Painted Moose
Kipenzi was on pins and needles. She was pacing a rut in the ground with little huffs and sighs breaking in. Everything in her wanted to go out to the rogue lands for a bit of fun, but with her boy finally settled down...and those grandcubs...She didn't want to miss a thing! Huffing she kicked a rock and flopped down with a dramatic groan.

"What's got your tail in a knot?" Esku yawned lazily as he pried open an eye to look at her. "What's that cub got into now?" No matter how old his son was, he would always be 'that cub'. Esku had to admit though he missed some parts of their mating, he was enjoying being Kippy's friend and partner more than he had her mate and god was he loving being a grandfather.

Painted Moose
Rolling onto her back Kipenzi let out a drawn out, "huuh?" having not caught most of the first question due to her hearing difficulties. She laid sprawled on her back, the epitome of bored apathy. "Uongo's mate has my babies and I want them all to myself." She pouted. "But I guess I don't? This is the first time in a while I haven't had to worry about the little ones and I've thought about going out of the pride for a while..."

Eksu snorted at her, "Then shoo. Go find someone to run around with. I'll keep an eye on the cub, the brat, and the cublings." He chuckled his amusement watching her.

Painted Moose
Kipenzi stuck out her tongue. "How can I know that when I get back this den won't look like a bachelor's pad?" She rolled up onto her paws, face still scrunched in a frown. "So when I leave, everything is still going to be here, right?" She didn't know if she was worried about another fire, or what, but the thought of coming back to nothing was there.

Esku arched a brow at her with a huff, "What? Don't you trust me?"

Painted Moose
Kipenzi snorted. "You know I do." She rolled over onto her paws and walked over to him. Sitting down beside him, the spotted lioness swiped at his mane. "Keep the den clean, keep it smelling fresh, and keep those cubs cuddled. Got that?"

"No duh dummy," Esku snorted amused suddenly grabbing her with his front paws and pulling her down to cuddle and bump her head with his.

Painted Moose
She rolled with him, easily fitting into the crook of his paws with a smile. Reaching up she nipped at his ears and tugged. "Don't you call me a dummy, you dummy."

"You sure you gonna be ok out there? You ain't been out alone in a long time Kip love. Not since..." Esku trailed off his ears disappearing back into his thick mane in remembered pain. He didn't think he would ever truely get over the death of his mother.

Painted Moose
Kipenzi sighed as she leaned up against him. "If our cubs could survive their pilgrimages, I can do it too. I'm fast, and I've had the best teachers to show me how to make it." Of course she meant not only him, but his dear mother. The female had left such a imprint on Kippy that it was hard to get through the day without her.

"I know, I know I just can't help it.You and the cubs all I got."

Painted Moose
"Have some faith, love. I'll be back to you soon and in the mean time you'll have those wonderful cubs all to yourself. Actually, I'm a little jealous." She teased, trying to perk him up.

Esku snorted at her softly then sighed softly, "Just..please don't make me do this alone." His voice was soft and torn as he gazed at her pleadingly. "I wouldn't be able to survive without you too."

Painted Moose
She reached up to brush his mane away from his face, and moved her forehead to touch his. "With the stars as my witness, I will never leave you to face this alone. As long as you're at my back, I'll be at yours."

"Alright then have fun darlin' girl." Esku smiled at her tenderly rubbing his cheek against her's.

Painted Moose
Kipenzi smiled tenderly to him and blew a raspberry on his cheek before stretching out. Still close enough touch, but far enough away to get a good nights rest. "Try to have some fun yourself while I'm gone. Go out, party it up."

Esku snorted faintly amused, "Kippy love in all the years you have known me when have I ever partied it up?" Like his mother, Esku was very down to Earth and calm. He didn't often get aggressive or too exicted.

Painted Moose
"Never, and that's what makes you a fuddy duddy." She pawed at him playfully, grinning all the while. "It makes you safe, and calm. It's actually not..that bad, I guess."

He snorted putting a paw on her face, "Such a great compliment. Why did I ever fall in love with you again?" His smile was teasing though as he gazed at her.

Painted Moose
She sputtered under his paw and slobbered on it. "Because I'm sexy fine, and I bring fun into your dull life?" Her eyes were bright when she looked at him.

"Sure Brighteyes, that's it." His smile was a little sad but he knew she deserved better than the mess he was at the moment. He wouldn't have survived the trek without her, wouldn't have survived the lose of Kabusha with her.

Painted Moose
"We're a little weird, aren't we?" It wasn't a question so much as it was a statement. There was a lot of love between the two of them, and a lot of loss. His mother, their home, her hearing, their relationship...She had even gotten word that a daughter of hers was not returning and had settled into the Pridelands. She wanted to tell him, but not tonight. Tomorrow would be brighter, Kipenzi thought.

"We are sweetheart but we are weird together," Esku laughed bumping his head against hers again before swatting at her. "Now go, get on with your eyescortching self. Go find a frined and wander with them. I'll protect what is ours till you return."

Painted Moose
She laughed and pushed against him lazily with her paw. "I'll go tomorrow, but right now I'm pretty satisfied right where I am, thank you very much." Cuddling up to him, she wrapped her tail over him and buried her face in his mane, content to catch a good nights rest before starting her trek. And after so many years with him, the only way she could get that was by going to sleep to the scent of his mane, of course!

Esku huffed softly but wrapped his heavy leg over her to keep her close and safe. He would also love his Brighteyes, free loving spirit that she was.

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