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Iggi was having a pretty amazing day as far as he was concerned. The hare rarely had any concerns in fact he had had a pretty darn easy life. Until recently Iggi had lived pretty happily with his mother, father and his three sisters. Iggi was quite happy living with his family and not really having to do anything to care for himself, but he slowly came to realize that he was a man and he needed to be out on his own doing his own thing.

So thats what Iggi was doing now, he was out on his own in the wilderness doing his own thing. The problem was though Iggi had been relatively spoiled and had very little idea of how to take care of himself.

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Raj was hungry and she wasn’t in the mood to hunt, she needed a quick fix and then she was going to go back and see what Moyo was up to. She liked the male just about as well as she had liked anyone. He didn’t want anything from her. She would be happiest if she could make him fall in love with her and then break his heart but in the end she would settle for a little fun with him and then to move on the next poor unsuspecting soul.

As Raj sat pondering about Moyo a black and white hare walked right in front of her barely out of her reach. She couldn’t believe her luck or the hares stupidity.

Iggi was completely oblivious of the lioness until he was in her line of sight. Now Iggi had never had an encounter with a lion or lioness or anything that might try to eat him. Therewas one thing his mom and dad had taught him was that the bigger creature of the savannah would eat him and they wouldn’t even bat and eye over it. To them he was nothing more than a meal, and for some of them just a snack.

“Oh. Hello” Iggi managed to say. He may have had an easy life but he was smart enough to be nervous right now. His only hope was that if he talked to her she wouldn’t want to eat him/

Raj was a little taken aback when the hare spoke to her. She wasn’t betting on it striking up a conversation. Raj had always been taught not to play with her food, and today while she was hungry she was definitely in no mood to have a chat with her meal.

She put her ears back letting out a low growl. She was trying to calculate her pounce, she didn’t want to chase the hare or get dirty this was to be quick and easy.

Iggi was now officially scared, this was not good. “My names Iggi” he quickly shouted out. Now not only did he talk to her but he had a name, he couldn’t get more personal then this.

Despite the fact he had done his best to make himself more personable in the darkly colored mean lioness he knew that he had to come up with an escape plan. He was trying really hard to discretely look around and find a way to get away. He didn’t want her to notice that he was looking for an escape route or she just might pounce sooner.

Raj couldn’t help it she rolled her eyes when the hare told her his name. Like it made a difference to her if his name was Iggi or any other name in the world. She couldn’t help herself and she found herself responding to him. “Is that suppose to make a difference to me?”

Her patience was wearing thin now and she just wanted to eat, there was many more things she had to do today and an infinite number more that she wanted to do. She slowly lowered herself even further a tell tale bum shake showing she was ready to pounce.

Uh oh. His time was running out Iggi needed to figure out what to do and he had to figure it out soon! He did notice that there was an escape just to his left, and to her right. If he managed to time it just right he might be able to dart to the side as she pounced and get away into the hole just over that way.

Iggi was worried though he had never had to move fast, his parents had made such a safe home for him that he had never built up these skills.

“Please don’t eat me” was all Iggi managed to whisper.

Enough of this Raj thought. She wasn’t playing anymore games this had already taken longer then she wanted to. She should have already caught him and finished eating him. She should be happily cleaning her face and heading back towards the pride Moyo called home. She had let this hare live its miserable little life long enough.

Without further contemplation she leapt. Knowing damn well that she would land squarely on the hare and this game would all be over.

This was it this was his chance, as the lioness leapt into the air he dove, harder than he had over dove in his life. Iggi wasn’t even really sure if his eyes were open or closed and he had very little sense of his surroundings other then the hole ahead of him. He was going to make it.

Just in time or at least he thought it was just in time he made it into the hole. He scampered as far into it as he could before he turned around to see what was going on behind him. He was pretty sure the lioness wouldn’t be able to get him, that was unless she started digging he just prayed she wouldn’t dig.

Damn! Raj wasn't entirely sure how it had happened. The hare hadn't seemed smart enough to get away from her, the darn thing had after all tried to have a chat with her and had actually asked not to be eaten! She turned and looked at the hole it had doven into. She could try to dig him out but that was way more work then she was going to put into this.

With a huff the dark lioness turned and walked away back towards the pride and Moyo. This truly had been a disappointing outing.