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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[PRP] Lucky Bunny (Mathias and Solia)

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Trash Husband

PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:09 pm
The haunted house grounds were by far, the most quiet, yet in comparison, the greenhouse of the house proper was a cacophony. Plants were regularly misted and the humid air made it stifling. The dripping of water, the hiss and caws of minipets echoed all around and the only escape was outside the glass door,s out in the open air.

Door that Solia couldn't get through fast enough, gasping for fresh air, having fled the greenhouse and it's hostile habitat. Outside it was cool, calm, if a bit more FEAR saturated. Sitting on a nearby bench, she slouched, weapon glowing a faint blue before returning to her hand as a ring.
"Much better." She muttered to herself.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:31 pm
Mathias had no idea how he had gotten here.

The young wolpertinger had been walking along the halls of Amity, eyes carefully averted as usual to keep himself from making eye contact with any trouble makers (also known as ghouls). There was a slight skip in his step, combined with an upturning of his lips that had never been present before. He was feeling quite different, lately, like his life had just taken a slight shift but most definitely one for the better.

With his inability to look up and watch properly where he was going, however, he found himself soon ducking into what was a completely unfamiliar hallway. All sounds of students traipsing through hallways, chatting, laughing, died out behind him and his ears twitched back as he looked up to find himself quite alone in an area he was certain he had never been to before.

Frowning, he had thought for a moment about going back, but something inside of him spurned him onward, a curious part that wanted to see just what was at the end of this hallway. A door, apparently, but one that when he opened, led to a place he had most definitely never been to before.

He let the door slide off of clawed fingers as he stepped over the threshold and into the world beyond. Trees, dead and clawing up towards the sky were what had first greeted his gaze, but beyond that was where his eyes rested, on a house, old and dilapidated. Something about it was just as enticing as the curiosity that had led him to these grounds to begin with, and he followed what he saw, until he was through the tree's and into the clearing beyond, gaze lifting in wonder.

"Unglaublich!" He exclaimed, ears folding back and eyes widening, all the while completely unaware that he was not quite alone.



Ice-Cold Hunter




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:15 am
German was a hard language. It grated and alarmed if you didn't hear it often and understood it. It was a language that held a certain robust quality to it, where as French was seen as 'fancy' or generally 'weaker'. To Solia, German was just loud. So to hear something in german so suddenly made her jump up alert, wondering just what had happened, who had said it, and did she need to worry about international things like who had the better band and pop rock singers?

(She said Germany won rock, but the French would forever dominate pop.)

Weapon in hand looking around like a small startled dog, Solia's hair bounced around her face as she called out 'Hello? Is everything alright?"

Because clearly whatever a person had said would be a sign of distress.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:59 am
Crouching down slowly in front of the house, Mathias was already making small, crawling jumps towards it, head lifting higher as he sniffed at the air, nose wiggling, and a clawed finger lifting to scratch at one of his side burns as he contemplated exactly what he was seeing. The air itself smelled quite differently then that of the grounds of Amity, and that was enough to make him suddenly wary of his situation. But more then that was another scent in the air, something completely unfamiliar. It accosted his nostrils and wrinkled up his nose as he frowned, and just as he was about to turn towards where the smell was coming from, a voice called out instead.

A very feminine voice. He instinctively ducked his head down and fixated his gaze firmly on the ground. From his crouched position, he looked very much like a small, shy, submissive, rabbit like creature.

"Hallo. Everything is being fine!" He called back, slowly straightening up from his position. "Vas just finding self bit lost. Is not Amityville, here. Is not anyvhere I have been seeing before." He swallowed a little, the scent now that he had turned towards where the ghoul was located stronger now, and while the wolpertinger might have often boasted his own strength and courage, this incredibly new and foreign place with it's strange smells had him quite quickly on edge.

"Is this your home? If so am sorry for intrusion. Vill be going back promptly."



Ice-Cold Hunter




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:12 pm
Oh god. Oh god she couldn't see where the voice was coming from. It was a ghost. She'd gone and found an intangible ghost. She was doomed. How could she defend herself from what she couldn't see? Doomed.


A thing.

A thing with bunny ears. Cute bunny ears. Obviously not a ghost. Thus?
Nothing to worry too much about. "Uh, no! No oh my gosh no, I don't live here!" She blushed, waving her hands to dismiss the thought. "I don't anyone lives here! I'm a bit lost too really, the haunted house is always confusing. I'm sorry if I intruded on you though!" She stared, hoping that maybe bunnies just sometimes were scary enough to merit students.

"I don't mean anyone any harm really. I just escaped the green house and was resting is all."

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:37 am
Mathias was more then prepared to bolt. The utter tenseness in his stance suggested that he could do so at any moment, though his ears swiveled forward as the ghoul spoke, and while he was keeping his eyes somewhere off to the side of where she stood, he was slowly beginning to move his gaze closer towards her, but down, focusing on her legs, on the hem of a white jacket....

"Nein! No! No harm!" He suddenly found himself blushing as well when she apologized to him, a pink that brightened his cheeks as well as flushing his ears, when it was quite obvious that she had been here first. His head began to raise slowly, just slightly, enough to see her waist, but no higher. With the head movement, however, he would have quite easily revealed the long, protruding fangs that went nearly down to his chin, and the dark, blood red of his eyes, with narrow, cat like pupils. It would have been more obvious at that point that he wasn't just a rabbit, and if the proof wasn't all over his face, then the wings that rustled up nervously at his back would have been a dead give away.

"See, ve are both vishing no harm then." He began to relax slightly, but that smell. She was not of Halloween, that much he was certain.

"Please be excusing for forvard questioning but...vut is it that you are?"



Ice-Cold Hunter




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:36 am
Oh. No harm? She-


Fangs and wings and horns to boot. Maybe bunny wasn't so fluffy but really just another spookster who she technically had to fight because 'hunter things'. Butttt cute ears. She'd stick to not fighting wither. No point if they meant no harm. "That's nice for a change. Most just attack me or get confused then we fight and get hurt and all in all it's not very helpful to anyone you know?"

She relaxed, sitting back down. "Oh? You don't? Oh gosh well. I'm a human. A lady human. Apparently the lady part is important to some halloweeners so I can respect that. Lady bits and feelings and cultural associations- Apparently its an issue in any world I guess."

She pat the bench.
"You're more than welcome to join me. I don't feel too keen to braving the green house again anytime soon."
PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:08 pm
The ghoul's words shocked Mathias. Even though the young wolpertinger loved to fight, often reveling in the exhilaration of it all, he would never just straight out attack without first talking, without first agreeing that a battle should happen. It was just not his way. And though he had his issues with ghouls, and would happily avoid them if he could, it was never an excuse to be used to physically harm them. Though, if she had attacked him without cause, well then, that would have been a different matter entirely.

"Vould fight if you if you vere to be asking for vun." He was frowning when he said it. "But vould not be attacking vhen you do not seem to be vanting to cause harm." That made sense, right?

She went on to explain what she was, and the answer she gave him was actually more shocking then what she had said before, and Mathias's eyes widened even more. "A..a human? But...But how is possible?" His eyes could at least see that she was patting the bench next to her, and she was offering him a chance to sit down beside her. Hesitantly, he took a couple of steps forward, booted feet scuffing against the ground.

"Oh um, am Mathias. Am ein Volpertinger." He introduced himself, stopping while he was still a few feet away.

"Ve are not in Halloveen, then. Am I in human vorld somehow?" Of course he had already pretty much figured that out, though she had called this place the haunted house. "Or you vould be uh..how to vord....Blowing up?" That's what happened when humans entered Halloween, right? Was that not what he'd been taught?



Ice-Cold Hunter




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:23 pm
There was a low hum from Solia as she shrugged, slouching, looking upwards at the sky. It wasn't the pumpkin sky of halloween nor the human sky of blue, the reflection of the water covered world. "Volpertinger." She said it again, accent and all. "German? I am French. Your accent is harsh, like theirs. Sooo.."She sounded the letters out in her head.

"Wolpertinger." Her voice gave a tilt to it, her French altering how it was pronounced by just a hair.

"I will research that when I get home. It's nice to meet you Mathias. I'm Solia, Solia Delacroix. To me fighting isn't fun. It's... a hazard. Hunters and halloween.. even if it was for fun I don't think it would end well. We heal differently. There is too much to risk for the sake of a spar." She shook her head, sighing again. Slouching until she slipped from the bench onto the ground lazily.

"This isn't halloween though. Not entirely." She held up her hand for him to touch. "We're at a crossroads. Think of it like, the space between a portal. Its a spot that connects out worlds. One foot in one world, the other in our own. It's one of the few places like this. Where we might both exist as one. But.. long term exposure can harm us. You a lack of FEAR, us, an expose to it. Normal Humans fall ill, Hunters can only last so long."

She smiled. "It's always changing though, so, on good days, it's actually a bit fun to explore!"

PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:30 am
German? That was a word he wasn't quite familiar with. He was aware that his own language was different then some others, that some spoke it and some did not, that he had to learn a new language to be able to communicate with others in school but...he had never given how he spoke a name before.

"Yes, Volpertinger." He confirmed with a small nod of his head. Hesitating slightly, he moved even closer to the bench she sat on, stopping when his clawed hand could rest on it, still not raising his eyes to meet hers.

"Research? Like vith books and libarary?" It was surprising to him to find out that human's would have any information on his own kind. "Is pleasure to be meeting you, Solia." He tapped a claw against the bench, frowning to himself as she continued to speak.

"Fighting is fun for me, for my kind. Ve fight to prove ourselves, to show our strength. Ve fight for place in pack. I am...not best fighter. Vas alvays too small." Still was, really. "But is still very enjoyable for me. Am most having fun vhen sparring or fighting vith others."

She slipped to the ground all of a sudden, bringing her face into view of his eyes before he knew what was happening. His body, for one brief moment, went completely rigid with surprise.

And then, quite abruptly, relaxed, as he melted to the ground next to her, gazing at her face in wonder. She spoke, and held up her hand, and he barely heard what she said, though he reached out to touch his hand against hers as she intended for him to to do. Some of what she had to say at that moment seemed awfully important. Lack of Fear. Falling ill. But...

"...You are most beautiful." He sighed.



Ice-Cold Hunter




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:13 pm
She nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! Life and Death both have HUGE databases. Plus the library on the island is big. WE can get almost anything FEAR related. I mean, so long as it's in media? Legend? Lore of some sort and recorded? We probably have it."

The touch was met with a small smile, gently she ran her fingers over his own. "It's strange to me you see. I know you're a thing of FEAR, something that can kill me, that I'm supposed to fight yet- I can't. I don't wish to. To me there isn't a point to it since all it does is make our kind scared of each other- in a not good way." Looking up, her smile brightened at his compliment.

"Thank you. Not many guys say that to me. But- I think the fact you can find me beautiful- doesn't that say a lot about us? FEAR is good, it's healthy, but when taken to far it hurts. Just like any fight. It can be fun but if it goes to far-"

Her hand dropped. "I want to live in a world where it's okay to be afraid, to be scared. But yet, safe. Peaceful. That's my dream. It's why I guess... I don't want to fight."

"Why hearing you call me beautiful makes me hope that I'm not so stupid for thinking that way."

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:23 am
She was still talking. Quite a lot in fact, but Mathias was finding it exceedingly difficult to listen. He was distracted, struck by her beautiful female looks, her pretty eyes, the way she was running her fingers over his. His ears had completely wilted, and a dopey smile had spread across his face.

But one thing she said did stand out, and his look changed to one of horror for just a moment. "Oh. Oh vould never be killing! Not you! Vould do anything you are vishing but could not do that!" His words were hurried, with an anxious edge to them. "Vould not fight vith either." He finished, with a small shake of his head, before going back to admiring her, moving in closer, staring at her with rapt attention.

Her hand dropped away, and there was a fleeting sadness within him.

"But are very beautiful. Am meaning it! And not stupid, either. Are smart, very much smart. If needing help, vith anything, vill be happily giving."



Ice-Cold Hunter




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 12:25 pm
He was like a rabbit really. Soft and gentle- but then her own ideas and notions were just that. Her own. He was good in her eyes. Someone who was open and really, shouldn't be pulled into a fight that was so morbid in a way that wouldn't have been appealing to halloween either.

"You're sweet." She sighed, pulling away a bit from him.
"I might ask for your help one day- but not today. Rather... I'd like to just be your friend if such a thing is possible. I don't want to see you hurt... so I'll do what I can to protect you. It might not be much but it's what I can do." She winked and stood up, dusting herself off.

"How's that sound? We'll be friends! Secret hunter and halloween friends!"

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:39 pm
Her voice rang like a thousand sweet bells, a most beloved sound, words falling from her delicate mouth and blessing his over sized ears with their sweetness.

"Are too kind." He mumbled, softly, his cheeks still stained red from his both his embarrassment and his desire to do anything that the ghoul would wish of him in order for him to make her happy. When she pulled away again, he felt as if he had done something wrong, and a stricken look crossed his face.

But when she explained, that today was not the day that she would need him, but another day instead, he felt better. "Of course, any time you are needing me, just be finding and vill help. Of course." He reassured her, his words hurried and tinged with anxiety. "Vill be friend also. Vill be most happily your friend. Do not be vorrying about me. Am not needing protecting." From what would he need to be protected? He was not afraid of anything.

She stood up, and he followed, springing to his full height of 4'8" (minus the ears and antlers). "Friends." He agreed, with a rapid nodding of his head, and then....

"But vhy secret?"



Ice-Cold Hunter

{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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