Name: Six
Nicknames: n/a
Gender: Female
Age: 14

Faction: Reaper
Race: Strigoaica – a “subset” of strigoi that are akin more to witches than vampires, according to human legend

Natural Ability: Shapeshift In human legend, strigoi are said to be capable of shapeshifting, but in Halloween this is actually only given to strigoaica, who are known to shapeshift into a single animal, but across the board have many different animal forms. For Six, she can transform into an owl.

Personality: Six refuses to let things or people hold her down, and if she wants to do something or sees something that she wants, she’ll do what she can to get it. Public rules and laws don’t particularly matter to her, only her own set of codes, so she won’t hesitate to break common courtesies. She can act quite rude and feral—using her physical senses over mind, putting her feet up, sitting on or climbing various pieces of furniture, etc. But even if she’s been told to stop or yelled at, she won’t care and unless she likes the person probably will continue her behavior. She values her personal freedom the most and refuses to let rules get in her way.

After all, she is a unique reaper with the ability to shapeshift. While she may not look like it, Six is actually quite proud of her special circumstances. She may not lord it over others, but it is definitely her favorite ability and trait about herself. Because of this, she can sometimes come across as prideful or a special existence that should be treated as such accordingly.

While she may come off as forceful and abrasive, she can also be wise. She can actually come across as intelligent, especially when paired with her keen eyes, but such moments are rare and fleeting because she is less inclined to act serious than excited and seeking entertainment. Her love of freedom, after all, drives her to constantly seek new opportunities and lands, to go on new adventures.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Always one for exploring, Six decided that attending Amity would allow her to do just this.

FEAR Ability: Feather Shower (Y1 Swift Strikes) Six creates a scythe by partially transforming and using the sharpened feathers as blades, then showers her opponent with these feathers.

Physical Description:
Eye Colour: Bright blue; glasses or goggles (some sort of eyewear)
Hair Colour/Style: Brown with various highlights (think stereotypical owl coloration); style is up to artist
Skin Colour: White/pale
Clothing Style/Colours: Up to artist oops
Extra: Extra-long nails, feather accessories/feather-themed outfit
References: n/a