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Reply [IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]
[PRP - West] Downtime [Thrain & Xuen]

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Noble Cub

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:18 pm
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The cool morning air felt absolutely wonderful against the guard's..no, soldier's sore body. That was something he would have to get used to, a new rank, earned by defending the Duke. Somehow he felt it was undeserved. Anyone would have done the same thing if they had come across the situation. But he was the one that did, is what he had been told by Jilie over and over when he mentioned it. The wind blew through his mane as he sat out of the woods, on a small overhang. It was a little ways of a drop downward, but this spot reminded him of the North. His home. Thrain hoped he would be able to go home soon.

Still, the quiet and still tranquility of the West was certainly helping his heal faster. The cuts that had bled all over his pelt were healing nicely, or so said the apothecary who saw to him, and the blood had been washed away by a careful maid the previous night. Certainly he could have washed himself, but she had insisted as he was a guest of the West's royal family. It was...odd. This life of luxury was not something he knew. It was simply an unknown for him and in some way it kind of made him nervous to even do anything as there were more eyes on him more now than ever.

Groaning, Thrain laid himself down, overlooking the West from his perch with a heavy sigh. His muzzle was buried underneath both of his paws, being careful of the thin line that ran over his face. It was the only wound that really hurt still and the only one that he knew would definitely scar. He could just feel it somehow, that it would be a reminded for his lifetime. Normal. That's all he wanted now. For things to go back to normal and for his days to stop being so filled with worry of saying something wrong, head-bowing and proper etiquette when being visited by the grateful parents of Jilie.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:58 pm
Dohzou scoffed at the stranger as the message was delivered by the avian that he had been traveling with for what seemed like weeks. He had traveled to the four outer houses and was doubling back to head back to the North when he was intercepted by an apparently new member of the house. "Fine, if that is what the Lord says then so be it." Glancing over his shoulder, the black-white-red avian fluttered from his mane and onto the stranger's oddly aura-like mane. He was taller than himself but wasn't as bulky as most of the Royals. However, it was the fact that this stranger, this stripped individual had the same rank as himself bothered him. "I'll head home and discuss this with my brother. You have your orders, I assume." The male nodded. "Good to you then, Lt. Colonel Xuen."


The stranger was foreign, his scent, his air, his accent, it was thick and different of a place from far away. The travel to the West House was long and tiresome, but with his companion, he managed to find his way here fairly easily. Though he was assigned this post by the Lord of the North, he was uncertain if the messenger that was sent to the Lord of the West received word of the new occupant of his home. In which case, it would be certainly wise to greet the royal family here and announce his arrival and business here. Rolling his shoulders, his stern expression remained on his face as he casually strolled through the house and up toward the where he imagined the royal quarters to be. If it was anything like the North's.

"Chi-ji, is this the way to the Lord's quarters?" Xuen murmured, quiet enough to remain out of earshot of any wanderers here. The House was certainly more lively than his own, which he appreciated some, but also meant that there were wandering eyes and ears to evade. The bird fluttered and fluffed. - No. Breathing through his nose, he turned up the path when he noticed an individual laying off a ways on a raised edge. Narrowing, the male was injured and resting. Curiosity got the better of him, but it also meant he was interacting with the members of the House he may be staying at.

"You look worse for ware." He spoke with raised brow, eyeing the thin line that was paling over across the lion's face. Must have gotten in a fight and made out of it rather well, all considering the cuts and gashes all over the body. The healing looked to have been assisted thus there was an apothecary among the house. Good information to have.  


Loyal Werewolf


Noble Cub

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:10 pm
"It looks worse than it feels." Thrain replied, raising his head out from under his paws to look towards the owner of the new voice. Both of his ears turned forward. He had been expecting to see one of Jilie's uncles or possibly his grandfather, but instead there was bright striped lion standing there instead. Somehow looked...familiar, but regardless, he bowed his head. Better safe than sorry since he was still learning who was who in the Tianxia. One of the downsides from being born outside of the pride. Still, he had been visited by so many people since saving Jilie that it as odd he didn't recognize him or at least remember seeing him before. The guards seemed to ignore him though so he had to belong until that black beast that would rot away in the North soon enough.

"You are welcome to join me, friend. I do not own this space and it is a beautiful view that is fit to be shared." Though usually probably by not two strangers. "I have not seen your around the West since I got here. Are you new by any chance?" Or maybe Thrain was just going blind.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:28 pm
"It'll heal. I've had my fair share of bouts, this is but a scratch to what I've seen lions survive." He returned as he moved to lay beside the individual, a fair distance from to not be too close and yet not too far to be putt-offish. He had joined not even a full moon ago and yet here he was, on an order from the Lord of the North to establish himself here under his name and for the House's protection. So everyone is new to him. He wasn't even sure if there was a way to tell who belong to which house without having to ask! The lion laid down, head held high, looking out over the mountains, the grasslands, it was indeed a beautiful view and the air was very clean compared to where he was from.

"I am not of the West. I am from the North, sent here by the Lord on an order. However, you are right on that regard, I am new to the pride and yet here I am." Shrugging his shoulder, the avian appeared from his side before hopping onto the ground beside him, glancing at the injured lion with keen eyes and a tilt of his head. "Chi-ji. My personal messenger and fellow member of the North."  


Loyal Werewolf


Noble Cub

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:36 pm
Another lion from the North?

"Then we are both strangers in a strange land." Thrain tossed his mane, laughing softly to the wind. The last thing he wanted was to reopen any healing wound with his own laughing. How embarrassing would that be? "I'm also from the North." He paused, thinking on his words for a moment before adding, "I'm actually from the Pridelands, but the North is my home now." And he was a long way from home. It had been nearly three days since he had saved Jilie but it seemed so much longer and the longer he stayed, the farther away from the North he felt.

Golden eyes blinked as a falcon came and made itself at home right beside them. His first thought was that it was a messenger from the North calling him home. He was half right. "A pleasure Chi-ji." Thrain said, his head dipping towards the avian companion of the lion beside him. His head raised only after a few seconds. "Tie Shi is my name, I'm just a simple gua-" There he went again, using his previous rank again. "..soldier in the North."
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:49 pm
"A Pride Lander, interesting. It was a territory that I passed through on the way here. A pleasant place, very welcoming. However, this was my destination so I didn't dawdle too long." He nodded. He could recall how the grass felt beneath his paws, how the air felt on his fur. The rogues that he met there were kind and helpful, informative even. It was the first time he had been to a territory that allowed rogues to live comfortably there. He would wager that the Pride Landers were fierce fighters when they were needed to be. Especially when he looked at the one beside him. It was pleasant to know that this one was from the North, but his eyes narrowed and his brows raised at the thought. "Now why would a North member be here in the West? From my understanding Lord Xun'lin doesn't send out his members unless he had a specific reason to, or am I missing something?" The comment was directed at the bird who turned and ruffled at him.

"A guard-soldier, you say? Interesting." He mused, his lip twitching into a smirk, his head ducking to hide it. There was a lion of that rank outside the house. Would that mean that there were others in the other houses already as well? Xun'lin may have been right to assign him the rank and send him here after all... at least so he though. "I am Lt. Colonel Xuen, sent here to establish a guard post for the North here in the West for immediate responses to danger. Chi-ji is my messenger, not of the North's persay. He does what I need him to and he informs me of certain happenings in my surroundings that I should be aware of. So it is interesting that you are here. Not even Duke Dohzou was aware that you were here and he passed by not too long ago."

"It seems you have a story to tell, Soldier. Wish to tell it?"  


Loyal Werewolf


Noble Cub

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:06 pm
Oh boy. He was definitely in a bind now. This lion was a Lt. Colonel, three ranks above him and he was asking him a question. There was really no -not- telling why he was here now. "I..wasn't sent here." Wow, that sounded a lot worse when he actually said it. "I was tracking a possibly poacher in the North and I lost track of..well, where I was." Thrain's shoulders sank as did his ears. "I stumbled across a black beast of a lion, adequately named by the guards who are currently watching Shengjie Long; unholy dragon." It definitely was a fitting name for him after everything he had done to Jilie and him, also considering his looks as well.

"He was attacking Duke Jilie. I did what any of this guards would have done and saved him. It's how I got..." A gentle paw raised, touching the healing line across his face. "This." Gold eyes looked downward after the word was spoken. "The Lord and Lady of the West, in their immense generosity, have allowed me to stay here as Duke Jilie's guest until I recover and am able to escort the dragon back to the North where he will not be a danger to the West's royal family." Really, if Shengjie stayed in the West, someone would eventually take the law into the own paws and kill him. The last thing the Tianxia needed was an execution of a good member of the pride who just wanted revenge for their Duke.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:15 pm
His attention was sharp as he watched the male's expressions, how he dipped his head, how his voice trailed and dipped off as he spoke. He wasn't comfortable, he felt obligated even to speak to him. Xuen shook his head. "Don't you worry about that. The poacher will be found and it was fortunate that you were here. You did above and beyond what your rank dictates and I am certain the the Lords - both West and North - appreciate and applaud you for your efforts and valor. It is our jobs as members of the North to protect and defend the pride, not just our house." He mused the notions of a lion that was a beast. If not for his sire, there was also the former Lord of the House. Now, that lion was a beast like no other, he would describe the lion as a behemoth, a monster, rather than a beast. But he was proud and protective of the house.

"Do not touch it, Tie Shi." The way he spoke the name was different, it rolled perfectly off his tongue, the accent falling into place as the name came out. "The Lord and Lady are quite generous to offer you such a honor. If he is to be escorted to the North, I shall send word to send another with you to ensure a safe travel even if I have to go with you myself." Xuen was slightly concerned. Did Tie Shi seriously consider escorting the lion who injured him such a way back to the North on his own? No, the West was going to help, the house must have sent a message to the North for assistance as well as informing them of the situation. Still, he was quite impressed by the soldier. "I would like to see more like you."  


Loyal Werewolf


Noble Cub

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:26 pm
His paw quickly stopped so close to his face before falling back onto the ground. There was a large exhale, as if Thrain had just been holding his breath the entire time, waiting for Xuen's either anger or approval. What he hadn't been expecting was praise, especially since the soldier had completely forgotten to send a falcon of his own to the North explaining the situation in his own words. He could only imagine what would happen when he got home.

"You honor me with your words, Lt. Colonel." His head turned back towards the Lord and Lady's den, somewhere near it the black beast of a lion was being kept, hopefully in some sort of a hole in the back of a den being guarded by multiple guards, possibly even a royal guard as well. "The Lord and Lady will be sending a few of their own guards to escort him back with him, so there is no need to remove guards from the North to make the trip to the West. Though...if we could be met by some of our own at the border, so that way the West's guards do not have to make the whole trip there and back..." Now he was just thinking outloud. Somehow it wouldn't surprise him if more of the West's guards came without orders to do so or if those few that were supposed to head back with him volunteered. While Duke Jilie wasn't the heir, he was certainly liked.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:27 am
The gesture did not go unnoticed, the stripped lion nodding. "My words are my own, it is your actions that honor our House, Tie Shi. To be honest, I am new myself, to my rank, to the house, to the pride, to this land. To be thrust upon this responsibility is foreign to me as well. No need to get proper with me," Xuen smiled. "not yet."

Xuen followed his gaze up the way to what looked to be a bigger den. If his intuition was correct, that was where the royal family resided and possibly where the criminal was being held. He thought about paying that one a visit as well after meeting with the Lord and Lady and this Jilie that the soldier spoke of. It was the lion's voice that got his attention back again, slowly drawing his head to his gaze. "I will send word for the guards to meet you at the border. It is only proper to have guards of the residing territory travel with you. You are right, no need to have the West's guards leave for an extended time to make the trip when the North has plenty of guards and soldiers available to do just the same." He nodded as he added onto the injured lion's musing. It was a good thing that Tie Shi spoke freely, if it were former Lord Sheng, speaking freely was an expressed permission. Luckily, neither of them were Lord Sheng, and neither of them were at the North House; just two North members outside their territory, new and learning of the ways of the pride. "I recommend you stay as long as you like, then. It seems that the West has grown a liking to you. As have I, it'd be nice to see a familiar face here until you take your leave."  


Loyal Werewolf


Noble Cub

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:52 am
"Indeed it would be." A familiar face, even if they were only brief acquaintances, was more than he was with many of the residents of the West and seeing someone he recognized would do wonders for his morale, healing and overall health then being surrounded by strangers. Perhaps one day he would ask how a new member such as himself came into such a high rank so early on, but that was best saved for another time.

"Tie Shi!"

A new voice chimed in, coming from the mouth of the cave the pair had been looking towards. Duke Jilie stood there on three legs with his body pressed against the rock wall. His fourth leg, his right forepaw, was raised. Mangled, the duke's leg was an absolute mess though the rest of his wasn't much better. His mane was disheveled, fur missing parts here and there was a distinct tired look on his face that told of sleepless nights that were plagued with nightmares. His eyes were looking right at the pair, but mostly focused on Thrain.

"I did not mean to interrupt, but Tie Shi promised to join me for tea." Tea was a loose term. It was just a herbal remedy put in water from a hot spring and left to sit for a short time.

The soldier flinched at the mention of the hot leaf juice. It was absolutely horrible stuff but he was supposed to drink it two times a day. Maybe some day the maids could make this tea taste as good as he heard Duke Shan's was when he visited the West. Thrain smiled sheepishly at the duke, his ears turning downward. "It must have slipped my mind, Jilie. I apologize." His attention turned to his striped superior. "Perhaps we can speak again, Xuen?"
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:07 pm
Xuen smiled fondly at the soldier. Judging by his condition, he did not appear to be leaving any time soon, which meant the healing process was working the best it could and the damage, though barely visible was substantial. If that was the case, this black monster of a lion was being held here for that much longer as well. It would be in the best interest of the West if he was allowed to stay, especially to assist in watching over the criminal. He did not have guards under him yet, but if he had the opportunity to do so, he would recommend Tie Shi to be the first of the guards in his branch here at the West. Though, he'd have to ask the Lord of the West, North, and Tie Shi himself when that moment came.

It was when a voice chimed behind him that he turned to face the cave. Chi-ji quickly took flight to the air, his wings flaring as he took to the sky. It was a young lion, one in a much worse condition than Tie Shi was, probably one of the more common states he was experienced with seeing. The poor male was clearly beaten to an inch of his life and here he was walking around on his own. Brave soul that one. He nodded to the lion in acknowledgement as he gave a quick glance to his fellow Northman beside him.

"Forgive me for taking your time, Tie Shi. It was a pleasure speaking with you and I hope that our paths meet again. Let the strength of the North guide you both to a speedy recovery." Xuen raised to his feet, nodding to them both. He would see them off kindly before going to seek the Lord and Lady. He did not bother to question who this Jilie was, but he imagined, being a West member, he'd get the opportunity next time.  


Loyal Werewolf


Noble Cub

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:16 pm
"There is nothing to apologize for, Xuen. Truthfully, I should be thanking you for keeping me from that nasty leaf water for so long." There was a small bit of laughter and playfulness in Thrain's words as he struggled getting himself back onto his paws. Exhaustion was still a battle he had not won, but plenty rest, just as the apothecary had prescribed, would hopefully fix his lack of energy. A quick bow of his head and a few words, "Have a wonderful day, Xuen." and the soldier was heading back up towards the royal den that a rather impatient lion stood at the mouth of.

"Oh stop giving me that look, Jilie. I'm fine. Lets go drink that horrible stuff." The corners of his mouth tugged into a grin as the two disappeared inside of the cave.
[IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]

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