Nergui gave a soft sound of exasperation, but chose not to comment. In this they would differ in opinion, and there was little point in trying to argue one way or the other. Sindri was firm in her beliefs, Nergui in her's. Although, there was one thing to be said, in answer to the other mare's question. "I have not, but I gain faith in the one who has delivered me from the darkness of oblivion."

The priestess had known destruction in many forms, and she had survived, but until Medea had risen up, the horsemen had been left to wither, fading into oblivion. Charon had wanted to them to make peace with the humans, to cease harvesting fear, and in turn they would have all ended. Snuffed out.

"I believe," the dark skinned mare spoke up after a quiet moment or two. "That we had been in the middle of a chess game."
