If there was one thing Misri was good at.. It was showering Melda with gifts of every type. Sometimes they were little knick knacks, sometimes they were flowers, and sometimes they were accessories that she could wear to make others jealous of her beauty.. Not that she couldn't achieve that without the items, but it enhanced her in his opinion.

His eyes glanced over a few of the signs, choosing which shop he would stop in today. One stood out, when he saw the feather boa's. It wasn't often he saw those, outside of a play, and how much would Melda love having something to make her feel fancy. Like an actress! He smiled at the thought, and walked inside the little hut.

"Excuse me.." He started, but then he looked up. There was no one there. "Hello?" He called out.

"Hold your horses." Came a voice and the source pushed a pelt out of the way, showing she had a back room that she did all her crafting in. He took a second to peek from where she came, but it didn't take a few seconds for him to make eye contact with her.

Dulce' stopped and her eyes widened a bit. It was like staring at a mirror image of herself, if she had a big pink mane to accent her green. She gulped, and cleared her throat.

"Ah- Hi. How can I help you?" She asked, still staring at him as if she might have seen a ghost. Misri stared at her much the same way. Both of them staring at each other as if the other was going to do something fascinating.

"I was in here looking for a pretty boa for my mate.. but.. I'm sorry, who are you?" He asked, unable to get past her look. She looked almost just like him. Enough so that it caused a few of his memories to come back into his head. It was almost like a dream.

"My name is Dulce'.." She said, and cocked her head. She had never lost the memory that her brothers had. No, she remembered everything from their fateful seperation.

"Misri?" She asked, taking a chance. The odds that it was him were slim.. But he looked just like her memories.

"Okay now I really want to know who you are.." He said, and a concerned look touched his features.

"Misri!" She exclaimed excitedly, and she bolted to wrap her arms around his neck in a hug. "Oh misri I thought I'd never see you again.. It's been so long!"

Misri remained stiff, his eyes going wide when she embraced him. He had no idea who this female was, even if his memories were flitting through his brain.

"I'm sorry, but again.. Dulce', your name doesn't ring a bell.. Who are you?" He asked. His face was concerned, but he was more curious than anything.
"Misri, you were born to my parents long ago. You dissappeared after the great battle and we were all seperated from each other." She started, and then went on with hers tory. "We have four other siblings, scattered over the world.. Hopefully still alive. Seeing you gives me hope." She said with a soft smile. She remembered when she had come to this pride. Come to this place she now called home. Though she had fallen in love, and was unlikely to ever leave again... Once she had a mission. She had been searching for her siblings, hoping to find them and reunite the family once again. She had started with Misri, and it hadn't taken long for her to find where he had been last seen. But in all her days here, she had never seen her brother. She had begun to think she had been wrong about him being here this whole time.

But now here he was, sitting in front of her and looking at her. Much older than what she remembered, he had grown into a fine lion. She was hopeful for her other siblings, that they had survived as he had. Misri had been the youngest, and she had been sure he would have been dead by now.

Misri felt a weight in the center of his chest. He remembered none of what she said, and the story that she told seemed real.. It explained why he had woken one day, not remembering who he was.. but young enough he had no business being away from a mother. He wasn't sure how he survived the entire time, but somehow he had been lucky.

"You..You are my sister?" He asked, and then thought about the other siblings that she stated were out there. There were quite a few of them, and here he was thinking his family had been long dead.. Forgetting about him and moving on. He was surprised to see her, as he was sure that he would never see family again. He wasn't even sure he would know his family if he did see it. Though looking at Dulce he could see that was unlikely.

"Yes, Misri. Slowpoke.. I just said that." She teased with a smile, sitting with her tail around her paws. She looked him over, amazed at how big he had grown. It seemed like yesterday she had been in the presence of a young cub. One that was exactly like her in color, but had the markings of father. Seeing him brought back memories of mother and father, and it was a bittersweet thought. She missed her parents, they had been good ones.. She had been loved, they all had. She was finding herself thankful that she had found anyone with the blood she carried running in their veins.

"Well yeah, but excuse me if this is a surprise to me. I didn'tt hink I had family anymore." He said, and his voice almost sounded sad. It had been years. Years since he had thought of family. Here he was, standing in front of someone who said she was his sister.. and he really couldn't doubt her claim. She looked exactly as he did.

"I'm glad to meet you Dulce.. Hopefully we can catch up. I think I could use that." He said with a soft smile. He turned to leave, wanting to clear his head, and Dulce' sounded hurried.
"Wait!" She called when he turned away, causing him to look back. "Didn't you want to get something for your mate? I have so many things to ask you.. So much to catch up on.." She said, wanting more than anything to keep her little brother here in front of her.

"Yeah, but I'll be back. I need to clear my head, I wasn't expecting any of this." He looked back at Dulce and smiled. "But don't worry. I'll be back. There's a lot I want to know too."

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