Nix'Annada had gone away a bit from her family. Ryu'Rage and Daemonascus appeared to be happy, content in their lifestyle now that he had grown to be of age and his memories come back to him. It seemed strange, she thought to herself, that she would be the one to bring him back into this world by birth when he had passed before that. Ryu'Rage had been so unhappy then, beside herself when he had disappeared. Rage had struggled with the conflict within herself for such a long time, but now, her rage within herself appeared to be under control.

Here , today, upon a mountain peak Nix'Annada peered downwards to a ravine.

Such a long time had passed, and she was unsure of what direction to take.

Would..she even be alive now?

Or would she have been reborn as well?

That day never sat well with the goddess of lightning, and sometimes, the faintest of memories visited her in dreams.

Something rumbled inside her, almost like beneath the stone in teh ravine as stormclouds blurred above her head. She cast her eyes upwards and took in a breath.

What would she find? What would she release upon this world?

Would her family be safe? Were they far enough away from this place, far enough away over distance that they could get away if she chose to find them?

Would they be strong enough? Did they have the strength, speed and stamina to fend her off, keep her away? What strength would she have after being sealed away for so long? How long would it take her to get the strength back?

It wasn't fair though - for what had happened to the child. So young, not even grown to know several moon phases. Only old enough to know the face of her mother, the one who had taken her away from the world.

As lightning split the sky above her in blue flashes, Nix flex down the ravine and stepped upon a slag that had broken away from the adjacent slat cliffside.

It seemed hollow, almost, underneath. Like a shell, like her sister had been, after everything she had been through. A shell of a former self who had made terrible choices, but had since moved on, had a family, and had found happiness. Would her child forgive? Could she forgive after all that had been done?

At least, that was the feeling her gut had, as it turned while she thought of what she was about to do.

Lightning broke again, and this time, engulfed her, drawn to the two sets of horns, the boom was tremendous and encompassed her, and rocks fell around her, breaking as they hit the energy.

Beneath her, she felt a lurch, as if the earth was breathing, forcing something up form its bowels.

But she knew what it truly was.

"Mkodi forgive me," she spoke as she concentrated, waited, and several lightning strikes came at once, striking her, but no pain was felt, she was the force, the energy itself, and the slag beneath her cracked and began to break. Crumbling in on itself.

Before the final pieces fell from beneath her, Nix opened her eyes, the energy bursting into nothingness and she flew upwards to her perch again and peered beneath herself into the darkness there.

Something moved, and a roar like thunder, though not with the strength of her son, erupted from the shadows. Silver eyes looked upwards as a taloned claw shot out from the dark and grasp the nearest, storm-shone rock.

The mass was not large, average at best, and weak, that Nix could tell. As the mass moved into the light of the bolts above her, she saw red, black, and familiar markings.

She had been alive...the entire time.

But how?

Nix's mind reeled, a hibernation of some kind? Some kind of defense?

How was it possible.

As the being came to one area, they stopped, breathing deep, seeming to relish the fresh air. Silver eyes met blue, and a snarl was evident.

She was too far beneath her grasp to help up, and the look on the red one's face was enough to keep Nix at bay. What she had done was enough...for now.

"Why?" the figure spoke.

Nix arched a brow, as if to question the question.

"Why did you release me?" The figure sneered, wondering if this goddess knew what she had done.

She was an entity of wrath, yes, but looked as if a mortal, no wings made for easy and manipulative cover.

"Because I've known...and had to know," Nix spoke. "It wasn't fair."

The silver-eyed lioness, immortal looked at her angry, full of wrath, a falling point of rage, all encompassing, but she, unlike her mother, had a bit more control...sometimes. "You knew?"


"Why did you wait this long?"

"I have my reasons," Nix spoke, "just as I had my reasons to release you. I know not what you will bring, what your intentions for this life are. But know this," Nix said sternly, "regardless of your realm, your being, if you come after my family, I will not hesitate, everything has a weakness, and sometimes, it is the most obvious."

Wrath laughed aloud, but nodded her head.

"I understand."

For now, at least.

"You granted me a gift, giving my life back, someday I will return a favor or two," she said as she struggled to climb. She, unlike many others of her kind, did not have the ability to fly without wings. Least, not that she knew of.

Nix nodded at her. At least there was some kind of understanding.

"The next time you see my mother, give her a message for me," wrath spoke, pulling herself to be level with Nix, on the opposite side of the ravine's chasm. Lightning broke above them. "Tell her to keep her distance, her life, away from mine. If she plans to meddle, ever, with my plans," she paused, sneered and snarled, "I will grant her the same gift she gave me as a child."
