Name: Nii
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Faction: Demon
Race: Cat demon

Natural Ability: Shapeshifting. Can turn into a black cat at will.

Personality: Nii is a hard headed girl who likes to be in charge. She's loyal to the people she care about and will protect them if she feels it's needed. She is very arrogant and is according to herself always right (even if she is wrong). She'll rarely admit otherwise. Her favorite pastime is to scare people by seemingly appear out of nowhere an ability she has perfected over the years. As a cat demon she shares the agility of a cat and while transformed it can be hard to separate the demon from the animal.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Like many other student's was the school picked by her parents. She didn't object to their decision since education is a key ingredient in becoming someone of high importance. And is there any place better to find minions?

FEAR Ability: Nii can increase the length of her claws turning them into effective weapons. Can increase the length. Battle cry ability

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Yellow/gold (depends on the light). Slit like pupils at will
Hair Colour/Style: Black, Shoulder length hair. Often in a messy hair style
Skin Colour: tanned
Clothing Style/Colours: Likes black clothes. Tight fitting long armed shirt with a corset like structure round the stomach. Tight fitting black pants.
Extra: Cat ears, tail, small fangs and sharp claws