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Welcome to the Abandoned Swamplands, former home of the Jini-msemi!

For generations, a large pride of lions, the Spirit-talkers, lived in these lands. Once driven out by a flood, they re-established themselves only to be forced to abandon their home again after a serious drought led to a fire. Long considered haunted, owing in no small part to the presence of the Jini-misemi and their spirits, the area now looks the part as much as ever. The fact a large pride once lived here is obvious, and though the shadows are often haunted by scouts seeking lost pilgrims, the burned land is largely deserted.

The pride has moved to the Great Mountain.

Notable Landmarks
- In the midst of the swamp, there is an island that was used as a focal point of gatherings and a 'base' for the royal family. When not in a period of drought, it requires some swimming to access.
- Rivers on the western border, mountains on the eastern border.