Name: Jasmine
Nicknames: Jas
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Faction: Monster
Race: Chimera

Natural Ability: Fire breathing - Naturally breathing fire, like breathing air

Personality: Jasmine is genuinely kind, able to care for others who are down on their luck and is a great shoulder to cry on when someone is upset. She is also elegant, practicing tea ceremonies, flower arrangement, hair and make up, dancing.

Yet she has a bad temper when crossed though you may not know it, she doesn't like scowling and usually has a passive face when angry. When she does scowl though, be prepared for a fight on where you're life is on the line. She is also vain, she prides on her elegance and beauty. Usually when she is crossed, she is upset over someone who had messed with her, her belongings, or reputation.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? To better control her power as a chimera. She wants to add that to her vanity list of achievements and to also better protect her and others.

FEAR Ability: Poison Jab - Her Snake strikes and induces a slow acting poison

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Jade Green
Hair Colour/Style: Jet Black longhair usually put up in a geisha hairstyle
Skin Colour: Porcelain skin, ivory or milky color
Clothing Style/Colours: She wears a half kimono with an obi and geta. She also wears random hair pins as well. Some thigh high socks with bracelets adorning both wrists. She also has a smoke pipe (if that is okay)
Extra: I was thinking Jade green Horns and Snake to match her eyes and her claws with stripes - instead of a Chimera with Lion parts, I was thinking tiger parts (I was thinking a White or Golden Tiger)
References: n/a