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nessiaing Niam was dragging his feet a little as he walked, the pride was new to him and he had yet to make any friends in it. He was quite proud of himself though he was to be the warden. He could help protect these others leopards, finally his life had some meaning.

Now if only he could make some friends. He hadn't really had friends out in the rogue lands everyone was always worrying about their next meal there or a safe place to sleep. Niam was tired of feeling lonely he wanted friends, someone special to protect.

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Velvie It had been a while since Ua had been allowed out of the den, her injuries had healed but the marks still remained all over her fur. They would heal in time, but for now, they were still quite visible. She hated the sad looks she got from people though; and slinking through the pride unnoticed became one of her key goals. She usually stuck to the lower tree branches, afraid of her back leg (quite injured still) giving out under her weight if she climbed too high. The pale feline sighed to herself as she moved. She still couldn’t remember the appearance of her attacker, which left the colony in an awkward position. An unknown threat was still out there.

And now her father had even more reason to be worried, with seven of his own offspring to worry about as well as Ua. Ua didn’t want Hu to worry anymore, but she wasn’t sure how to stop his fears.
She moved slowly across the tree branches, careful not to strain her injuries as she moved.

nessiaing Naim hear the branches moving, he looked all around him before he finally spotted the pale lioness who was standing below him on some branches. She seemed like she was moving awkwarly. He watched and studdied her for a moment. From his position above he couldn't really make out her injuries through all the trees.

"Hello" he called down to her. He figured the only way he was going to make friends would be to start by greeting the locals.

Velvie She startled at the sound of another voice, especially one that was unfamiliar to her, and she glanced around trying to spot the source. She noticed him easily and peered down, thankful that he was a leopard like her and not some strange lion. She didn’t remember her attacker, but everyone had been telling her that the pack had smelt of lion when she was injured – leading her to assume it was a lion which had done this to her.
“Hello!” She called back, and offered him a smile. “Are you new?” She knew most of the colony, having been in the colony for a long while now, but she didn’t recognise him. Maybe he was just a visitor.

nessiaing Niam smiled happy to find that this leopardess seemed to be quite friendly. Hopefully he had choosen his new first friend well.

"I am new" he answered her cheerfully. "You are looking at your Warden." he smiled. He was quite proud to hold such an important role. "Its my first day on the job."

Velvie Ua smiled, and began to make her way down the tree, gingerly and very mindful of her back leg. She slipped on her last branch though, and hit the ground with a little more force than she intended. She hissed a little, in pain but covered it with a smile.

“Welcome! It’s nice to finally have a Warden again!” She laughed lightly. “Are you enjoying your first day? Oh, you have to work with Arcus a lot, don’t you?” Ua was somewhat fond of the grumpy pale male but he was not easy to get along with, at all. He was more likely what one would consider an enemy rather than a friend.

nessiaing Niam started when he saw her trip and fall he quickly moved towards her. It was only once they were on the same level that he noticed all her injuries. He was quick to check his facial expression, he didn't want to be caught staring at her so by the time she had recomposed herself he only had a smile on his face, the same smile he wore when they first met.

"Yes Acrus, I have met with him a few times." Niam hadn't really been able to get a full handle on just what Acrus was all about, though he had the distinct feeling her never wanted to get on the wrong side of him.

"I am quite enjoying my first day and you are the first leopard I've met on duty." Really he had only met a few other leopards and it had all been around him joinging and becoming Warden nothing overly friendly all business.

Velvie Ua was glad that he didn’t seem startled by her injuries. They were severe but not too fresh anymore, which gave her more freedom of movement. She smiled, “well then, I suppose I should be extra nice, since I’m your first real representation of the colony!” she laughed slightly, because Arcus would not have been all that welcoming. He would have been thankful for the assistance with the colony’s army, but not warm. That male was never warm.

“Have you lived in a colony before?” She asked, curious. She knew many rogue leopards who had joined them, though some had come from other packs and colonies. She had been born rogue herself, so switching colonies to her was odd.

nessiaing "No no this is a first for me" Niam said gazing around at the colony. It was odd coming and living around others. For pretty much as long as he could remember Niam had been on his own. "I was a lonely rogue before this, I use to enjoy the rogue life living it up on my own. But I got lonely, there is only so much meaning to life when you have no one to be accountable for but yourself."

Niam was very much looking forward to being apart of life in the colony. Even happier that it seemed like he could be of use here. He had of course heard about the attack that had happened, and only now that he was thinking about it he supposed that this leopardess was the one that had been attacked. He made a special note to keep an extra close eye on her.

"I suppose I should continue along my route make sure everything is in order." he told her, his smile as big as ever, it would be hard to imagine him as anything serious with the amount he smiled but he did have a serious side. "My name is Niam by the way."

Velvie “Well I hope you come to love it here!” She announced cheerfully. “I was a rogue before I joined the colony as well – It’s really nice being part of a community who cares for one another. It is a lot more interesting than being on ones own.” She had never been truly on her own though, having lived with her father before joining the colony as well, still, it was nice to be around some leopards closer to her in age rather than just her father (and now her new siblings.)

“My name is Ua,” she introduced, rarely giving her full name. Ua was simpler and much easier to remember. “All the best for your patrol,” she said smiling. “I hope to see you again, Warden Niam.”