Name: Tibby
Nicknames: Tib
Gender: Male
Age: Fifteen

Faction: Demon
Race: Nekomata
A cat that has been loved and taken care of for seven years. Their tail splits into two and they become a demon known as Nekomata.

Natural Ability: Shapeshifting
Tibby can change into the form he had a birth, that of a small house cat. Only now he has a split tail and he can go from the size of the smallest barn cat, to a good sized pony or small horse.

Tibby is a meek and jumpy demon. He loves fluffy things and enjoys watching birds, and eating them; if he can catch them, but you have to climb trees and those are high and what happens if you fall you will die! He can ramble and zone off just from watching something shiny. If you catch him at it, he might growl at you and stalk off all while denying the whole thing. When he forgets how scared of things he is, Tibby is very playful and always willing to help prank or trick someone. That’s one of his favorite things to do in fact, to trick people into making deals.

To Tibby deals are a demons life blood, without those where is the fun in anything! That he was once a cat doesn’t help this matter at all. He isn’t one to get angry not even when in a fight, but if someone were to try and slip out of one of his deals, well that just never going to happen. He is a cat after all; a grudge from him is for life and after. With his skittish personality you wouldn’t think Tibs could fight; but too much fear and Tibby’s brain shuts off. When this happens he fights until he drops. It takes a lot to get to that point so it’s not much of a worry. Someone who smells like him would be safe and dandy, often his friends will have his fur on their clothes or even his classmates. Do be warned though! Tibby likes to leave his fur on people and you will never get it off. Go ahead and buy a new wardrobe; soon you shall have more fur, muhaha!

Tibby’s unusual, and nearly obsessive attraction to shiny things can land him in trouble at times. He isn’t past stealing anything that catches his fancy then hiding them; this includes odd things like pen bottoms, which are so very shiny and sparkly; his now! When he trips into a zone of nearly frantic energy watch him run back and forth and even try climbing walls! This is the best instance to get him to do stuff because the worrying fear is out the window along with rest of his mind. I won’t tell. Still, you are far more likely to get toes and such bitten from under couches and chairs then get him to sit still long enough to listen. Or you might be used as a climbing post or the next jumping off point.

While he enjoys class, Tibby sometimes has a hard time paying attention and any remark on this will only have you ignored. That’s not to say he isn’t smart but he isn’t the best at many practical things out there. Still, if you are looking for a loyal friend and don't much like dogs; Tibby is your demon. Just be careful how you word things around him, he might offer you a deal.

Kitty demon deals:
All deals are final; all deals are made with the understanding that payment will be received. Go back on your deal or change your mind, you will be paying in a whole different way. To make a deal with any demon is a form of contract that can be paid even after death, but make a deal with a demon that’s a cat and you can be in a world of trouble. With the right words someone can get Tibby to do nearly anything. Once a deal is mentioned his short attention snaps into hyper focus and what you want will get done; just be careful because if you word anything wrong you might get your wish in a very unexpected way.

Do you want a blue nail polish? Well ask Tibby and he will get it for the price of your new silver pen; just don’t ask why Mary is now missing her new nail polish. Want to punish the werewolf jock that said you smell? Ask Tibby but opps! You didn’t word it right at all, and the werewolf just fell down the stairs. For this Tibby wants some of your fairy dust for a spell of his choice and he’s not saying what that is, but you are not happy! Upset he hurt the jock which you never wanted! You like were and you even found out that smelling to a werewolf is good! So you refuse to pay. Next time you wake up you're without a strand of hair and your skin is dyed a nasty bit of pink while every shirt you own has been torn up.

What comes first, the cat or the demon?
While Tibby is a demon now, he wasn’t always. Thanks to Halloween magic he doesn’t recall his house pet time, but he does still feel like a cat would. This gives all his thoughts and actions a good spin. While demons naturally have a wavering moral compass, Tibby has a broken one. He does and wants whatever he wants. Demons don’t like vampires, Tibby doesn’t care. If the vampire gives him something shiny he will like the vampire. Demons should be sophisticated and proper, for that he will pee on your couch.

When he likes someone he has no sense of personal space, and this is when he will swipe his face across someone’s shoulder or lean against them. To a cat that’s a sign of claiming them and marking them as his. It makes the special to him in a sea of beings and for Tibby it gives him a sense of comfort and safety. When it comes to a fight, that scent will come in handy. Tibby won’t ever hurt someone he thinks as his. In the sense of claiming a being doesn’t ever have to know, Tibby simply likes them and marks them so other cats and eve Beast kinds or beings with high sense will know. A giant sign saying back off and this is a protected person.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
Tibby was born in the human world as a house cat. He lived for seven years when suddenly he became a Nekomata. Found quickly he was taken straight to Halloween to grow and age safely. Tibby was to start his new life as a demon. He forgot all about his life with the humans, but his owner didn’t forget him. She called up a friend who swore he could call back her cat’s spirit who she was sure was dead. So he drew the circle and called for Tibby, the bad thing; it worked. Instead of getting a cat they got a Nekomata. A scared and frightened demon who had no idea where he was. His owner didn’t know what her cat was but the wannabe wizard did.

Poor Tibby was kept as the human’s personal demon and used to steal any and everything the man wanted. It was a few demons who stumbled upon him and brought Tibby back to Halloween. He was of school age, and now scared. His demon name was out. So he signed up to Amityville Academy where he could learn to protect himself but what’s more, he could learn to scare the humans back and teach them why they shouldn’t play with demons.

FEAR Ability:
The Cats Cry; A long mournful, and helpless cry that turns into a screech of anger.
This cry can help cause the feeling of despair.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour:
Hair Colour/Style:
Skin Colour:
Clothing Style/Colours: (Remember, everything should be Halloween-inspired! Creepy is good!)
Extra: (Your character's special features: wings, tail, pointy ears, fangs, whatever else that isn't covered above.)
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!)