Usually in some type of JRPG, you'll sometimes encounter a casino for gambling. Like even in pokemon, I didn't even consider that as an RPG, but it had some form of gambling. There's slots for buying stuff or rare pokemon like Porygon. Though, that's a different story altogether.

Dragon Quest is no exception. I started with the first Dragon Quest, and I've noticed an interesting trend going on. The first DQ game doesn't actually have any form of gambling or obtaining prizes. However, once DQ II came along, there was actually a lottery but you needed tickets to play. The prizes are nice but it wasn't like it's necessary. The same thing went with DQ III, the only exception is that it played more of a series of boardgames called Pachisi. I personally think it's a really interesting idea what they did here. For one, it's not like you'd have to spend gold to wager for things. There is however the monster arena to win some gold. But I usually don't mess with those really...

I believe the very first official casino we had was in DQ IV.(I may not know if I'm correct on this as I haven't actually gotten around to play the game yet, so feel free to correct me.)

So from there on the we started having ways to gamble things in the casino. You could take risks and get some prizes by wagering your own gold for things. So, out of curiosity who here actually bothers gambling in casinos?