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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Halloween Subspace } --- Quests and character approval
[Enrollment] Kenta the Pricolici ~ accepted

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robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:18 pm
Enrollment: I won a custom from the Wonderland event, was contacted by TiH mule :3
Name: Kenta
Nicknames: none
Gender: Male
Age: 18 (he died when 17 and has been undead for a year) Mental age is still that of a teenager :3

Faction: Undead
Race: Pricolici (undead werewolf)

Natural Ability: • Shapeshift: As in life, the Pricolici is able to transform between a human form and a monstrous wolf form. Unlike a werewolf, however, their transformations outside of Halloween are unpredictable and can't be counted on to only happen by moonlight alone. (official version)
..............Skull pin keep this from happening when worn! The unpredictability is caused by his emotions. When he gets too scared, angry, or upset, his control wavers.

Personality: Kenta is a good boy, yes he is~ *Growls* Okay maybe not the good boy he used to be....
Uncertainty and Anger Issues: The wild wolf in him does not like being looked down upon for being a zombie and he bites when people try to tease or snub him for it. He is very uncertain as to who he actually is.. the loss of his memory and the fact that all these strange people know him... it's made him very uncertain and lost. So he lashes out to cover the feelings. Who was he? Who is he now? Since he is now undead he doesn't fit in with them anymore, so Kenta is looking for a new pack.. one that won't make him feel like he's lost or make his heart hurt for reasons he cannot remember.

Slightly Optimistic: While he does feel lost a lot, he does have a very optimistic outlook on his life. To him, he is a blank slate and that means opportunity and a chance to make something of himself. He tries to look on the brighter side of things. Like his death: sure he died (and lost all his memories) but hey, he's still here! He may not be the same, but at least he's still alive!.. Sorta.

Loyal: Not only is he a dog, but he's an undead dog.. .double dose of servility! Kenta is not the alpha in his pack. He just doesn't have the charisma nor mind for it.
When he finds a friend, he'll stick by them and be the best wing man ever! Except for picking up chicks....
He'll follow other's ideas rather than make his own as he finds doing things far more fun and interesting than thinking up things to do. Not that he's stupid, he just does't like to think tactically or about the consequences. Because a Skeleton found him after his death, Kenta looks favorably upon all skeletons; he's quite happy that the dead sections of his body have all rotted away and left him looking half skeletal. He is far more likely to follow a strange Skeleton's orders or listen to their opinions than he is a non Skeleton stranger. Sometimes this goes too far. If he trusts you, he often won't see the wrong that you may be doing and will believe you innocent..even when you aren't.

Hyper and Social: Kenta loves to be doing things. He adores physical activities and competitive sports. It's very irritating that some people view him as slow and stupid though because of his Zombie allegiance now. Board or card games aren't his favorite games, though the social interaction of them he loves. Kenta, being the pack member that he is, likes to be around people. Being left alone make's him sad and his mind starts thinking about those lost memories, so he does his best to avoid being in lonesome situations. Sometimes he'll go and cause trouble just to get attention and be with people.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
The Skeleton who pulled him from the water and cared for him in the year since his death has told Kenta to go to this school, learn, make friends, make a name for himself. Kenta comes in hopes of finding a place for himself, a new pack.

FEAR Ability:
Type: The Barrier (Supportive type move) :: Creates a 'shield' that nullifies incoming damage.

Drowning Man's Howl: Kentra howls in a loud chilling wail that sounds like a voice coming from under the water- really echoing, cold, and hungry.
Affects the opponent somehow (fear, irritation, startled by creepy sound/loud noise or what ever, their choice) and they aren't hitting quite as hard for some reason.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Physical Description:
Eye Colour: Well, the one that is on his left side is a nice amber gold... the left eye has rotted away leaving an empty socket.
Hair Colour/Style: Right side is shaved: he got tired of the hair falling out all the time cause that part of him is slightly dead. He's had that side tattooed up (and when the skin eventually rots away, he'll have the skull lightly carved and painted). The left side is kept long and braided, usually having colorful beads and carved bones intertwined in the braids. Silver streaked black hair. (silver cause the Pricolici apparently have silverish fur?)
Skin Colour: brown (he was originally a black furred werewolf)
Clothing Style/Colours: Kenta likes wearing vests with intricate and colorful embroidery and loose pants with pockets. No shoes as he dislikes them. He does not try to hide the skeletal parts, in fact he sometimes flaunts it. Exact design I leave up to the artist!

Extra: Kenta is half-skeletal! The right side of his body is partially rotted away (he does have a certain... scent about him because of it...) and his arm, leg and lower face are all bone.
He has his wolf ears and tails: they remain black as they were in life (as he grows, I guess I'll change them to silvery?)
He has scars about his left ankle... they weren't there before he died his family has told him.
References:A ref by me
another ref : Rotted bits would look like this: Right leg is also rotted and all skeletal like the arm.
Adorb Chibi's from Wonderland Event! by amicableAgressor by Syusaki

extra non form stuff: Put in spoiler case it's not necessary to read.

History: (cause I feel like putting it down!) Need help on fixing it up and getting ideas....

Before his death, Kenta was a typical, happy go lucky werewolf. Not overly rambunctious, was quite playful and friendly, and a god big brother. Then he went on a hunt with his father in the Halloween world (hands on lessons and all that). But he got separated/lost and encountered something... he cannot remember nor does anyone else.
All he knows is that it involved blood and water... he's sure of it. Maybe it's why he craves blood so much and fears the water?
He has a fear of water.... after his death, sometimes he has really bad nightmares of drowning and there's weights tied about his paws.... Which means he hates taking B. A .T. H. S. even more now than he did before his death (rain's good enough for keeping clean!)

He does know that when he woke up from death he was lying along the banks of a river and a skeleton was pulling him out of the water. Said skeleton helped him get back to Halloween town (Kenta was very lucky he kept his passport about his neck in a water tight tube attached to a collar....). Thanks to the passport he knew his name... Kenta. But everything else was gone, missing. He didn't recognize the people who came to get him after word was gotten to them that their son had been found, though he felt an odd ache in his chest. Their reaction upon seeing his rotting limbs made him angry and hurt, as did the fact that he was not welcome back to the pack. The Skeleton has told him this is normal, the Undead have a total severing of the past. He is to not look back but go forward instead.

The only one who remotely keeps contact with him is his father. The old man feels responsible and guilty for what happened... but all he does is send letters.

Details on Looks and plots:
Scent: due to his undead nature, Kenta carries about him the scent of damp earth and bone. It isn't a very pleasant smell... but he seems to be immune to his own scent.
Right side of head: The right side of his head is slightly dead, due to the minimal amount of muscle there it hasn't rotted away yet. Though once he grows that ear will be gone and he'll have skull showing. Said skull will be lightly carved and painted at times.
Ears: Hmm. I think he'll have wolf ears! Long pointed ears would also work if the tips were dyed either black or white.
Fur/Hair: Black for now, though as he grows he whitens up.

Plot: Kenta needs to meet a new pack.. He isn't an alpha at all so I'll need to find him one. Could be female or male as Kenta's pack has both an Alpha Male and Female who co-rule; as such he doesn't see anything wrong with following a female's orders.

Likes: Running, hanging out, doing active things, things that have a honey or spicy flavor. Singing (he's not to good, mostly just loud and enthusiastic), Bacon (even if it makes his tummy upset, he still eats it!)
Dislikes: Deep water (baths, pools, rivers, oceans....), Fire! (wolf and undead both hate this part!), Loneliness.

Hobbies: Burying things. (he's a dog... ) He likes to hide things in a chest and bury it, making a map for later which he hides. Yes.. Poor Kenta goes on treasure hunts for his own treasure emotion_facepalm

Food: Because he has difficulty eating cooked meat, Kenta tends to keep a stash of freshly killed meat in his room (ice boxes are best thing ever!) Bacon is one of the few cooked meats he adores and will eat at any chance. He doesn't mind veggies.. but only eats them if they're crunchy/squeaky. He hates the mushy ones! Fruit he loves! Bread is.. okay. He'll eat it if it's hot, otherwise it makes him choke. He does not have a sweet tooth at all; cinnamon and honey is really the only sweet things he likes.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:19 pm
Info stashing for me to reference!

Gotten from here

Pricolici are undead souls that have risen from the grave to harm living people. In death a pricolici always resembles a wolf or large dog. Malicious, violent men are often said to become pricolici after death, in order to continue harming other humans.

Romanian folklore delineates that Pricolici are werewolves in life and after they die, return as vampires.

Even as recently as modern times, many people living in rural areas of Romania have claimed to have been viciously attacked by abnormally large and fierce wolves. Apparently, these wolves attack silently, unexpectedly and only solitary targets. Victims of such attacks often claim that their aggressor wasn't an ordinary wolf, but a pricolici who has come back to life to continue wreaking havoc.

In Halloween, Pricolici are distinguishable by their most often silver fur (though it can be other colors), dead eyes, and long vampire-like fangs. Various states of exposed bone are often present, and there is sometimes accompanying signs of attempts at beheading on their bodies.

Their diet consists of raw and bloody meat, as cooked food may have a negative reaction to their bodies, and the safest thing for their diet-wise is simply raw blood, and safer still is to simply ingest raw FEAR to maintain themselves. Sometimes a Pricolici who tastes human blood will become consumed by a lust for it to the point where it can be physically devastating for them.

Like a vampire, Pricolici tend to react badly to being in the sunlight, silver, and garlic.

In terms of social structure, Pricolici distinctly lack one due to the fact that they tend to not find each other, as well as the fact that Pricolici do not spawn other Pricolici, but rather living Werewolves instead. However, it can be said that male Pricolici are more aggressive than females are, and thus in human mythology have been seen more often.

Pricolici tend to be werewolves who were killed by humans using currently unknown methods (Hunters??).

Undead Stuff

Racial Abilities:
Resilience and Resistance: All undead are startlingly resilient, even though they might look like they're ready to fall apart. The undead don't need pesky things like air or blood circulation or sleep or even a complete skeletal system to keep on going, and they have a surprisingly high resistance to pain. Their endurance and fortitude surpasses that of any other faction.

Falling to Pieces: Ready to fall apart, you say? No problem! If they do fall apart, many types of undead can simply put themselves back together. Skeletons and skeletal creatures are best at this; even fleshy undead can put themselves back in working order with a simple needle and thread. However, some undead (like Vampires) look down on this practice and prefer to straight up dissipate and have their limbs automatically replaced.
Note that this ability involves replacement of an undead's own body parts only: if your arm falls off, you can put it back on without too much trauma. You cannot replace it with a random arm you found lying on the side of the road unless your species' natural ability (i.e. the Patchworks' Interchangeable Parts) permits you to!

Racial Weakness:
FIRE: All undead have an instinctive fear of fire - sensible, given that they are highly flammable and burn much easier than other races. And it's not so easy to fix that kind of damage! A candle or burner may make an undead nervous; an inferno may well prompt utter mindless fear that shortcuts all logical responses. Fire bad.

Social Stigma. Undead are often viewed as stupid, slow, smelly creatures, and even the brightest, fastest, cleanest of undead have to deal with this pervading stereotype. It gets tiring, okay? And sometimes it's just not worth dealing with other races when you have to fight that all the time.

Minion Tendencies. Many undead feel better with a strong leader/creator/master - usually not another undead. Always looking to other races for leadership doesn't exactly help with the social stigma thing, especially when the most highly regarded undead - vampires - are busy trying to look as not undead as they possibly can.

- Pricolici::
xxxxxCommon Desc: It is said when a werewolf is killed prematurely and their head is not removed, they rise again as a monstrous vampire with wolf-like tendencies. Pricolici are considered to be mostly aggressive males simply because the more demure ones, as well as the females, are smart enough to stay out of sight and hide up their presence as well as possible. They favor attacking lone targets rather than groups and may, in some cases, suffer a milder form of the bloodlust that vampires do. Pricolici cannot be born from a pumpkin because of their origins. Their children are always born as live werewolves.
xxxxxNatural Ability:
xxxxxxxxxx • Shapeshift: As in life, the Pricolici is able to transform between a human form and a monstrous wolf form. Unlike a werewolf, however, their transformations outside of Halloween are unpredictable and can't be counted on to only happen by moonlight alone

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:35 pm
Participant in the Wonderland Event
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Mini's and Items He's won
[ March Hare ]:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

[ Red Pawn Lupia ]: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

[ Magiban Timekeeper ]: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

[ Wonderland Cat Rabbit ]: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

[ Horsefly ]: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:38 am
robot kitten

Pricolis are fantastic! Just in case you needed, demon_pachabel has one of the oldest characters in the shop, and she's a Pricoli! So if you need any help with anything, or if you have any questions species-wise, she's a great person to ask! C:

Nat Ability > Totally fine! But just so you know, students are required to wear a little skullpin while at school that prevents them from shifting and contains them to a humanoid form! They can shift while not in classes / elsewhere by taking off the pin, but within the main class builidngs, etc. etc. he wouldn't be able to shift!

Also it is very rare that your student will be outside of Halloween, unless it's during metas / events / etc, and usually during those times students are required to wear their pins (unless otherwise stated), so worrying about transformations outside of Halloween isn't necessary. C:

FEAR > Also sounds good!

Really well done so far, best of luck to you! heart


Dramatic Marshmallow

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:14 pm

Such useful things those pins are! XD Thanks~ I shall keep that in mind!
I actually did look at that journal and grab some info on Pricolis from there :3  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:16 am
Queens Quests Crit~

Approval pert-
age- is he mentally 18 or lower/higher? I ask as I've run into quests where people say 'looks 18 but really are 85746456 years old and know all this blah blah blah-" which while great... unless they are mentally teen age/HS age, they really would be enrolled. Just say how mentally old they are/if mental and physical ages r same/for species is age X or some such.

Ability- The lines about the human world would not apply, as most halloweeners do not regularly go into the human world. Shapeshifting in halloween is usually done by will. If him randomly shifting is a problem, it would likely be due to a lack of proper training or perhaps an outside trigger like a sneeze or perhaps internal like an emotional outburst.

FEAR- The barrier is a great FEAR attack, but what you have written seems more like a variant of tainted fang only w/o damaging? I get the angle but it seems just a bit off? IDK on this one. Workable, but worth a second look perhaps.

Note- I would DEF contact demon_pachabel in regards to the species of Pricolici. Aside from it being a courtesy, I know she had to go by a very set part of rules and such due the the 'hybrid' status of a Pricolici. iirc, she's actually limited in what abilities she can/cannot do. I'm not sure since I've not gotten too in depth with her about it, but I do know she's had to run by set standard as the species runs on the very thin line that is a 'hybrid' species.
Her student also is from a period when the shop's rules were a LOT different, so some info she has might actually be not useable for you D: RE: Any human world contact/orgins or such.

Because I'm not sure on a lot of the species info and what is and isn't set, I'll leave my crit here for now, witholding the personality until species/age/history and whatnot is sorted. Again, pachabel will have the knowledge I lack, and will at the very least be able to let you know what she had/has to work from in terms of current shop rules and canons.

robot kitten




Trash Husband

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:29 pm
Thanks! I'll go ad address your points I finish studying for my test tomorrow :3
Will definitely contact said person~


Finally got around to addressing this.
Age is only 18, and he's been dead for a year so he's still a teen :3 I liked the idea that his emotions influence his control over the shifting, so I've edited in a blurb stating that when he gets upset/afraid/angry he loses control over the shape.

As for fear, I am wanting to do something with a howl, but not a damaging attack. Something that is used to protect others. Always up for more crits/ideas on how to achieve this :3

I've shot a PM off to demon for advice and stuff as well~

May also end up changing his personality a bit cause as I was RP-ing him in the wonderland event, he changed and grew XD
Though like you, I think I'll wait to hear back from demon before editing the personality and stuff~  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:00 am
Putting this hear for later reference: (sorry for quote demon!)


It actually looks like you delved into the mythos I made for the shop (as I was the only Pricolici owner up until your quest! SHEHK SAYS SHE WANTS TO MAKE FRIENDS OKAY?) and as far as stuff I've set up but haven't gone into (such as 'the rot' which is basically that all Pricolici will suffer a bit of rotting/they don't have as good of healing as a vampire would) and haven't toe-stepped anything I've done.

You've gotten the whole 'more wolf than vampire' thing down rather well and if you need ideas on where the transformation ability could go/vampiric tendencies, I actually play Professor Elekereth Orvos as well (he's also a Pricolici) as well so his abilities are a good place to consult too (Shehk's fog-breath is actually an infection she got an not a species thing)

Basically looks good to me (you can always ask me if something comes up in play, though and you're not sure if it's OK) and I want RP! OuO

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:58 pm
Only thing is right now- He'd never have been to the human world. So as far as history goes, it's not something that would really work out. D:

I'm sorry if this was there and I missed it before ;;

Human contact/going to the human world is a no-go for any students/enrolling chars. ;;

He'd have 'died' in halloween and such.

robot kitten
PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:44 pm

I changed it so he drowned in the halloween world :3 Not too big a change really~ Thanks!  

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

Vice Captain

No Faun

PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:04 pm

Welcome to This is Halloween!

Congratulations! Your character has passed the enrollment process and you're cleared to begin playing. Essentially, this means you can get your art certed, make your character's journal, and most importantly start RPing. If you're a little lost then don't worry, this guide is here to point you in the right direction.

gaia_crown [ Art Check! ]:

- Do you have your character's art? Great! Move onto the next crown.

- If you do NOT yet have your art, you may now contact your artist and let them know that they may now start on creating your character!

gaia_crown [ Certs & Emblems ]:

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

- If your character is a STUDENT, you may create a customized student pin for them. This is entirely optional (but fun!) special badge that is unique to your character's design! You can find more information about pins (also known as their emblem) here.

- Hallowen characters (Students & Horsemen) may bet their character certed here!

- Hunters may get their certs here!

gaia_crown [ Creating a Journal ]:

- A journal is a thread where you can keep track of your character's accomplishments, RPs, progress, relationships, etc!

- All HALLOWEEN characters (Students & Horsemen) may create one here!

- All Hunters may create one here!

gaia_crown [ Let's RP! ]:

- Don't be shy about RPing! As soon as your character has been enroll approved you can start! Check out this awesome information about The World of Halloween and Amityville Academy. All students start off in Amityville academy. Need more things to do? Check out this whole subforum! Anything labelled Activity is open for you! Occasionally GMs will promote and open CLASSROOM orps. These usually happen in the classroom subforum. All students are invited to participate!

- If you are a Hunter, you will want to read the Hunter Newbie Guide Occasionally GMs will promote and open MISSION orps. These usually happen in the main Deus subforum and be followed by a guild announcement. All Hunters are invited to participate!

- If you are a Horsemen, please refer to here and the handy links in the first post as well as the other posts for concurrent and quest information! Need more things to do? Check out this whole subforum! Anything labelled Activity is open for you! Occasionally GMs will promote and open CLASSROOM orps. These usually happen in the classroom subforum. All Horsemen are invited to participate!

gaia_crown [ What's happening currently? ]:
- We try to keep all important things happening regularily updated in the ANNOUNCEMENTS THREAD. This goes for ALL FACTIONS. Have a question? Ask it in the Q & A !

gaia_crown [ Still feeling a little lost or overwhelmed? That's okay! ]:
- Check out what was just mentioned in FULL DETAIL HERE! Don't be too overwhelmed, there's time to sort everything out. For now, just enjoy some simple RP!

gaia_crown [ Finding RP ]:
- There's a bunch of ways to find RP. You can just contact a friend or any shop regular OR one of our available GMS for help! Otherwise, there are a lot of people looking to plot with YOU in their plotting threads! You can even make your own and advertise in your sig/ in the main thread/ etc etc!

- In addition any thread marked ORP is open for you to join!

- If you ever feel lost as a newbie, our many GMs are more than happy to one on one RP with you to help your character get acquainted. Send a PM to WE ARE HALLOWEEN and we can get you started this way as well. Otherwise, enjoy immersing yourself in the many RPS in TiH! It is all about discovery after all!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:53 pm
robot kitten

The acceptance bin accepted yet another enrollment application, chomping down on it happily without incident.

Selene turned to pick up a second application, but when she returned to feed it to the bin, she realized the bin was gone.

In it's place was a single piece of paper on the floor. The application form she'd just fed to the bin.

Suspicious, she reached out to touch it, and the paper opened up its giant maw to bite her with. She shoved another application down its throat instead, only to watch the bin return to its natural form. Such a trickster!

Nio Love

Enthusiastic Lunatic

17,350 Points
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