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[Plot Contest!] The Next Generation (CLOSED)

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Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:07 pm
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Starting Date: NOW~
End Date: 20/08

- Be nice, ect.

- As these cubs come from an important family, they may leave the colony at adult but please talk to both Painted Moose and myself before you do so!

- We reserve the right to extend the contest, or not gift a cub if we don't see an entry that suits us (though this is highly unlikely).

- We would like to see these cubs RP'd so please keep that in mind if you enter c: Activity is loved.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:09 pm

These cubs are the offspring of two council members in the Elimisha'sombea! They will be raised as normal cubs, however some may treat them differently because of their parent's high ranks.

They can take any rank they desire in the colony, even Council (if they work up to it).

There is no real naming requirements, just anything that strikes your fancy and is nice sounding.

The Family!

The Mama (Painted Moose)
User Image

Scheherazade was raised in a pride that kept subservient females, with those not of lion blood even further below. Despite this she was never treated differently among her own family and even fell in love with a sweet lion. When he left, however, she found herself fleeing her homelands in favor of rogue life. There she found a cheetah who sired her first litter, ultimate leading her pregnant self to the colony. Throughout the years she has retained a rather aloof, if not oddly blunt attitude that leads her to spend hours upon end simply staring into the night sky. She may be head over heels for Hu, but you won't ever hear her say it.

The Papa (Velveteen Angel)
User Image

Hu is a serious individual, he takes his job as council member very seriously. He is not one for affection either. He'll never really be the type to cuddle with his cubs, but he does care for them. He just cares in a more 'distant' manner of love. Don't get him wrong, he still adores them, he will just teach them rather than coddle them.

The Granddaddy (Velveteen Angel)
User Image

Obadias raised Scheherazade as his own when his banu, Mihika, gave birth to a litter of fullblood leopards. He never once treated them differently, and adored them as his own. He would never admit it, but Scheherazade might have been his favourite. He dotes on his daughter, and will not let ANYONE put down their familial bonds. Just because he didn't father her, does not mean he is not her dad.

***NOTE: Scheherazade's biological father is, Dysini'mbus! Please be careful when picking mates for these guys, as Dysi's lineage is pretty broad now c:

The Grandmama (Sabra Knight)
User Image

The Eldest Daughter (Velveteen Angel)
User Image

Ua was adopted by Hu in their original home forest. Sweet and innocent, she adores her papa. He's a bit on the cold side, but Ua has never taken that to heart. She is cheerful and optimistic, she'll be a little burst of sunshine around the cubs, spoiling them with snuggles and cuddles and possibly sneaking them from their parents for adventures.

** As part of the current Metaplot, Ua was gravely injured. People suspect it was a lion, but no one knows for sure. She will be recovering as the cubs grow, but will be still injured when they are born.

The Cubs:

User ImageChiyo (Painted Moose)

Chiyo is an active night owl that prefers to stay away during the hours of her mother. Because of a few incidences in her youth she'll come to believe that she isn't intellectually smart enough to take up a scholars route and devote herself to defense. She tries to take the weight of the world on her shoulders, and is rather passionate about it, but that just means she's one of the easier ones to snap. She's also under the assumption that if an individual cannot provide a service that they're a waste and should be avoided, leading her to a critical eye of the world.

User ImageAi (Velveteen Angel)

The only male in a large, female dominated litter, Ai sticks to his father like a shadow. Not out of dislike for his mother, but out of a desperate need to escape all the feminine influences surrounding him. He will grow up to be quiet, and respectful of females, but a little distant to those all around him.

User Image

Cebisile (Zosie)

She is quite interested in how the mind works, especially in regards to bad feelings (i.e. war, as they are a peaceful group), and also a little bit of an unintentional feminist. She will love giving advice and will try to understand everyone she can.

User Image (Magna)


Velveteen Angel

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:11 pm
User Image

The two girls you're entering for!

The pink girl is a beautiful mix of her parents, whereas the green girl has throwbacks back to Mihika, Scheherazade's mother!

This is not a RP contest, it is a PLOT contest. Sell us on what your character will bring to the colony! Will it be drama? Wisdom? War? C:

No minimum word requirement, but Moose and I love details ;D

[b]Which Cub?[/b]: Pink or Green?
[b]Cub Name[/b]:
[b]Name Meaning[/b]:


[b]Plot Ideas[/b]: What will this cub be in the colony?
How do they feel about their non-leopard granddad?

[b]Future Rank[/b]:

[b]Any Extras?[/b]

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:12 pm
Entrant List!


Velveteen Angel


Celestial Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:42 pm
Username: Kaliforneum
Which Cub?: Green
Cub Name: Lin Zhan
Name Meaning: Jade Soldier (Also named after Lin Beifong from Legend of Korra)

Personality: Cold, calculating, and a control freak, Lin is not always the most pleasant feline to be around. She dedicates her life to her work and doesn’t see the point to pursuing anything else, be they relationships or hobbies. Not to say she doesn’t care about others, though. She cares very much about her fellow pride members, even more so her friends (few as they may be) and family, but she has an extremely difficult time showing it. She’s more likely to yell at you for doing something foolish or reckless than praise you on doing something well. She has a view of what the perfect world would be like in her head, for herself and for others, and does her best to make that vision a reality. If Lin thinks you’re wasting your potential doing something stupid, she’ll tell you flat out to your face. She really does it out of life, wanting her friends and family to be the best that they can be, but the only way she’s able to let others know is be blowing up at them when they aren’t.
A militaristic female with somewhat of an “ends justify the means” attitude about battle, Lin is not someone you want to mess with or piss off. She’s been in real battles before, not those silly little spats the colony has the audacity to call “duels,” and she knows what it takes to survive. Lin is not above playing dirty or throwing punches below the belt in real fights. Anatomy being the only intellectual subject thing Lin finds worth her time, this leopard knows exactly where to hit you in order to take you down. A brilliant strategist and tactician, the weak defenses of the pride frustrate and worry her.

Plot Ideas: First of all, Lin won’t see any problem of having a non-lion grandfather. Lions could be a very useful addition to the pride’s defense, seeing as they are bigger and stronger than leopards. If only….

Like her sister Chiyo, Lin will have something happen to her than will turn her to the defense sector. (I am very open to what this is. Currently, I was thinking she’d be out gathering some new plants to study, maybe having snuck away from Ua after being taken out on an adventure, when she gets attacked by an aggressive rogue or a hungry maned wolf. If you guys had another idea you wanted to do, go for it. As long as she gets attacked and injured. Nothing serious or debilitating, but bad enough to put her onb ed rest for a while.) Either way, Lin will realize that her intelligence and knowledge did nothing to save her, and that such pursuits are worthless in the harsh realities of the world. She’ll dedicate her life to the defense of the pride and teaching herself how to fight.
So as a cub and apprentice, she’ll be training in the ways of combat and also anatomy with some of the medics/bone hunters, if I can lock those plots down. Lin will probably grow farther and farther away from the rest of her family at this time, mostly though becoming scholars, having told them off one too many times.

I’ll definitely try to get her to climb the ranks of that sector as high as I can. I haven’t decided whether I’ll have her go for Sentry or Warrior officially, but unofficially she’d want to train herself in the ways of both areas.
She will be getting a familiar, either a falcon or a ratel (maybe both) who will help serve in the defense sector with her. Falcons are a handy companion to have when out scouting borders, and even lions are a little wary of going up against a ratel in a fight.

As for more major plots, I think she’d have a lot of conflict with her siblings and parents in the ranks of the scholars. She thinks most of those pursuits, besides medicine, are completely pointless and a huge waste of time. After all, there could an attack on the pride at any minute. That’s what pride members should be focusing on. Why even bother having that sector in the first place? She was attacked, her aunt Ua was attacked…obviously the fact that everyone has their noses in a scroll most of the time is causing a serious security problem….

Additionally, she’d try really hard to boost up the defense sector. Lin finds it poorly lacking and in desperate need of some new recruits. Also more pridal allies. If they can’t boost their own defenses, it would be good to try and find other prides to lend their own brute force.

As for something like a mate, totally not sure. Lin’s rather emotionally constipated, so she’d need someone to be emotionally constipated with (kinda like her parents) or someone a little on the sweeter side to break through that hard shell and into the gooey chocolate center on the inside…actually no, there’s just rocks in there. Cold, hard, unfeeling rocks. Personality aside, her mate would have to be in the defense sector with her or a medic/bone hunter. Any other scholar would not be attractive to her AT ALL, the lazy bums.

Future Rank: Sentry or Warrior. I can’t decide. I might do Sentry because that branch needs more people in it, and ICly she’d pinpoint it as the area needing the most bolstering at her current moment in time. I would like her to work up to Warden/Captain if possible, even Commander, but she would never want to take a position on the Council. Far too much sitting around and talking for her tastes.

Any Extras? I like lots of drama, tension, angst, and long-term stuff.
Also Lin really hates most of the scholars. I’m not like…suggesting she’d organize a military coup…but I’m open for anything…maybe resembling a coup…or something…. ninja  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:04 am
will enter this when my wrist get better. Has a really good idea  


Dapper Humorist


Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:32 pm
Username: CaliWolfe
Which Cub?: Pink
Cub Name: Enkhtuya
Name Meaning: Ray of Peace in Mongolian.

Personality: Ever curious and pushing her limits Enkhtuya is a sweet girl who is always looking for a little more fun in her life. She's exceedingly playful and always getting her nose into new "fun things" that others may deem not as entertaining as they are dangerous. How was she supposed to know that falling off an edge is deadly? Or that crawling into alligators mouths and picking off their teeth is likely to make her a snack? Enkh is unintentionally a little trouble maker. She'll be having a blast the whole time but causing grief for the poor adults. Even as she grows she'll still retain her reckless nature and put herself into situations that cause others to worry for her safety. There will be more than one dropped jaw after Enkh finishes her playful stunts around them.

Plot Ideas: I want for Enkh to have a playful youth where she is unaware of the boundaries the world has around her. As she grows she’ll obviously become aware of those boundaries yet at the same time still be up to her old tricks! Maybe she’ll become a sort of “favourite” playmate for young children as she goes on reckless adventures with them throughout the forest. This of course will all lead back to her being scolded by her parents or other adults who are concerned about the amount of unnecessary danger she’s placing little kids into. Of course that isn’t going to stop her from still doing it or anything, but it will give her something to think about when going on her adventures. Maybe she’ll finally wise up and pick “epic but not as epic” excursions for her and her friends to go on.

She doesn't see what the big deal is that her dad is a lion and she’s a leopard. So what?! They accept hybrids to be raised amongst them in the pride what’s the difference that a lion is added to their heritage?

Future Rank: Based on her personality I'll go with Potion maker for now. However that could easily shift to Story-Teller or Tutor depending on RPs influence.

Any Extras? Drama~. She's bound to make her parents very unimpressed. Or at the very least Hu.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:02 pm
Username: Cornetified
Which Cub?: Green
Cub Name: Ornantombi
Name Meaning: Pale green lady

Personality: Despite both parents being rather aloof, Orna will turn out to be a well of energy and affection. Perhaps it’s some part trying to stand out from the more stoic family, but she never shies away from showing how she feels, both good and bad. This will lessen a little bit as she gets older, but not by too much, mostly hiding when she's sad or upset.

Outside of family, Orna isn’t reckless as much as she is very curious. As she grows, her explorations will become bolder and more daring, taking more risks than ever. While she’s excitable, she usually knows when to back off from too risky a venture. ...Usually.

Plot Ideas: Somewhere along the line as a cub, someone could make fun of her for being the only green cub in the litter. How she reacts to it will depend on if she knows her grandmama very well. If she doesn’t know grandma (or doesn’t know grandma yet), the fear of actually being adopted will take hold and a venture of running away from home to find her “real” parents. Think it would be good for bonding with mom or dad or both if they go search for her when they realize she’s missing. <3

As she gets older, she’ll learn about the potion-makers and start to explore that venue further. A few harmless experiments (such as on a sibling?) would be fun.

The road of the potion-maker is full of twists and turns, experiments working, succeeding, going flat, going wrong, and going dangerously wrong. Potion-maker Orna will experience all kinds of outcomes for her creations, leading to any number of situations/interactions with others. Some discoveries will benefit the clan, and others... not so much.

She won’t realize until she’s older what the difference is in her grandfather, but she won’t mind it one bit. To her, it’s what is inside that counts.

Future Rank: Potion-maker! With her love for discovery, she won’t be let down easily by failed experiments~

Any Extras? Corny loves rp. Pretty much any kind. Long, short, funny, angsty, friends, strangers, and so on~!  


Precious Loiterer

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:00 pm
Username: Sabra Knight
Which Cub?: Pink
Cub Name: Sayuri
Name Meaning: “Small Lily”

Personality: Like her name suggests Sayuri will be a petite leopardess who seems as fragile as a flower. However her mind is the exact opposite as Sayuri will have adapted to her lack of physical strength and turned it into mental strength instead. Around her siblings it is her smart wits that she had relied on with getting out of any tricky situation. While she will not be overly affectionate Sayuri will not be as cold as her father and instead does not mind displaying affection, save for the fact that it will embarrass her easily growing up. Still she will be a sweet tempered cub who has a curious mind. I can see her being easily as blunt as her mother as well save for when she is wanting something and then suddenly everything gets a wee bit sugar coated depending on the situation. And no worries she’ll always have a listening ear…just be careful what you tell her since it might come to her advantage later on. Her family though can rely on her to keep any secrets as she gets older since they are her heart and she would do so much to protect them.

She also has a picture perfect memory and the sweetest voice. With it she could charm any stranger into a tale…

Plot Ideas: Sayuri will be a beauty of the colony known for her sweet temper, yet to those closest to her they will know her for her sharp bluntness and cunning. Honestly she will be intrigued by Ua and will quickly go on any adventure as she thrives on challenges.

And as she grows up her search for knowledge will extend outside of the pride for once she learns everything she can there then the next step is finding out more about the world around them. Especially knowing that her grandmother used to be a traveler will encourage her ideas even more.

Cebisile's love of the mind will also intrigue her as Sayuri would want to understand more about how to manipulate situations to her advantage...err I mean love and take care of others for their own good.

She might have conflict with Chiyo *if wanted* as Sayuri’s role may have appeared to be something solid in the pride as a scholar as if she could have moved up the ranks, but suddenly her desire to be a story teller might make it seem as if she’s throwing it away just to go out for tales (aka being a waste and serving no purpose). She’ll have to argue her case about what makes her explorations so much more important than her duty to her family. In a way she’ll eventually become that aunt who stops in once or twice a year to give gifts, see her siblings and their families before heading out again on another adventure. That is until something ties her down to the pride, either an important event, family trouble, her own family starting, etc…all up to how rps and plots go.

And she will at first admittedly be wary of her non-leopard granddad considering the situation with Ua, but after meeting Obadias I’m certain she will allow him to get closer to her as he wouldn’t be a threat. Though once she’s close as a cub she’ll have a million questions for why in the world a lion got with a leopard and how a rogue got tied into such a pride and etc…

(Of course before she’s older and understand better there’s always the awkward one of…how does a lion and a leopard have just leopard cubs? And did Mihika ever have lion cubs then too?)

Future Rank: Story-Teller until something happens *either lurve, old age, or a future accident* that would keep her to the pride more leading her to take up Star Gazing as she will learn a lot about the night sky during her travels.

Any Extras? Drama and adventure!

Plus, rps for daaaaaaaaays. <3

She might even run into something on her first journey then have to recover at home or to take a break to reaffirm what she truly wants. Especially if something happens when she's younger, such as being tricked by a rogue while she's just an adol or younger, which would reinforce her desire to become quicker on her paws and in her thinking.

I might actually have her take a serious injury later which will tie her to the pride. Nothing too drastic, but perhaps a broken leg which will never fully heal or similar…so she’ll be mobile just not strong enough to explore the world on her own anymore. *This just depends on how her story goes and what it'll take to keep her home once her adventures are over*

Even as a story teller she will still love the stars and the stories they hold along with how important they will be to always leading her home to her heart’s resting place with her family.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:39 pm
Username: Tanakako
Which Cub?: Pink
Cub Name: Ayisha
Name Meaning: Swahili for 'life'

Personality: Quite an eccentric little lass, she is cheerful and lively and loves to play (and sometimes play pranks) with just about anyone who will stand still long enough. One of the first things she heard about when she met the pride's other youngsters was albinism. And instantly she was convinced that she was one. As a result she flat out refuses to go out in the sunlight without plenty of covering (made form whatever she can fun, mud and leaves, bits of raggy cloth, tree-back, anything..) To be fair her extremely pale colouring does make her prone to sunburn very easily and any amount of time in direct sun is very uncomfortable for her, which only helps persuade her of her 'albino' status. As a result she quickly turns into a night owl, preferring the quiet cool of night time to the sunlit mania of the day.

Plot Ideas: One of the stranger personalities in the pard, as she grows she seems to relish her 'crazy lady' reputation, which she helps along with her experimentation as a potion-maker. The more weird and wonderful her tasks, the more she enjoys it. Particularly she enjoys teasing the youngsters in the pard, often going around at night looking for the most bizarre ingredients she can dream up and if asked, will send the cubs off on errands such as 'find the root of the songbird tree', or 'I want a feather of pink and blue, and a bowl of sunlight.'
She also has a reputation for having the best sweat-treats and the cubs tend to find her delightfully spooky. Bands of them can be found hiding out near her home, hoping for a glimpse of her experiments (which do tend to go 'boom') or waiting for an errand so they can get a sweat-treat as payment.

She doesn't even see why her grandad being a lion would be news, or considered unusual. He is family. That's all that matter sin her mind.

Future Rank: Letsblowthingsup!! Potion-maker

Any Extras? o.o I just had the crazy idea for her personality pop into my head and had to submit it, It sounds like so much fun. XD  


Allied Recalibrator

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:05 pm

Velvie and I would both like to thank everyone who entered! You guys didn't make this easy.

That being said we would like to welcome Corny's Ornantombi and Sabra's Sayuri into the family. Certs will be posted for shortly, so keep a look out in Safaia's thread.

Should either one of you desire family rp (as we hope you will!) feel free to contact either one of us.


Sabra Knight
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:36 pm
Thank you! <3  


Precious Loiterer

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:06 pm

Thank you guys!

:3 All the rps and plots now~  
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