(Back Log)

Aureo was up late and had slept in. His son Acacius had reminded him that he needed to meet up with his daughter. He wasn't even close to being awake enough to go see her. Instead of getting up, he sent his son to tell Levigis a lie, that he would arrive later. It had been a terrible act, but at the same time, he was so tired. He had gotten back from a outing and celebrate late into the night.

Slowly he had opened one of his eyes, the sun shining right into his vision. He rolled over, facing away from the sun.

How long had it been since he sent Acacius? Not too long, he thought. Though the sun was down quiet a ways, he thought. He opened his eyes again. It had been hours, he realized. He had made Levigis wait hours for him.

Dazed, he got up and stumbled out of the den. He shouldn't keep his daughter waiting for too long. It was rude. She was still young and impressionable. He didn't want her thinking arriving late was acceptable. It was rude! And he couldn't have a rude daughter. He needed her to be able to find a mate someday.

A strong pirate captain, he thought with a grin.

His steps became more stable as he walked. Levigis would be waiting for him on the border. She had always been hesitant about entering the pride's borders, always saying that she wasn't ready. Her spirit was strong, he knew that. She would someday make him proud and become a pirate. That was her dream, and his dream for her.

As he thought, he saw her at the beach, letting her paws get wet. He couldn't help but notice that she had attracted the interest of some of the bored pirates. She was as beautiful as her mother, he thought. Though she was still rough around the edges.

The moment she saw him, she quickly came running toward him, stopping only a few feet away.

“I am sorry I am so late Levigis.”

She shook her head. “No problem father. I am patient.” The truth was that she had hoped he wouldn't show up, that she could just leave without saying good bye. However it didn't seem to work that way. Her thoughts were all jumbled up now. She had done a lot of thinking while waiting for him.

Acacius had offered to travel with her. Something she had not expected. He didn't want Aureo to know that he was leaving as well. She wasn't good at lying and knew if Aureo asked about her half-brother brother she would cave in and tell him about their plan. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that.

What she wanted to do was tell her father that she was ready to join his pride, that she would do anything she could to become a perfect pirate. But she knew she wasn't ready. After this adventure, if she still wanted to be a pirate, she knew she would be ready.

“Father, I am going to go on an adventure. An adventure that will take me far away from here.” She said, looking her father straight in the eyes. She spoke with confidence, standing up straight and tall. “I have no idea where I am going. I just know that I am leaving tomorrow. I just wanted your blessing before I left.”

Aureo was shocked by his daughters words, and had to sit down. He did not expect her to say that. Aureo had always imagined that Levigis would follow in his steps. She was always the most similar to him and just thought it was natural.

Perhaps he should have expected her to leave, he thought. Since he had done the same to his parents, going as far as faking his own death. “Going on an adventure.” He couldn't be upset with her over that. Adventuring was in their blood. “Any idea where you will be headed?”

She shook her head no. “I'm just going to go where my paws take me. I do plan to come back. I just feel like I am not ready to be a pirate. Not yet. After I do my grand adventure then maybe I can become one.”

There was a whole world out there for her to see. She didn't know where to start. Acacius would help her choose where to go, at least at the beginning, but once they separated she would be on her own. She had a good memory luckily and was sure she could find her way back home.

Even if she decided the pirate life wasn't for her, she wanted to return to see her family again. She couldn't imagine just leaving them. Acacius would do that, but she couldn't.

“Do I have your blessing to leave father?”

It was the moment of truth. She had no idea what she would do if he said no.

Aureo cleared his throat. “Levigis, you are a young lady. I believe you are free to do as your heart desires. I wish you would stay here and follow in my foot steps, but if you need to explore and go on adventures, then you should do that.” He said. “You have my blessing.”

A huge grin fell on Levigis' face. “Thank you so much father! I will tell you all about it when I get back. I want to be able to bring back amazing stories for you and Hotza and all my siblings!” She could assume by the time she got back Aureo would have a bunch of young ones around. Hopefully she would have fun stories to tell them, to inspire them.

“This means a lot to me father.” She said.

He nodded his head and he felt a pain in his heart. This wasn't the first time one of his own left him. It wouldn't be the last either. As the days past, the older they grew. He knew that he wouldn't be able to keep them with him forever.

“I will wait patiently for your stories.” He said. “Why don't you come back with me to the pride? The family could have a small feast for you, before you leave. I bet everyone would like to hear of your departure.”

Instinctively Levigis shook her head no. Her thoughts were on Acacius. She didn't want to ruin it for him (well part of her wanted to ruin it for him). “I want to have some quietness before my trip. They will understand. Plus it will be easier for me to leave this way.” She had told some of her family already and they were happy for her. The thought of having to tell more of her family, would just crush her.

“Well then Levigis, I guess this is goodbye.” Aureo said, sinking his head down, so it was level with hers. She bumped her head against his like she used to as a cub.

Then he got up and walked away. She did the same, heading back toward her den. There were still things she needed to pack up. She would have to wake up early to make sure she beat Acacius to the meeting spot.

(WC: 1,212)