physical Description:

Please refer to this coat guide and this weapon guide!

Eye Colour:
Hair Colour/Style:
Skin Colour:
Clothing Style/Colours: (All Hunters wear a standard 'uniform': a white coat trimmed with gold with their class sigil on the back. They also always wear a colorful scarf/sash as part of their uniform. No matter what, these two items of clothing must be included in your Hunter's design!)
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!)