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Reply [IC] Zizimisha'Mwili Lands [IC]
[PRP] Snow and Ice (Aquapuga x Elsa)

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Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 1:49 pm
User ImageAquapuga was not used to all this cold white stuff everywhere. He was rather regretting being so mean to that lion some days ago. He could have been out of this land if he wished or had a place to den as the other male had offered to be a guide to safety after pulling the leopon out of a snow drift. Aqua had been very rude when he told the other he did not need help and would find his own way. The lion had been nothing but kind to him, and perhaps he should have done the same in return. He would have frozen if he had been left in that snow drift, maybe he should have at least thanked the other for his kindness.

Aquapuga had never really thought his stepfather could be right about anything, let alone about random acts of kindness from others. His mother had taught him that others were only out for themselves or were too weak to survive on their own, but that lion had been anything but weak and still helped the leopon, gaining nothing in return. These thoughts confused the white and blue cat to no end. He could not understand why the other had helped for no gain. And with his distracted and confused thoughts, the leopon made another mistake in his travels.

Aquapuga had been too busy puzzling over the happenings of a few days before to see the shine of ice sticking out from under snow. His paw hit that smooth surface and the rest was a blur. There was a thin coating of snow over most of the ice on the side of the hill and the male found out just how easy it was for him to plow snow with his body as he went zipping down the hillside and toward what appeared to be a very big pile of snow under a tree. He hit the soft cold snow twice as tall as he was standing, and went through. He got stuck with his head out the otherside. How humiliating, and there was no big lion around to help him out this time. What was he going to do?  
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 6:56 pm
Kathryn Dragonna

The Queen of the Frozen Isle was not anticipating running across anyone in the snow, though she was not sure why. She was used to passing through the thicker snows to get to the rogue lands or back to her home without seeing a soul, but running into them all in the other areas.

She had no trouble padding across ice and snow. Her paws seemed to be built for it, and she had spent so much time on the ice that she had learned how to compensate for how easy it was to slide and slip. She was almost skating, if something like that were possible for the four legged. The snow was her home, and she loved it more than she really knew how to say. Even after the terrible things it could do, and experiencing heavy losses due to its wrath, Elsa still loved it.

She couldn't blame nature for the things that happened. It was a force, and they were made to live around it, with it: they had to adapt to its whims, and learn to endure.

Spotting what seemed to be a snowball rolling down the hill, Elsa tilted her head and then bounded over toward the scene. She got closer to see the strange head sticking out of the snow mound, letting out a yelp of surprise. That had been a -lion- falling down the hill? Or something else, it looked strange. She'd never seen anything like it. Padding closer, she frowned at him.

"Are you alright?" She asked gently. The snow was soft, but falling and tumbling was never fun. And he could have easily hurt himself. "I saw you fall..."


Snuggly Knight

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2014 6:52 pm
Aquapuga had to admit to himself that he was quite relieved to hear someone else approach him. When he looked up, he could not help but take a moment to think the female was quite pretty even if she was "weak" colors like himself. He hoped her heart was as kind as her colors would indicate to his mother. He would not be able to get out of this snow on his own and regardless of how horrible it made him feel to be so much of a disappointment to his mother, even out where she could not see him, he had to ask for the help he required. This lioness could turn him down, but he had to try. He was going to have to build up the courage to ask, very quickly.

Aquapuga took a moment to grab a deep breath and turned his gaze up to the female to look right into her eyes. "I have been better." That sounded gruff, he was going to have to tone that down, but how? He would have to take a lesson off his pansy of a stepfather, he guessed. He tried to soften the tone of his voice and speak again. "I apologize. That was perhaps a bit rude." Those words hurt coming out. "I have no physical pain, but I cannot move. Would you be able to help dig a small leopon out of this cold fluffy stuff? It is rather heavy." And it was melting against him, making him quite cold.

The male leopon swore that if this female helped him, he was going to try to be better at the things his stepfather had tried to teach he and his siblings. The two run ins with the snow and lions helping him out, had taught him something. His mother's lessons were NOT working here. Either he was going to have to leave this area, or he was going to have to adapt, and he rather liked this fluffy wet stuff when it was not trapping him. "If you do not mind my asking... how do you not slip and fall? That shiny stuff you walked across gives me problems."

PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2014 11:12 pm
Kathryn Dragonna

Elsa watched him, tilting her head to the side. She looked terribly worried, but she hated seeing others in pain or in trouble. She just wanted to help, and that was sometimes very difficult for her to do. As Queen, she had certain responsibilities, and she had to take care of herself above all others. It was difficult for her to help others when her guards and everyone that had advised her over the years told her not to put herself too far out there.

But she was the type to reach out a paw to anyone in need.

"Leopon? What does that mean?" She asked curiously as she moved to star digging him out as best she could, shoveling snow behind her and working to get him free. She had see the diggers in her pride doing a lot of work making dens, and was trying to use their methods.

It seemed to be working, at least.

"That's called ice. I've lived here my whole life, and I am used to walking on it. It takes some practice, but it is very easy once you've learned the tricks of how to hold your weight when you walk on it. Ah, I think I'm making some progress here."


Snuggly Knight

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 5:14 am
Aquapuga tried to wiggle as she dug. The more free space he could make for himself to move the more he figured he might be able to break free so her job was not a long one. He was very happy she had decided to help. He now owed his life to two different lions in a very short time, and he would have to find a way to pay this one back in turn. The first one had refused any kind of payment, perhaps this one would do the same, but who knew? He would have to find out by asking once he was out of here. He was definitely getting some wiggle room and the weight was getting much less at the front so he could push forward more.

"You have never heard of a leopon? Interesting. Well, it means my mother was a leopard and my father was a lion." Aqua wondered at the fact that she had never heard of such before. Perhaps he was somewhere that hybrids were not allowed? That would be bad if they decided to turn on him. A bunch of lions would be a very bad thing to have to face. "Ice... until I came here, I had never seen this fluffy white stuff that I was told a few days ago is snow, nor this shiny stuff you call ice." He managed to push himself out of the snowbank and shook off his fur. "Thank you for your help... I am Aquapuga."

Aquapuga really was having a hard time with these manner things. He gave himself a good once over to make sure he had not done any damage when he tumbled. Everything seemed to be in working order other than a few bruises. There was no blood or anything obviously swollen. "I owe you my life." He had thought he was having problems before, but his pride was practically dying over admitting how much he owed this female. How did his stepfather do this whole being nice thing all the time? It was so hard! "I owe you a debt." Even his mother owed debts for her life to others, though she hated to admit it. He just hoped he could be better at paying them than she was.

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 11:04 am
Kathryn Dragonna

"Oh, how interesting!"

Elsa had always wondered about her own birth. While she was quite sure she was a full lion, she had never really known what kind of a lion she was. Though she was raised by the royal family, they looked nothing like her. Her mother and father could never answer her questions when she asked about the color and markings of her pelt, and why none of them had them. Her mother told her she was special, like each snowflake that fell from the sky, and she should be happy with that.

But Elsa never stopped wondering.

"Ah ha!" she said happily, puffing for air from her hard work, when he finally got free. She shook off some loose fur and smiled at him, looking him over in wonder. He did not look a lion, now that she had a better look. How very interesting he was, though! "There you are, whole and free. And not frozen solid, I hope. My home is not too far from here, you're welcome to come and rest if you'd like."

Elsa watched him and wondered if her invitation was not a little selfish. She did want to learn more about him, after all. But she was worried he had been hurt, or that his fur was too soaked through with ice water to be out in the cold.

"You don't owe me anything, anyone would do the same thing if they saw someone in an avalanche, or covered in snow. It happens a lot out here, and we all do what we can to help each other. I'm just glad you're alright."


Snuggly Knight

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:46 pm
Aquapuga shivered a little. The snow that had melted into his fur was not pleasant. He was cold and wet, which the last part wasn't going to last long. He had learned the hard way the last time that wet froze to ice in the pelt out here. Thankfully he had found a nice, warm den to sit and work out the ice when it happened before. He should take shelter again and this female was offering a place to do such. It would likely be a pride of lions, which could or could not end well depending. He doubted this lioness lived by herself completely and maybe the others would all be as curious as she was and not be hostile. Then again, they could take badly to something they had never seen before.

The leopon did not have time to debate before going. He had to get somewhere warm and get the forming ice out of his fur. "I am not frozen solid... but I do have some ice in my fur. I will have to impose on you for a bit to clean it out, it would seem." It was almost painful to be this nice, but he was going to do it. He did not understand how his stepfather managed to not insult people for fun, but the leopon was going to have to learn. He did not have a reason to be mean to this lioness, and every reason to be nice to her. It was important he made sure she did not see the sharp side of his tongue.

"Not everyone would stop to help a stranger... there are those where I am from that would have seen it as weakness that I even got in there... and weakness to show concern for me let alone assist me. It sounds as if this place is a bit different than where I come from." Aqua did not smile at the lioness because he did not want to scare the female. Some might offer a smile to reassure another, but he knew his smile would do nothing but make him look like he wanted to eat her. That would be another thing he was going to have to work on it would seem.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:01 pm
Kathryn Dragonna

"Don't worry, we're very used to ice around here," Elsa smiled at him warmly, not put out in the slightest to invite the strange looking creature back to the pride. She was Queen, but she was often very down to earth and willing to help anyone around her, much to the annoyance of her guards and protectors. Even know, somewhere in the distance, a very frustrated God was watching her with this Leopon and wondering why she was taking such a risk.

Elsa shook her head as he explained how creatures would react to things like this where he was from. Being mean was just not in her, and though she could be reserved and quiet, she never wanted to be mean to someone for no reason. Or even when she had a reason.

"It's not a weakness to worry about others. It would be a weakness of character not to help. Where ever you're from, things are different here. You are welcome to rest as long as you need, and I would never leave you trapped in the snow or out in the cold if I had the ability to offer you help. Come this way, back to my pride. I have a den you can rest in, and I will have one of my healers attend to you, and help rid the ice from your fur. Please, relax, and consider yourself a guest of my home. My name is Queen Elsa, by the way. It is nice to meet you, Aquapuga. I don't believe I properly introduced myself before."

She turned and made to walk toward the pride, casting looks back at him in case he had more trouble on the ice that surrounded the frozen island.


Snuggly Knight

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:52 pm
I apologize that this set unreplied to as I got eaten by work

"This place is pretty... if a bit slippery." The leopon chuckled a bit at himself. He had proven just how slippery over his travel through it. He padded along behind the queen as best he could, though he came close to sliding again a few times. "Thank you does not seem enough for what you offer me, ma'am. Perhaps there is something I can offer in return... once I learn to keep my balance in this stuff." He shakes a bit of snow off a paw and nearly fall son his nose. Okay note to self, be sure you are on stable ground and not the slippery stuff when shaking off paws.

Aquapuga hoped the female didn't think too badly of him as he slipped and slid along behind her. He was going to need her knowledge to adapt to this place and it would not do to annoy her or chase her off. He felt a bit like a cub trying to follow it's mother along for the first adventure out of the den. Nothing in his life had prepared him for this cold wet stuff and how it shifted under him without warning. It was easier to walk in mud! Though one plus was this would not leave brown marks on his fur like mud.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:39 pm
Kathryn Dragonna

Elsa smiled gently and nodded her head, looking around at her slippery, beautiful home. Though she saw it every day, she never got tired of it, and she always marveled at how powerful and raw it all was. It was a natural beauty, and though she was sure many felt the same of their own homes, be it in the yellow desert or lush green forests, she felt like it was the most beautiful thing the world had to offer.

"If you'd like to help out, I'm sure there's something we can find for you to do, but honestly, you do not owe me anything, and I would not ask you to repay any debts because of it. This place is friendly, and you are welcome here, honestly."

She smiled at him, thinking it was funny, the way he slipped and stumbled, but she did not laugh at him. She was supportive, figuratively and literally, and moved to lean against him just in case he needed the help. Her pace was slow and leisurely, and she offered him quiet, reassuring words to help him along until they reached the sturdier ground of the frozen island itself.

"There we are," she said, nodding her head, "that wasn't so bad."


Snuggly Knight

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:41 pm
Aquapuga snorted at the female's dismissing of her own actions and kindness. "I do owe you much in my mind, ma'am, and I will work to do my best to repay your kindness. Perhaps once I get my footing here, I can lend you my claws. I was trained to be an excellent fighter by my mother, but I am not much use without my paws under me." He was very grateful for the her continued assistance as they traveled. "You do not have to ask for what I will give. You have not made me ask for all the things you are giving to me..." Space in her den to dry off, offering him a spot in her pride, heck, he couldn't think of a better lioness to owe so much.

Aquapuga was going to make it his mission to help this female as much as he possibly could. Just as soon as he got dry and had his paws sorted out, he would make it up to her. He dug his paws into the sturdier ground of the island and sighed in relief. This he could walk on without the help of the lioness. It was a relief to have ground that did not make his paws numb and too slick to keep under himself properly. "So much better. This I can walk on with no issue. Thank you." He could not wait to get warm and dry. "It was much better with the assistance of a beautiful lioness." He hoped that sounded as nice as he intended. Maybe compliments would come easier with practice?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:01 pm
Kathryn Dragonna

Elsa smiled at him sweetly and shook her head. She was glad to offer him kindness, because she knew what it felt like to go without it. And she would not wish that feeling on anyone, if she could help avoid it. She would always do her best to be kind and gentle, and a just, fair ruler to those that followed her.

"I appreciate your kindness in return, then, and I look forward to meeting with you more."

She chuckled at his compliment, though it made her blush under her fur. Usually, she was not complimented honestly because of who she was. Either they did not want to compliment her, thinking her evil or cursed, or they were just doing what they thought a Queen wanted to hear. She liked this strange Leopon, the first she had ever met, because he seemed honest, and had a very gentle heart.

"My den is this way, I will show you how to get there. There are available shelters just nearby." She padded along and eventually, through the heart of the pridal island, led him to the grandest looking den. Guards were standing at the entrance to her home and she smiled at them, walking nearby to show him to one of the available dens. These were meant for dignitaries, visiting royals, or members of the higher classes in the pride. But she saw no harm in letting it go to good use for him.

Why let a good space go wasted? There were plenty of dens all around for everyone.

"You can stay here, if you'd like, as long as you would like."


Snuggly Knight

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:15 pm

Aquapunga followed around at the lioness' heels as she made her way through this place filled with so many lions. He was sure that with as cold and white as this place was the female's coloring would be common. He did not see many that shared it as he went. Those he glimpsed seemed to be a bit nervous and he guessed he could not blame them. He was a stranger and by what she had said earlier, they likely did not know what a leopon was either. It was a bit funny really.

Aquapuga looked at the den and stuck his head inside it. It was quite big and he was not as big as most lions. It seemed odd that she lead him here. "I thank you, ma'am... It is a very large space for one small feline." He shivered and decided that perhaps further conversation would have to wait. He needed to get the ice out of his fur and get himself warm. With that in mind, the leopon entered the den and started gave the female a honest if only half formed smile before starting on a paw to get it dry.  
[IC] Zizimisha'Mwili Lands [IC]

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