Name: Bella
Nicknames: (if any) Baby Bell
Gender: Female
Age: 6 yrs old "physically", mentally she is 12 yrs old due to her wandering for 6 yrs in Halloween Town

Faction: Screamer?
Race: Ghost

Natural Ability: Mental Sound- any sound she makes, she can determine who hears it and change its volume. This is a mental sound not a physical one since she doesn't have a physical body. The “volume control” can be utterly silent to only what she herself can make, so she can’t increase the volume beyond what she could make when alive. She must preform the action to make the sound.
  • Example: she runs down the hallway-> ghosts don’t normally run, but her foot steps can be heard by one person and keep them awake, while the person next to them hears nothing.
  • Example: she can speak to someone across the hall and they can hear her but no one else can. you can however see her speaking.

  • Situational Paranoia: Her paranoia gets worse the less people are around her. So she is happy surrounded in big crowds and incredibly strange when only near one person. If no one is near her she returns to a standard child. When in a confined space with one other vaguely human-shaped person, she will stand still and go mostly translucent, only her eyes will remain visible and they get larger. She will stand against a wall or object and stare at the other person until they leave. She will do this even with friends. So long as the other person has a physical vaguely human shape she will behave this way. If the other person is not human shaped or a ghost she behaves normally.
  • Noisy:She enjoys singing random words in a song format. She adores making sound, but she also likes silence cause she likes peoples reactions when she breaks it
  • Sneaky:She likes eavesdropping on others conversation and then using their words to cause mischief. She loves to quietly enter a room where people are and randomly make noise to see how they react.
  • Crybaby: She is always crying. She doesn't know why but she can't stop herself from crying when she is happy, sad, angry, scared. The color of her tears change as well, sparkly clear for happiness, blue for sad, red for anger, black for fear.
  • Ninja Crazy: She is ninja crazy. She can't explain why, but ninjas automatically make her happy, and a ninja will never trigger her Situational Paranoia.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
She has wandered around Halloween for about 6 years but she always ended up in front of the Academy gates. She doesn't know why she feels drawn to it, but she has decided that it was meant for her to enroll in this place.

FEAR Ability: Need some help with this part
Piercing Scream: she closes her eyes and screams, producing a sound that can terrify or stun enemies. The scream is always that of a child, but the volume is abnormal. This attack lasts as long as she has breath/doesn't inhale. While she is Screaming, her eyes are closed and she can see and hear nothing. She can however smell, taste, and feel so it is possible to stop her Scream by something like peppering her nose and making her sneeze, this will end the scream as she will have inhaled.
Stage 1: can scream for up to 1 minute (2 rounds?)until she runs out of breath and must stop
Stage 2: can scream for up to 2 minutes (4 rounds?), add something here?
Stage 3: can scream for up to 3 minutes (6 rounds?), cannot be interrupted.
Type (these are my guesses)
Offensive Double-take or the Mind, not entirely sure…

Physical Description:
Eye Colour: solid black, her eyes do not have any other color, they are solid black orbs.
Hair Colour/Style: straight hair that is raggedly cut to lengths varying from shoulder to waist length. When she was living it was black, but now its a silvery color.
Skin Colour: translucent white. She has bruises all over her body.
Clothing Style/Colours: She wears a toga made from a bedsheet and no shoes.
Extra: She is a crybaby. The tears vanish as they leave her face and their color changes on her mood. Sparkly clear for happiness, blue for sad, red for anger, black for fear
References: working on a ref pic