Name: Muppim Arles Ry
Nicknames: Mu, Ari, "Heartbreak Kid"
Gender: M
Age: 17

Faction: Reaper
Race: Parasensory "Kupidite"

Natural Ability: Like all Reapers from his family line, Muppim was born with the ability to 'sense' his surroundings accurately - regardless of whom or what they may be - without having to rely on his eye-sight or hearing to do so. For those in his family line this makes it much easier to effect the emotions of their targets (generally speaking, humans) and has helped to give rise to the idea that "Cupid's Arrows" always hit their mark - which amuses the heck out of him.

The innate parasensory abilities have been extremely helpful for Muppim after the 'accidental' mauling he received as a small child and has allowed him to be able to "see" what's going on and/or who is around him even though his actual vision is reduced to only recognizing light/darkness.

Personality: Focused, subdued and thoughtful but also extremely sarcastic; though Muppim is rather young he can come across as older due to the breadth of his life experiences. He is not really sensitive about the fact that his eyes don't really function because he's learned to use his FEAR over the years to get around just as well without them.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Because though he's learned how to get around he's extremely anti-social and tends to focus on only part of his FEAR abilities rather than the whole scope of what is possible. It's hoped that he will not only make some Jacking FRIENDS but will learn to stop being such a pain in the arse and do what he's supposed to.

FEAR Ability: Heartbreaker - Anyone struck by his blades when this ability is being used is not only damaged physically by the blade(s), but also begins to feel as though their heart is breaking - the deeper the wound, the stronger/deeper the heartbreak - and this makes it harder for the opponent to retaliate.

This is an example of the The Mind ability, as the effect(s) continue to make it difficult to attack Mu even once he's no longer using said FEAR attack.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Milky-blue-white (Blinded); previously grey
Hair Colour/Style: Dark-brown (nearly pure black);
Skin Colour: Healthy Caucasian; peachy-rosey undertones
Clothing Style/Colours: Dark colors with some accents, doesn't always match properly
Extra: Extensive scarring around his eyes/forehead from an attack when he was a child; also scarred along his back/shoulders/chest.
References: Official Art