Hey there all DQer's still around!

Prince Cannock(Or Rhyus if you prefer) of the guild is here with a little thought.

So here I was thinking that it doesn't seem like the guild has a game forums area or anything like that... And so I was thinking what if we had a kind of huge sort of DQ RPG board game sometime this summer. Like something fun where all DQ members still around can participate in. I haven't really figured out of all of the details yet.. Though, it's the thought that counts right?

I guess we could use a dice for the rolls as movement and random enemy encounters and whatnot. Character sprites for our requested characters, Different terrains, and a final boss. And prizes could be handed out to the winners of the game or whatever. I'm not experienced in creating game maps or anything like that, but I'd like to try something where everyone can have fun.

Because I know the guild's been a little bit ghostly these days here and there...

Anyways, out of curiosity what does everyone here think about it? Or who here would be interested in playing a board game like that at some point? Or if anyone might have any cool suggestions I'd love to hear anything. xp