User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Quánlì was furious. He could smell another lion on Hēidào and was ready to fight over it. The guard was ignoring the fact that Hēidào slept with a lot of males, easily assuming that he was her favourite. The fact that she slept with someone so weak and pathetic as a bard was the tipping point. He stormed out to find her as soon as his shift was over, ready to enforce the fact that she now was only allowed to be with him. He was the best male that she could be with, and if that little criminal needed a bit of swaying, as a guard he felt entitled to hand it out.

Little did he know that he was actually her least favourite, and she only came to him because he was so rough. At times it was what she wanted, but she was beggining to grow tired of him. He was too possessive and whiny, too demanding and gave to little in return. She was tired of him, and was determined to cut him out of her life. There was just one tricky little problem...she was the lowest rank possible, and unless he did something drastic, there was no way she could enforce him to leave her alone. The last thing she dared to do was run away; the Lady would send a search party after her. That would only lead to death, and Hēidào was not going to die over some idiotic male. She was too happy with her current life to risk throwing it all away for that.

So...what was she to do? She was reclining on her favourite rock, hoping that a favourite male of hers would pass by, or some silly artisan would assign her to some useless task. As she dozed, waiting, she had no idea what was coming right at her.


The roar nearly shook the trees, and Hēidào felt like she jumped out of her own skin. The ground beneath her felt like it disappeared as the one male she wished would leave her alone came storming at her.

"How dare you insult me! How dare you sleep with some trash like a bard! You're just a lowly criminal and you should only do my bidding!" He rushed her, shoving her off the stone. The lioness tumbled into the brush, caught completely unaware. She screamed as she hit the ground, feeling something break beneath her. There was too much going on for her to determine her exact injury, and at this point she needed to focus on Quánlì to keep herself alive. He was so furious that he most certainly would kill her if she wasn't careful. ********, how dare he act like this just after he broke her bone?!

The scream didn't stop him, though he did little more than poke at her at this point. He assumed she was only acting scared, that the little tramp was perfectly fine and trying to garner sympathy out of him. Like hell. "You were to only be mine, you hear that? You mewl like a little kitten at these other males, pretending that you love them, but I know that you don't love aynone but yourself." He spit on her, pushing her head into the ground for emphasis. "You're a lowly criminal, and clearly you should be assigned to a guard to straighten you out, and not a lowly, simple, stupid bard."

"Stop, Quánlì...." she winced through the pain, trying to steel herself against it so she could stop him. This was going no where, and though she knew she was a criminal, she highly doubted that the Lady Ren would stand for this kind of treatment. The apothecaries would have to treat her for a time, and that took attention away from the rest of the house. "STOP!"

She wheezed, happy that he at least stopped for a moment so she could right herself. The b*****d managed to break her front left wrist, and she was going to have a lot of trouble with it for quite some time. She was careful with it, sure that Quánlì would be far from careful with her.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do. You're nothing but a criminal, and I'm here to straighten you out."

Hēidào winced. "You can't, Quánlì. Its not your role. You're only supposed to prevent strangers like me coming in and stealing things." She knew it would enrage him, but at times his anger kept him pinned where he was. She knew that there was something seriously wrong with this male, and her actions only made them worse. A deep part of her hoped someone would come by and hear them, but as populated as the West was, there were still many empty locations that few members passed through.
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"You're something, Hēidào. You're going to be mine, so stop denying it." He had hit such a surge of anger that he was dramatically calming down, but the darkness in his eyes only grew. "You can't run away from me anymore. I'm going to take you, and keep you, and you can't do anything about it. No one would trust the word of a criminal, so just keep your mouth shut."

The lioness felt a surge of fear as he approached her. She wasn't ready to die yet, and she sure as hell wasn't ready to switch her twisted freedom for slavery.

"No! No, stop this! Leave me alone!" She began to kick up a fuss, hoping that someone was close by enough to hear her. The green lion began trying to silence her, pushing her back down onto the ground and her face into the dirt. But it was too late. Someone heard her, and it was that same lion that Quánlì hated.

Zuo ran up to the situation out of no where, and was shocked to see what had happened. Hēidào was there, filthy and in pain, and that cruel guard he had heard about was pushing her into the ground. A haze filled his mind as he launched himself at the guard, throwing him off of the lioness as they tumbled down an embankment and through numerous bushes.

Hēidào cried, unable to do anything. She feared for her safety and her sentence, as her games created a disaster of a situation by breaking the relative peace of the West (to a point), but she also feard for Zuo's life as well. How would that kind, soft bard handle himself against a mad, trained guard? Oh, there was nothing she could do, and so she only let herself weep. She didn't noticed the maned wolf that was Lady Mio's constant companion zip away from the shadows, taking word back to the authorities.

(1,127 words)