Ena had recruited Danza, the male wild dog who by chance was also a dancer. She knew that all this time she would find others like her, as the other leaders had found members for their houses. It must have been the way the world was designed, she decided. The world would not be created without others to share similar interests and pleasures.

Danza was impartial to the whole thing on the surface, but underneath he was just as excitable as Ena was. He had spent all of his life, especially as a youth, being somewhat ridiculed for his passion, and he had smuggled it away from others. He had found the clearing to be the perfect spot, though he realised now there were obvious signs of life and that he had been foolish to think no-one would find him in such a large clearing. It was a beautiful place, really. Flanked by woods that thickened as you went deeper into them, a river ran through and it was finished off with a large cliff face to the east that looked rather threatening but still beautiful.

Ena had allowed the male time and space after their first conversation and had not pressed him or given him too much information. The pack was small after all and there weren't too many rules or regulations to fill others in with. Now she was meeting him for a more formal discussion, she supposed, but she was also itching to know more about him. He seemed a little less gentle than her, but she was just as passionate. He had a fire within him that seemed to roar when he danced. Perhaps it was because he was male.

The orange male had noticed Ena creep up next to him as he walked and he smiled at her. He liked her excitement. She seemed like the kind of creature he'd waited his whole life to meet, and now she was here. He wondered though, how the others would feel about his dancing, but surely if they had accepted Ena, they would accept him too?

Dropping down to the floor near Danza, Ena began to talk softly. “There's a few things I supposed I should say, now you're staying... for a bit anyway.”

“I am the leader of the house we have dubbed the Air house. It is intended to include all the performers in the pack.” She looked away a little sheepishly. “So far it is just me and you, as we are still starting out – and growing.” She added reassuringly.

“So hopefully there will be many more like us. I will travel to find them, much like I was doing when I stumbled upon you.” Smiling, she pawed at the ground absent-mindedly.

“So, how many houses are there?” Danza asked casually. If he was going to stay and be swayed by the simple fact of having someone like him here, he had to know who else was here too.

“Well, we wanted to celebrate everyone being different, and so the houses are very different too. I am from a litter of seven, so there are seven houses as we all like something different.” It sounded a little boring but she got the sentiment across at least. “There's warriors, guards, historians... So lots to do.”

Danza listened with a brow cocked. Warriors? He hoped he was not expected to fight and that they kept all the training in that house. He didn't want to press the matter nor be unpleasantly surprised so he kept his mouth shut for now. He had never been fantastic at following the rules, nor was he a huge fan of authority but he would not be downright defiant, perhaps just a little rebellious.

“What about any rules?” He asked dryly, wondering what he could and could not do. There would probably be the obvious ones, no killing, no stealing, and so on and so forth, but he had heard of groups with strange ones indeed, some even based on pelt colours!

“We are still ironing those things out...” Ena said weakly. “It is something we are working together on, as all seven houses will have to work together as one pack.” It was a good job the siblings were close, but she wondered what would happen if one of them died... They would need an heir in their place. Ena made a mental note to pitch that idea to her siblings. No-one liked to think of death, but some times it could not be helped, especially for things like this. “We also hope to implement a marriage system... funerals...”

Danza snorted loudly. “Marriage?!” He had never heard such a ridiculous idea.

Ena glared at him with her bi-coloured eyes and the male became slightly more subdued. “We are spiritual here, and especially my sister, who will be in charge of the house dedicated to such things.” She said sternly. “We do not expect you to believe in the things we do, but we need to respect each other.”

Danza stared at her blankly but supposed she was right. Pack members and family meant respect and trust after all – and the very foundations would crumble without it. He eventually nodded.

“Good.” Ena took that to meant he understood and she softened a little, going on to explain about various roles within the pack and what they hoped to accomplish with certain things. She did delve a little into the history of the pack so far and even the history of her and her siblings life and mother. Ena thought now was a time to talk about business, and that personal history could come a little later. As taken as she was with this new male, she did not really know him yet.

Danza nodded along. He did not want to insult his new pack mate, and as they were so similar he supposed she would have to be the one he impressed the most. She had not asked but he had assumed he was in the Air house too. He wouldn't fit anywhere else and it sounded like it was made for him! He could hear voices from the woods and heard Ena's name called.

She excused herself politely and padded across the thick grassy ground towards the opening of the forest. His story would certainly have to wait until later, but her curiosity remained.