User ImageSeaki
It had been a few days since Chozi had seen his children. He ached to see them, but there were things to be down outside the coalition's borders. He missed his kids. He missed how Mpenzi was growing with only Nanth and Celes as witnesses.

Still, he took his time. He needed to find some last minute feathers for a new face masque, and he was bound and determined to get them so he would not have to leave again for a while

Velveteen Angel
Kazuki sat at the base of a tree, staring up at it with a look of fixed determination. She was completely still, except for her tail which flicked behind her in contemplation. She had grown bored that morning and had decided that she would try and master a new skill. Tree climbing. If leopards could do it, why couldn't she, as a cheetah, achieve the same feats? She was smaller than a leopard, surely that would be better for climbing.

She stretched her muscles, extending her body out to its full length before latching her claws into the bark of the tree. She could do this! But as she tried to pull herself up the tree, she would get very small distances before sliding back, her claws simply not strong enough to hold her.

It hadn't taken long before Chozi came upon a group of trees. And of course, where there were trees, there were often birds of all shapes and sizes. Perhaps he could find what he was looking for here! He ventured closer to the tree, keeping a vigilant look for anything that fit his requirements.

What he didn't expect was to find a cheetah attempting to climb a tree. He watched the other slide down, and he couldn't help but give a small chuckle. "Are you alright?" he did ask, however. It would not due to laugh at someone and not ask. He didn't want to be cruel, after all!

Velveteen Angel
She was startled by the sound of his voice behind her, and spun to look, but her claws were still stuck in the tree branch, so it resulted in a rather awkward looking over her shoulder whilst dangling from a tree. Graceful.
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"Oh, yes, I'm fine, the tree just isn't cooperating," she explained, with a sulky expression on her face. Damn, she wanted to climb! Why wasn't the tree being nicer to her? She huffed. Maybe it new that all she really wanted to do was use the tree to get high enough to jump off it. She was trying to figure out how far she could jump between trees, without falling.

Chozi tilted his head a bit, "Oh?" He asked. "How so?" It was curious for a tree not to cooperate. He had been climbing trees since he was a small cub, thanks to his mother, after all. He knew that not all others knew how to climb, but she was making a valiant effort!

He took a step forward, looking carefully at the tree and up higher into the branches. Perhaps he could just... give her some pointers! He didn't want to be rude, though. "Why are you trying to learn to climb trees?"

Velveteen Angel
Kazuki huffed. "It's not being coporative in my attempt to climb it!" She explained, although that was very obvious. She glanced at him when he asked 'why' and shrugged. "It seemed like a fun idea, and I'm bored." She wiggled a little, detaching her claws from the bark with some difficulty. Oh yeah, NOW they wanted to hold her.

She wiggled, testing that her claws were ok.

"Hi by the way!" She grinned. "I'm Kazuki."

Chozi was smiling and he definitely had not realized it. The Cheetah made him absolutely smile. It made him absolutely giddy in fact. "Well, that's one way to pass the time, I suppose!" He agreed, though he hadn't climbed a tree for fun in such a long time.

"Hi, Kazuki, I'm Chozi," he gave a laugh, absolutely filled with mirth.

Velveteen Angel
Kazuki began to grin broadly back. He seemed happy! She liked that! The world needed more happy people. Maybe he would play with her as well! She loved playing games but when it was just her, it was so boring.

"Nice to meet you, Chozi. Did you want to play a game with me?" She blurted out, bouncing on her paws. "It's so much more fun with two people and you seem really fast, so we should play tag and then we can be happy and have fun!" She grinned. Her words came out fast and eager, and she really, really hoped that he would say yes!

Chozi found himself bobbing his head in agreement. "Sure, I'll play!" He hadn't felt this giddy and excited for a long while. It was almost a cub-like feeling. He felt, honestly, like he could be a child again, even though he did not play much in his childhood.

"What are your rules?" He asked, bouncing on his toes a bit. He would be running either way, and he would be ready to either chase or be chased. Tag was different for everyone, though! This would be fun~

Velveteen Angel
Kazuki gave a small squeal of excitement when he said that he would play. Finally! Someone who was willing to play a game with her. She just hoped he didn’t rush off like all of the others. She was excited by the fact he asked about her rules though, because some people thought her games were a bit weird but they were normal, and she couldn’t understand why people were so concerned. It was weird, because every time she explained them to people they suddenly had other things they had to do, like babysit or wash their mane or something. So strange!

“Well, obviously, we need to find some sticks!” She explained bouncing on her paws excitedly. “That should be easy!” She giggled to herself, excitedly rushing around to find the utensils they needed for the game. “I mean, how crazy would that be, playing tag without sticks!”