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She had said a tearful goodbye to Hadeth and had promised if she had the chance to come visit her she would. She'd have to remember the name of that pride she had told her about. She was going to miss her dear friend very much, though she could have cared less about Iregi. He was a pompous a** sometimes but he had been starting to grow on her, slightly. She much rather liked the fact that she was going to be with Asha and this new guy. She didnt even know his name!

She padded quietly towards the area she had put to memory and she saw the familiar sight of thick bushes and she got a happy grin on her face and picked up her pace a little bit. She came within talking distance and she looked around. She wondered if anyone was awake yet, it was kind of early. "Hello? Anyone awake?" She wasn't comfortable enough with just walking in there yet.

Safuraa was humming softly to himself, sorting through some long reeds that he thought could be made into a nice basket if he was careful enough.I could be used to carry herbs, he though, if Kilua needed them, or other such things.

Now only if he could get it right! He paused, ears flicking towards a noise. A voice? A voice he recognized, in fact. Anju! Who had run off as she introduced herself.

"I am!" He called. "Hello, Anju!" He was beaming, chipper as ever.

She was almost confused for a moment but she had recalled she had told him her name but never waited to get his. She recognized his voice right away though. Was he in the bushes? She didn't see him around in the open. Where are you?" She asked looking around and then she realized he must be in the shrubbery.

She peeked her head through and realilzed it was a much larger spot than she had though inside the saftey of the greens. "So this is where you're hiding?" She said with a small smile. She was happy to see her enthusiastic friend and she didn't want to intrude without an invite. "Is it okay if I come in?"

"Here!" He called when she asked, still examining the reeds. He needed to matched similar-lengthed ones. But oh, that could wait! It could definitely wait.

"Come right on in!" He gestured, grinning at her. "Wasn't really hiding, this was just a nice place." He gave a small laugh. "I'm Safuraa, by the way. You ran off way before I could tell you my name in return."

He shifted to give her more space among his spot, though it was quite spacious. Bit of the area had reeds on it, but most of it was safe to walk on for anyone. "It's nice to meet you!"

She saw him not to far away working on something, it appeared to be a basket. She smiled as he gestured for her to come in and she moved through the bushes trying not to trip on any of the branches. She came over to where he had made a spot and she sat down and looked at the reeds he had laying around.

She looked at him as he gave her his name and she smiled and laughed a little embarrassed. "Its nice to meet you Safurra. Sorry about that." She probably could have waited a minute more for him to tell her his name, but she knew it now.

"What are you working on?" She gestured to all his reeds

"It's quite alright," he was quick to assure the leopardess. "I'm working on a basket! It'll hopefully be able to strap around the shoulders for easier carrying." He wasn't quite sure on the logistics yet, though.

"I make them for Miss Kilua sometimes when she's busy." He gave a pause, pitching forward a bit to re-organize some of the reeds so they would fit better.

He had an idea, suddenly! "Would you like to learn?"

She listened as he explained what he was doing and she could tell that it was going to turn out quite lovely when he was done. She watched as he re arranged some of the reeds and she looked over at him with an excited expression on her face. "Yes! I would like that very much." She wasn't sure where to start or what to grab first.

She looked around and then looked back at him and gave a small grin. "So, where do i start?" She was excited and she realized that whatever she started making probably wasn't going to turn out nearly as good as his.

"We have to start six or eight really long reeds that are the same lenghth," he started, pointed out the ones he had arranged into a star. shape. round baskets were often a lot easier then square ones. "After that, the reeds just need to be long enough to wrap around the basket at least once.

Having paws, it was very difficult to weave. It took a lot of patience and time, but he managed it just fine. He started the slow weave around the center to demonstrate.

She watched him with fascination as he started to position the reeds into a design and started to weave. It looked like a delicate process and she wasn't sure she'd have the finesse in order to pull it off. "Can I use some of those?" She pointed to a stack of them nearby she didn't want to grab some that were already set aside for something else.

Safuraa looked over at the pile she was referring to and grinned. "Sure! I always pick a lot just in case I run out." it was very easy to midjudge how many you needed, especially if they were different sizes. "But I think I got enough." He told her. Especially if he kept the baskets small, then it would be more than enough.

She smiled and she selected a few and laid them out like he had showed her and looked over to how he had done it. "Like this?" She asked folding some of the reeds over. "I think it's good that you keep extra." She smiled and once she had what he had done so far she looked up towards him. "Now what do I do?" She asked excitedly as she looked down at what she had so far.

"Yep, that looks right!" However, sometimes things looking right didn't mean they would turn out correctly in the end. One mistake could ruin a basket, but she looked like she was on the right track.

"You take a long reed now, and you weave them in between the others," he showed her on his own basket, slowly, so she could see. "Like that~"

She smiled at his praise but she knew it probably wouldn't turn out as good as one of his. This was going to be a challenge for her, at least she figured it would. She looked over as he picked up a long reed and started to weave it in and out of the ones they already had started and she watched him carefully and tried to mimic his behavior a couple of tries before she finally got it and she watched as he continued with his slow pace so she could see and learn. She finally got it started and she looked over at him for the next step. "Now what do we do?"

"Once we have the base," he started to explain to her, "You start the sides. It can be a bit tricky, since it has to stay pretty even all around." Sometimes he had to redo baskets because he couldn't keep them even and the structure was weak, so they would fall apart.

Anju seemed to be doing a really good job so far though.

Oh dear. Stay even the whole way around? Was she going to be able to do it? She was sure she might be able to. She watched his steps and methods and figured she'd give it a shot and continue forward. She wasn't one to give up completely, despite her vocalized opinions. She sat there, for what seemed like hours, and probably was only the course of an hour, maybe less, working on the basket trying her best to keep it straight and even. She finally decided that it had to be done and she was afraid to look at his for fear hers was purely horrid. "Did I do this right?" She asked showing him her finished product. She was probably going to take a nap after this, she found that traveling had caught up to her. "Is it okay if I sleep over there?" She asked pointing to a spot not to far away that looked cozy.

Safuraa inspected the basket, smiling brightly at Anju. "It looks great!" It wasn't the best, but for the first try it was fantastic.

He paused. Tired! Oh no, he didn't want to keep her up. "Oh! Feel free. I didn't mean to keep you up Miss Anju," He smiled at her as she went to the spot. He stretched, checking over his basket.

After checking that it was fine, he stretched out further, resting his head on his paws, intending to sleep as well.

She gave him a smile as he praised her basket and she looked down at it. She didn't think it looked as good as one of his but his praise reassured her. "Thank you." She got up and she moved over to the spot she had motioned to and she curled up and she gave him a warm smile. glance. "You didn't keep me up. Thank you." She laid down her head and she went to sleep.