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When she was a cub, Basha believed her birthright was longevity. By adolescence she knew this sense of entitlement would never be fulfilled by reality, that she would die no older than those sired and birthed by mortals all. Inevitable seer abilities were a nice consolation prize provided she achieved what she wanted.

But she hadn't.

What did she want? Fame — infamy, really. To be feared, not loved. To have those around her bow their heads when she walked by as they did to that damned Rapha. The day she'd joined the Nergui her estimation had been thirty sunrises and she'd be running the place. Many, many more than that had gone by. It made her blood boil.

Recently, things were all the more complicated by the onslaught of visions where she... It was a struggle to say it, difficult to think it, and near impossible to accept it, but the fact of the matter was she needed to shift her priorities to sustaining her welfare or ensuring a legacy more than her present day reputation. One vision could be chance. Two was worrisome. Three, four, five? That was a warning only a fool would ignore.

One way or another, there was a very real possibility someone was going to kill her.

She was going to meditate, she'd said, something encouraged by this brutish horde. Then she'd slipped away and into the rogue lands, spending the next several days searching for something very specific. Interrogation, death threats, and blood on her paws had pointed her in this direction. They said there was a God sighted not too long ago around the area just up ahead.

Wasn't sure where you wanted to put him, so I left it up to you to describe the scenery! If he keeps so much on the down low no one would have even sighted him, let me know and I'll edit this. <3 If not, I figured it would make sense she could find out through the grape vine where a God might be.