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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Halloween Subspace } --- Quests and character approval
[Enrollment] Camilla Forester - Dormouse Monster [Accepted]

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Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:55 am

Name: Camilla Forester
Nicknames: Little Mouse (only to be used by family and close friends)
Age: 13
Gender: Female

Faction: Monster
Race: Hazel Dormouse Monster

Natural Ability: Mouse Sized! - Camilla can shrink or grow as needed the smallest she can go is the size of a regular Dormouse and currently the largest she can go is her natural Dormouse Monster size which is about the size of a medium sized dog she can also hit any size inbetween her smallest and largest size
FEAR Ability: Triple Team! (The Mind) - Camilla creates two exact illusionary copies of herself which move as she does and which she can command they are intended to make her harder to hit

Physical Description
Hair Color/Style: Shortish curly Dark Chocolatey brown her hair comes just to her shoulders and when she sleeps she pins it up then lets it down durring the day
Eye Color: Shadow Black
Skin Color: Mediumish Brown
Height: 4'10 (58 inches)
Clothing Style/Color: When sleeping she wears what she wears in her offical art but when awake she typically wears a more day time version of that

Which is long seafoam green bloomers that come to just before her knees the bottom having a bit of white lace around them, a loose baggish lavender purple sort of puffy sleaved shirt with a lavander purple folded over collar and a black bat on the front the bottom of the shirt comes down just past her waist, she wears her same long white socks with the lavender purple ties at the top and thats it this mouse rarely wears shoes (yes just like Miyu) She keeps her Skullpin clipped to her bloomers on her right side so its usually covered up by her shirt

Her typical color palette is Seafoam Green, Lavender Purple, White, Black, Brown and yellow sometimes, plus other shades of greens, blues, and purples
Her bust size - Is very low like a medium to low A cup
Offical Art

Personality: Jolly, Sweet, Kind, Friendly, Hyper, Exciteable, Playful, Curious, Brave, Adventurous, Rash, Young at Heart, Serious when need be

Jolly Heart - Camilla is Jolly, Sweet, Kind, Friendly, and Playful its hard to get her really down and she usually tries to look on the brighter side of things she gets along with most people and doesn't really hold grudges however if pushed wrong she might put a person on her don't like much list she loves to play and have fun and just be around people she likes for new people she doesn't know she will always be friendly first even grumpy or cold people especially grump or cold people infact she also has nothing agenst any Faction so she will typically be friendly to any faction and race

Hyper Mouseling! - Camilla can be rather hyper at times and easily gets excited because of this she often has trouble holding still especially when excited in these times she has to move in some way be it her tail or her kicking her feet or maybe even just bouncing alittle on her feet but she is often moving somehow and generally is a bundle of energy except in the colder October months

Adventurous! - Camilla is quite brave, curious, and often rash she loves adventure and has no problems with seeking it out anything can be a adventure for her be it going to the store, trying a new food, or actually going on a adventure because of this she tends to be more of a leap first look later kind of person which has gotten her in trouble on countless occations but she just rolls with the punches, cleans up her mess, and moves onto her next adventure

Child at Heart - Despite being 13 she's more like a 8 or 9 year old any chance she gets to play and have fun or go on a adventure she'll take she also has a bit of a bad habit of pouting if she gets upset and stopping her feet if really upset however thats usually as far as she goes but she does hate being left out of things especially important things and will pout a bit over that too yet despite being a child at heart most of the time Camilla is actually quite responsable she gets her work done and looks out for creeple younger then her

Friendship - Is very important to Camilla she cherishes it greatly and often her friends become like her family however she doesn't like false friends and only cares for Real, Best, and True friendship so while she is friendly with almost everybody it is alittle harder to actually become friends with her but once you are you'll have a hyper, jolly, adventure loving Dormouse on your hands/paws/claws that will often drag her friends on adventures with her

No cold please! - Because Dormice naturally start slowing down when it gets cold if Camilla is exposed to cold temperatures she starts slowing down and she doesn't like it! For this reason while she won't typically directly avoid someone who puts out cold she will ask them nicely not to blow cold on her

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:04 pm
Modest and Polite - Even as hyper, rash, and child like as she is she was brought up to be polite and at least some what modest and while Camilla isn't the most modest or polite people you'll ever meet she far from rude or overly boastful yes she will cheer and get excited over a achievement maybe even playfully tease someone like a friend over it but she won't out right boast it and tends to tone down compliments given to her a bit (usually... unless she's feeling particularly proud and excited over it) when it comes to politeness basic things like please, thank you, excuse me, etc all come naturally to her but other things like holding doors and not bothering people she sometimes forgets

Tea! - Being a Hazel Dormouse Monster and growing up in a English like society means Camilla has had alot experience with Tea this little mouse LOVES Tea not just because she's had it almost every day of her life but because she simple loves Tea! She loves a vast range of Teas and is always willing to try new ones from all over the world she also loves any food that will go with tea the quickest way to become this mouses friend is a Tea party

History: Camilla is from a old family known as the Foresters they are considered old money having family members dating back to the first Dormouse Monsters however they refuse to be snobby and stuck up like many others so they teach their mouselings that where they are has to be earned that they are no better then anybody else only richer and everybody no matter what faction, race, gender, money level, etc deserves respect and at the very least some level of politeness Camilla grew up in this enviroment and it helped shape who she is

Her home as most Dormice homes are is up in the tree's and is a grand tree house mansion which is both figuritive and literal there is a house among the branches yes but the inside of the tree itself is also part of the mansion with sprawling gardens all around the base unlike many old money Dormouse Monsters who feel they are to good to come to the ground the Foresters aren't as Arboreal and like being on the ground easily as much as being in the trees

Because they are Mice its not hard to imagine Camilla having six siblings a older brother a younger sister two younger yet twin brothers and a baby sister and baby brother while Dormouse Monsters don't actually breed like regular mice old money families tend to have lots of kids so because of this being the second oldest has made Camilla really responsable when it comes to others who are younger, smaller, or weaker then her

Overall Camilla's life while it hasn't been hard it hasn't exactly been easy either due to various reasons

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?: Adventure! And learning Camilla was getting restless and having finished her basic schooling her parents decided to send her off to school they presented her with a range of options but the one that most appealed to Camilla was Amityville proud of her choice sense countless members of the family had gone there previously her parents sent in her application

Other Tidbits About Camilla

Tea Party/Tea Time - These are two different things for Camilla Tea Time happens in the inbetween periods like inbetween breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner, and theres often one before bed though she isn't always around for each one Tea Time is one of the few times Camilla is actually calm and at ease but a Tea Party has party in its name doesn't it? Camilla's inner Wonderland Dormouse comes out at Tea Parties for her its time to laugh, have fun, eat special things, and unwind she loves throwing tea parties for her friends and her minis

Good Cook! - You can't throw a tea party or have tea time if you can't cook and despite having chiefs at home to cook for them Camilla's mother made sure she learned how to cook as is customary for Hazel Dormice Monsters especially old money however Camilla took to the cooking aspect like a fish to water even creating her own dishes but that wasn't all she also took to the presentation and logistics aspects of throwing a Tea Party/Tea Time she often finds cooking and setting up is like a form of meditation for her

Tree Climber! - While Camilla loves being on the ground she equally loves being in the trees she's a expert tree climber and one can often find her just napping or people/adventure watching in a tree

Minipet Lover - Camilla loves her minipets and her room is usually full of them the best way to upset her is to harm her minis she has a tendency to pamper her minis a bit fortunatly none have turned out spoiled... yet...

Fear of... - Camilla has a great fear of intense storms which harks back to when she was little a rare hurricane came in and really caused chaos even badly damaging their home from that moment on storms with really high winds plus intense rain and lightning really freak her out even causing her to panic and hide which isn't normal for her she's tried to over come this fear but its slow going

(Darn char limit...)


Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:17 pm
Drozy Mouse - When the air starts getting cold Camilla starts to do what all Dormouse Monsters do Slow down she will be in a perpetual state of droziness not fully awake but not fully asleep it becomes a constant battle for wakefulness and sometimes she loses the battle sense she is still young often falling asleep in the strangest places

Too Dark... - Camilla admitedly is a oddity colorwise among her family everybody else's fur is a nice gingery brown but Camilla's is a darker almost chocolatey brown and with her pin on her skin is medium brown instead of light tan like the rest of her family fortunately her skin and fur are slowly getting lighter colored with age

(Will lump all this together in my Journal when she gets approved and I get to the library next)  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 2:27 pm
Dormouse Monster Info

Origin - Dormouse Monsters are a interesting race of giant dormice they were created out of a few different fears

The person who created the very first Dormouse was... interesting to say the least he was a carpenter that was quite... skittish and even paranoid he had a intense fear of mice for many reasons and when a "friend" told him about the legends of giant rats the man's mind went wild as he imagined giant mice this fear went from mice in general to Dormice in specific one day when a Dormouse got into his home and was curious enough to crawl up on the bed and onto the man's chest

When he awoke his neighbors thought he was in terrible trouble because of how loudly he screamed from then on he had a intense fear of Giant Dormice something he later passed onto his children but not before his youngest was obessed with the story of Alice in Wonderland the idea of Giant Dormice that were easily as intelligent as humans nearly sent the man over the edge

Finally after years of this fear building his wife thought maybe she could cure this phobia by pulling a prank she dressed up as a giant dormouse and tried to show her husband and kids it was ok but the fear it caused not only very nearly sent her husband over the edge but her kids to and created the first Dormouse Monster of course sense people had been calling him crazy for years the man couldn't help but tell EVERYBODY he saw about it and while most didn't believe him some did and soon the fear spread to avoid the backlash his wife never stepped forward to admit she was and finally the man met his worst fear and when a curious Dormouse Monster snuck into his home

This ladies and gentlemem sent him over the edge... the rest of his life was spent in a not so nice padded room but the fear was out there and every day the Dormouse Race grew stronger and soon spread to other parts of the world

Basics - Dormouse Monsters play on the Giant Rat legend being Giant Mice instead and while Mice arn't as agressive or disease carrying as Rats they have their own niesh Mice chew Mice Eat anybody in construction or the food bussiness fear or hate mice and think what a Giant Mouse could do!

Dormouse Monsters range in size when full grown from large dogs to small horses they can speak the common tongue even in Mouse form and even walk up right infact often walk upright they usually wear cloths of some sort and are easily as dexterous with their paws as any human their tails are pretty dexterous too

Natural Abilities
Mouse Sized! - A Dormouse Monster with this natural ability can change their size at will being a giant mouse is great and all but it keeps you from being able to do things regular sized mice can do or even what bigger mice can do younger or less experienced Dormice can only go from the size of a regular Dormouse to their natural Dormouse Monster size but Dormouse Monsters who are more experienced with this ability can go smaller and larger yet reaching sizes as small as a bug and as large as a elephant though that kind of control takes years of pratice
Mouse Mouth - Dormouse Monsters with this natural ability have teeth as strong and sharp as diamond and a mouth as tough and durable as rubber plus they have a high amount of jaw strength adverage Dormouse Teeth are very strong and their mouths quite durable plus tneir jaws are quite strong but not as good as one with this natural ability with this ability a Dormouse can easily chew threw wood, bone, plastics, even stone and metals and really experienced Dormice can even chew right through high voltage wire without it hurting them because their mouth protects them
Shapeshift - Yes Dormouse Monsters learned that being a mouse is great and wonderful but there are just some things even mice can't do that humaniod creatures can so with the help of Weremice Dormouse Monsters learned how to shape shift unfortunatly they were never able to fully hide of their ears or tail with the shift so they have had to find more creative ways to hide their ears and tails

Hazel Dormouse Monster Society - Like regular Hazel Dormice Hazel Dormouse Monsters live in a English Society that is a mixture between the victorian era and the modern era

The Upperclass are still up and in charge however they don't have quite so much influence and instead of a king there is a prime minister like today also social rules like what to wear arn't nearly as restrictive and females have equal rights

But there is a hierarchy most noticeable in Dormouse Homes The older or money you have the bigger and more extravagant your home is the poor and homeless only live on the ground with no tree home to speak of a Hazel Dormouses wealth is in their home

Sleepy Mice! - Dormouse Monsters kinda share this trait with regular dormice Hibernation however not exactly instead of it being effected by cold and light changes sense its fall all year round in Halloween its just cold that will trigger it and as a Dormouse Monster-  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 2:39 pm
- gets older they need to hibernate less and less

Really young Dormouse Monsters must Hibernate no matter how much food the family has but once they reach the age of around 9 or 10 they start being able to stay up however its a battle its not until around 13 or 14 that a Dormouse Monster can stay awake with reletive ease and at 18 adults are perfectly capable of staying awake

But any Dormouse Monster at any time can go into a torpor where they curl up in a ball and essentually hibernate however its much shorter and they can come out of it at any time it's good when its very hot or food is scarce outside if winter

Lifespan and Breeding - Sense Dormouse Monsters aren't regular Dormice but Monsters and creatures of FEAR their life span is much much long infact it is easily longer then humans because of this and tneir size they don't tend to breed nearly as much as regular Dormice would however the more money a Dormouse Family has the more kids they tend to have its almost a status symbol fortunatly due to this the cnildren arn't pushed to hard to start families of their own as much in monied families (unless your the heir)  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:00 pm
Because I can't edit my first post due to char limit all clarify a few things here

Camilla's Natural Form

As explained about Dormouse Monsters a Dormouse Monsters Natural Form is that of a giant Dormouse Camilla's is a Chocolatey Brown Dormouse thats about the size of a medium sized dog

More Info on Natural Ability Mouse Sized

A adverage as in not halloween Dormouse is 2'4 inches to 3'4 inches however due to the skullpin the smallest Camilla can go is 3ft this ability effects the humaniod form created by the skullpin so Camilla who in her humaniod form is 4'10 can shrink down to 3ft exactly but no smaller and she can't grow larger then her natural height of 4'10 currently

Extra Note
Sense Camilla doesn't have the Shapeshift ability yet her humaniod form can only be maintained while she has her skullpin on the moment it comes off she reverts back to her natural form  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Vice Captain

Enduring Loiterer

12,925 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:41 pm

Welcome to This is Halloween!

Congratulations! Your character has passed the enrollment process and you're cleared to begin playing. Essentially, this means you can get your art certed, make your character's journal, and most importantly start RPing. If you're a little lost then don't worry, this guide is here to point you in the right direction.

gaia_crown [ Art Check! ]:

- Do you have your character's art? Great! Move onto the next crown.

- If you do NOT yet have your art, you may now contact your artist and let them know that they may now start on creating your character!

gaia_crown [ Certs & Emblems ]:

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

- If your character is a STUDENT, you may create a customized student pin for them. This is entirely optional (but fun!) special badge that is unique to your character's design! You can find more information about pins (also known as their emblem) here.

- Hallowen characters (Students & Horsemen) may bet their character certed here!

- Hunters may get their certs here!

gaia_crown [ Creating a Journal ]:

- A journal is a thread where you can keep track of your character's accomplishments, RPs, progress, relationships, etc!

- All HALLOWEEN characters (Students & Horsemen) may create one here!

- All Hunters may create one here!

gaia_crown [ Let's RP! ]:

- Don't be shy about RPing! As soon as your character has been enroll approved you can start! Check out this awesome information about The World of Halloween and Amityville Academy. All students start off in Amityville academy. Need more things to do? Check out this whole subforum! Anything labelled Activity is open for you! Occasionally GMs will promote and open CLASSROOM orps. These usually happen in the classroom subforum. All students are invited to participate!

- If you are a Hunter, you will want to read the Hunter Newbie Guide Occasionally GMs will promote and open MISSION orps. These usually happen in the main Deus subforum and be followed by a guild announcement. All Hunters are invited to participate!

- If you are a Horsemen, please refer to here and the handy links in the first post as well as the other posts for concurrent and quest information! Need more things to do? Check out this whole subforum! Anything labelled Activity is open for you! Occasionally GMs will promote and open CLASSROOM orps. These usually happen in the classroom subforum. All Horsemen are invited to participate!

gaia_crown [ What's happening currently? ]:
- We try to keep all important things happening regularily updated in the ANNOUNCEMENTS THREAD. This goes for ALL FACTIONS. Have a question? Ask it in the Q & A !

gaia_crown [ Still feeling a little lost or overwhelmed? That's okay! ]:
- Check out what was just mentioned in FULL DETAIL HERE! Don't be too overwhelmed, there's time to sort everything out. For now, just enjoy some simple RP!

gaia_crown [ Finding RP ]:
- There's a bunch of ways to find RP. You can just contact a friend or any shop regular OR one of our available GMS for help! Otherwise, there are a lot of people looking to plot with YOU in their plotting threads! You can even make your own and advertise in your sig/ in the main thread/ etc etc!

- In addition any thread marked ORP is open for you to join!

- If you ever feel lost as a newbie, our many GMs are more than happy to one on one RP with you to help your character get acquainted. Send a PM to WE ARE HALLOWEEN and we can get you started this way as well. Otherwise, enjoy immersing yourself in the many RPS in TiH! It is all about discovery after all!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 4:02 am
Rikku Takanashi
Ranting about the complete lack of respect for rights and rampant misapplication of privilege was exhausting, but Argyle could still hear tiny gnome feet running back and forth outside the secretary's door.

He cracked open one of Arel's hidden bottles of cider and leafed through the applications on the desk, which resulted in nothing but a whole lot of eyerolling.

Even the eyerolling was exhausting. Or maybe that was just the cider. Either way, he fell asleep on one of the applications, and a steadily growing puddle of glowing drool soon spread across the page.

To the Bin, that looked delicious. Overnight, it was eagerly gobbed up, leaving hardly any evidence that Argyle had been there at all.

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Obsessive Stargazer

{ Halloween Subspace } --- Quests and character approval

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