Name: Bennett Vidal
Nicknames: Benny
Gender: Female
Age: 313, but maturity of a 15 year old

Faction: Undead
Race: Vampire (Western)

Natural Ability: Shape-shifting—flock of bats


Smart: To say that Bennett is smart is an understatement. She’s exceptionally intelligent, and is always learning new things whenever possible. It’s why she spends so much time in laboratories, whether it’s her own makeshift one at home, or an older mad-scientist’s. At such a young age, she’s well on her way to becoming a brilliant scientist, if she doesn’t crack and become mad first. Still, she is ambitious in her pursuit of knowledge. She’s a science prodigy, though has interest in learning other things as well, as long as it can be done alone.

Shy: For a vampire, she’s extremely shy. There is none of the social climbing ambition that many of her kind tend to have. In fact, she can barely stand to be around others most of the time. Many times, when her parents would insist she attend an event, that it would be good for the family, she would fail to attend, and lock herself in her lab instead, refusing to come out. Often, when she speaks, she’ll repeat short phrases unnecessarily. It’s not quite a stutter, but certainly a nervous tick. It most often happens when she’s interrupted in the lab. It often causes others to believe that she may already be a little mad. And who’s to say they’re wrong? Maybe she is just a little mad.

Loyal: It takes a lot for Bennett to become friends with someone, but once she does, she will stand by him until they’re forced apart. If someone expresses interest in becoming her friend, she usually doesn’t know how to handle it and will simply run away, often by turning into a flock of bats and flying away. If they happen to try again after the first encounter, she may decide to let them in. If they continue to be persistent, or prove themselves helpful to her, she’ll finally open up. And if anyone happens to threaten one of her friends, gone is shy, nervous Bennett; she will jump to the defense of any of her friends in the blink of an eye.

Daydreamer: When she’s not in the lab, Bennett’s head is often in the clouds. To anyone passing by, she seems rather detached and not quite all there. She’s usually thinking of some new experiment, or wondering how her current one is doing. Or dreaming of the day when she can overcome her shyness enough to be properly scary so that she may go and harvest Fear like her parents want her to.

Rude: The combination of her daydreaming and her shyness, many often find Bennett to be rude, especially in the way she behaves towards her parents. She doesn’t intend to be, she just finds it easier to either not answer, or hide away somewhere when she’s unwilling to endure social situations. Honestly, it plagues her, because she worries that others, especially others that she respects or would like to be friends with, will find her rude, which makes her more uncomfortable, which continues to encourage her to hide away.

Patient: Bennett believes that good things come to those who wait. And wait. And wait. She is quite good at waiting for what she wants, sometimes beyond reason. She simply fills her time waiting with new experiments. Of course, except when her lab is otherwise occupied with a long-term experiment. That’s usually when she finds refuge in somebody else’s lab, while her project develops.


Fashion: Even though she usually has a lab coat on, Bennett never goes out in public without being entirely put together. It’s somewhat of a compulsion for her, and eases her anxiety of being in public, as if her put together appearances will makeup for her cracking personality. Part of this does come from her mother, who always insisted that if she simply put on something nice, she would feel much better about coming out of her room.

People…err…creature watching: When she does make it out and about, she often hides behind a book and pretends to be reading it. Really, her eyes are darting just above and just to the sides of the edge of the book, watching and studying others of all walks of life or unlife. She finds them fascinating, especially the more loquacious ones out there. In some ways she is jealous of them.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Bennett’s parents finally had enough of her hiding away in her laboratory, experimenting all night and day. They decided that it was time for her to learn how to be social and maybe gain some ambitions outside of the science lab. Jokes on them though, because she plans to take the minimum amount of non-science classes that she can. Still, maybe, just maybe, she’ll learn to get out of her comfort zone. Probably not though; she rather likes her comfort zone.

FEAR Ability:
Venomous Bite: [Tainted Fang] She produces a nonlethal amount of venom in her fangs, which infects the opponent upon bite. The venom is painful as it lingers in the opponent, causing a burning sensation in the affected area.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Bright, blood red
Hair Colour/Style: Long (to mid-back), silvery blonde hair. Slight wave, bangs pinned to the side. Ref for wave/bangs
Skin Colour: Moon-kissed pale!
Clothing Style/Colours: Some inspirations!
Two But with a black and white vertical striped top.
Extra: Fangs, long, slender figure including arms/legs/hands. She’s not exceptionally tall, around 5’9, just very long and slender.
References: None.