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Astraeus was sitting upright under the darkness of twilight looking up at the stars, the only light that shown through the trees, he often stargazed about the most random things; tonight the thought occupying his mind was where his father and brother were. It was one of his more frequent thoughts. His mom didn’t like to talk about them it was always a bit of a sore topic for her. He turned to look back through the cave entrance where he last saw his mom enter. Stay out here, I’ll be back soon. She says. He sighed wondering what was taking so long. His mom mentioned to him when he was young he had a brother, Astra always wondered why his father never was around, he also wondered why he looked different from his mother and grandmother. After asking and asking her mother r and Nyota he was his father came took his brother and went back to his own pride. Which he doesn’t blame him father for leaving; he just wondered about them. He wondered if they were even alive still, did they think about him. He just wondered what they were like now. He vaguely remembers his brother, just blurred mental pictures, he just wanted to see them again, maybe get to know them.

Sarraqa was sniffing for a specific herb; She could hear the drips from the stalactites that echo through the cave as if they were keeping time for her of how long it’s been. Drip She was used to navigating through caving systems, she did after all live in an underground labyrinth of the Serosa. Drip She was looking for a specific Herb to help sickness, she was often left in charge of watching over the sick cubs as they adjust to a different kind of life underground. Drip Her nose scrunched at the familiar smell of the coral colored flower they called Pink Esony. Biting down on the stem of the plant, careful not to ruin the petal where the sap was help. She put it in her pouch taking a quick look around to make sure there wasn’t any more growing nearby. This herb was hard to come by for reasons unknown; other rogues have probably taken it for the same reason she is for its medicinal purposes. She an accomplished huff she flipped her tuff and began to make her way out of the cave.

Astra’s ears twitched as he heard light familiar steps coming from the cave entrance. He turned relived to see his mom finally return. “I thought you said it was going to be a quick errand.” He said comically. He looked over her smaller body, although he may often wonder of his father and brother were up to, he was happy. His mom although young did what she could and his grandmother was there to help them as well. “Did you at least find what you needed?” He questioned, although he didn’t need to escort her to find herbs he often did because she was his mother after all and he felt the need to look after her as she looked after him. Like Kumo looked after everyone. He was the closest thing to a father or a brother Astra ever had. Kumo was like the head guard for the pride, He was the mate to the queen and adoptive brother and son of Sara and Nyota.

Sara was delighted that Astra decided to come with her, she loved spending time with her son, well the only one she saw anyway. Sorry it was a bigger cave then I anticipated and yes I got it. She said light-heartedly. I’m glad you waited for me though. She stated giving her son a warm-hearted smile. She looked over her son at the strong male lion he has become. She wondered how her other son was doing, the one that went with his father. Every time she looked at him she thought of their father, after all the difference in their coat was clearly obvious, Astras brother was the one that looked like the maternal side of the family, the black coat and the blue and white markings. However Astra did have the crescent moon, both Sara and her mother share the marking as do many of the family. Regardless of his coat she loved him, he was her son. ”Shall we return home?” She chirped as she began to lead them back to the pride lands.

Astra followed his mother still thinking about what his father and brother were like, what would’ve happened if Astra was the one to go with his father instead of his brother. ”What was he like, my father I mean?” He asked worried what his mother might think of his question.

Sara looked down, but smiled, it was almost as if their connection was liked. Well… He was strong, very tall. He walked with a sense of purpose. However I learned how much of a façade that was. He was actually a big cub. He was very unsure sometime although he would’ve never admitted it. But the reason I liked him was the fact her had such confidence in whatever he seemed to do, whether he knew he succeeded or failed. To be honest we never thought out little thing would bring us cubs, but you and your brother were my happy accidents” She could help chuckle a little. He had a black coat, you get your white coat from him mother, although you do have the same green-ish patchiness he had. He also had a full think mane that was as white as snow, your mane is as big and fluffy as his was. She did miss them, thinking about him made her face heat up, like when she was young and they first met. ’’Was that good enough for you?” She questioned.

Astra nodded and smiled, he was happy to hear more about his about how similar they were, he felt like it brought him closer to that side of his family; aside he may never really know. Yes, but I still don’t know how I feel about being called a happy accident. He chuckled. He at least was beginning to get a better picture of his father and maybe one day he would see both his father and brother again.