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Pakhet's gait was stunted as she walked with a very noticeable limp now and it was all that damned hyena's fault. A small part of her wonder why she had been so protective of a half-breed but the rest of her didn't give a s**t. Her body ached and it was all because of some dumb hyena. That's the only thing that mattered as far as the huntress was concerned.

She hissed under her heavy breathing as she glared at the open wounds that covered her body from her little skirmish with the nasty scavenger. As if her glare would magically close them and stop any of the blood from continuing to ooze out. Oh how she wished.

The sun was high in the sky, too high and too hot as Pakhet walked at a slow pace. There was no shade around and no water as far as she could see. Her mouth was open, panting, as she tried to keep herself cool under the scorching sun.

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It had been a while since Amiculi had left on her own ventures and since the Tuait'tekem was no more, things had gotten a lot less exciting. Taiga was still as wary and just as protective as ever even though there were less of them to fret over. So many of their cubs had gone out on their own to make it on their own or find their own path and Mana couldn't have been prouder of them. Still, she still missed her babies.

The sun was hot, but she had prepared by drinking quite a lot before leaving her mate behind to search for herbs she needed. He had wanted to come, insisted on it really, but he had large paws and sometimes didn't watch where he was stepping. The plant she was after was a rare one and she couldn't risk having Taiga crush it accidentally. The cheerful lioness' belly swayed with the water inside of it as she walked. The bright expression on her face faded to one of pain mixed with discomfort. She had suddenly overcome with a strong feeling of nausea. Maybe...drinking all that water wasn't the smartest idea she had ever had...

Walking was getting tiring now and her stomach just wasn't agreeing with. So the next rock Mana spotted, she took the chance and perched herself on top of it.

The heat was also getting to Pakhet. Stumbling through the savannah wasn't exactly what she would have had in mind when it came to an ideal day. A small grin flashed on her face for only a second before fading back to a more neutral one while her mouth hung open.

What the hell was...Squinting her amber eyes, she stared into the distance. Was that...another lion? It didn't have a mane so Pakhet could only assume it was another lioness or maybe a hybrid. Whatever it was, maybe it could help. Without thinking much more on it, the tan lioness altered the direction her paws had been moving her towards this other mystery cat.

"Oh, hello there!" Mana called out as soon as she noticed another body coming towards her. She wasn't exactly scared of others. Maybe it had something to do with being around Taiga for so long or maybe it was just she knew how to run if needed. Still, most rogues she had encountered so far didn't even think of hurting a healer in these lands. They were rare enough as it was.

The other lioness was getting closer and soon enough Mana was able to see the scratches that littered her body. There were even a few bite marks too. She frowned. It wasn't odd to have a rogue approach her looking for her aid, but to have one with this extensive of injuries was just surprising. "Do you need help, friend?" Maybe referring to her as her friend would put the approaching lioness at ease. With so many wounds, she could only assume that she would be on edge.

Pakhet's ears went back as she finished her approach. Every other rogue she had encountered so far had resulted in a fight but yet here was one who seemed to almost welcome her company instead of shun it, fight it away with tooth and claw. It was a good change for pace. "I do." She replied. Her words were still strong but they wavered even with those two simple sounds. Friendly and helpful, perhaps she was a witch in disguise, just waiting to steal her soul.

"Then I may be able to help you." Mana practically sung back in response. She tossed her head slightly, opening the flap on the small satchel she carried around on her neck. Her muzzle dipped into it. Pausing for a few moments, just staring at nothing, concentrating, she seemed to almost be doing nothing. Finally her face came out and in her mouth was a small branch covered in other smaller branches. These smaller branches were covered in many equally small leaves. She placed the plant part behind both of her paws, guarding it carefully.

"This is from a plant that grows far away from here, towards the large watering hole in the south. It's rare in this area, but it can help your wounds." The healer paused, looking her over. "I can offer it to you and my expertise in how to prepare and use it, for a price."

Of course there would be a catch for her help. There always was, but that was how rogues survived. They had to bargain, trade and work with eachother in order to see another dawn. "Fine." Pakhet replied exasperatedly, sitting down where she had stopped mere yards from this healer. "What are your terms?"

Mana's eyes lit up as she agreed to a trade. "I'm looking for a soothing plants. It's sort of fleshy in texture and typically has small spines on it. The liquid inside of it helps soothe nearly any pain from external injuries and can even help accelerate wounds." She glanced down at the small herb-covered twig laying so close to her and then back up to this sandy lioness. "I'll treat you, only half-dose, but you'll feel much better. After I do that, you help me find this plant and I'll treat you until you're healed over. I can't promise you won't have scars, but you'll survive."

Ahh, so she'd be an assistant. "Fine." Came Pakhet's answer. There was no reason to think on her options simply because there were none. She didn't have the resources to help herself or the knowledge to do it even if she had said resources. And here she was with someone who had both who only asked a rather modest fee for both. "I'll help you find your plant."

"Great!" She beamed. Quickly Mana tucked the precious herb back into her pouch, tossing her head once more to close it. "Come on then. We'll head back to where I stay. It's much safer with my mate, he was a guardian in our pride. Strong guy. It'll be better to recover without having to worry too much."

Oh boy, more walking. "Alright, well, lead the way." Just what she wanted to do while flies buzzed around her, probably looking to do whatever flies do around her scabbing wounds. Truthfully Pakhet didn't want to move on, she wanted to be healed right then and there, but that wasn't going to happen. It was going to take time. Besides, there was no water, no shade and no prey out here. Maybe wherever this stranger lioness and her mate lived would have all three of them.

There was a lightness in Mana's step, though on occasion it did stop and return to a normal stride. Her belly was still full of water, moving was uncomfortable but she managed. As soon as she was sure this stranger was following her, she began heading back towards Taiga and their remaining children with the injured lioness in tow.

[word count: 1337]