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Morath had never been a happy lioness in her lifetime. In fact; the only one who had ever seen her smile; was her thrall and that was because he was around her all the time. She had left him in the den with the task of organizing her things (which she had tried to organize herself but failed miserably at) and was now on the task of collecting some things to make talismans.

Around her neck lay multiple stone, bone and feather pendants and necklaces; all clanging as she walked. She would explain to anyone who asked, which trinket meant 'what'; but most of the time she'd leave it as a vague mystery. Truth was she simply liked most of them; though one in particular did have more meaning than that.

She had a basket strapped to her back and a little bit of a pep to her step. This was a rare thing for Morath. She had visitors earlier in the week and it had brought her a bit of a good vibe and today seemed to be a good day to stretch her legs and get some air.