The drought in the pride's lands were... oppressing. They could do very little to get the heat to let up. The only thing Chozi could do was leave the lands in search for food so his children could eat. It was hard - harder than he ever expected, to listen to the rumbling of his children's stomach, the small whines they made when they were hungry but didn't want to ask for anything.

No one had anything though, so Chozi had to find something - anything. Mpenzi, his older daughter, had left the lands with her brother, so it wouldn't be as hard as before, but he had four growing cubs to feed, and the stress weighed heavily on his shoulders.

It was actually painful to see the lands transitioning from a sandy, dry place, to one of lush green. Maybe he should find someone to come help... He wouldn't be able to bring a large carcass back on his own - he was so small...

Giada was grouchy, but she was often grouchy so this wasn't exactly news. Since her pride had disbanded ages ago she hadn't had anyone to boss around. Her cubs had all grown and gone their seperate ways. She was alone. And while a lot of the time she liked to be alone, she also needed to haev someone to boss around every once in awhile.

Giada hadn't found someone worth her time in a long time she prefered creatures that would good hunters, that had skills that where worthy of her attention. Maybe soon she would stumble along someone who could sedate her need to be boss.

It had taken some effort, but Chozi found something small enough to carry back and still feed his kids. The only issue was - he may not be able to feed himself as well. If he ate, there wouldn't be enough... His stomach rumbled lightly and he sighed. He dropped to a crouch, watching the small herd carefully.

He scented the air, stalking closer and closer...

And bolted for one of the creatures. He was lucky his cheetah speed was present, even more lucky for his lion stamina. He only wished he had some leopard in him - they seemed to have strong jaws for carrying heavy prey for long distances.

It only took him a moment to bring down a small calf and he sat triumphantly panting next to his kill.

Giada had seen the cheeton stalking his kill before he went for it. Most of the time she didn't bother with half breeds, but she had to admit that she was some what impressed with this one. He had done quite well to stalk and kill, even if he had only taken down something relatively small.

She moved closer to him interested in him and is story. Not something that happened to her often. perhaps this loneliness was getting to her more then she had thought.

"Well done" she said her tone was condescending, but there was a hint of being impressed there as well.

Chozi stiffened. He hadn't noticed the sound of another come up behind him, and his first instinct was to snarl. He eyed the newcomer with suspicion. He hoped she hadn't come to take his kill.

He would fight for it. He would!

"What do you want?" He was strung up from the lack of food and he hadn't seen Tikoto in ages. Normally she would pin him down and help him release all this tension, but one couldn't lose too much blood when you didnt have enough in your body to replace it.

Maybe he shouldn't fight for it...

Giada rolled her eyes, she had paid the half breed a complement and he had the audacity to question as to what she was doing here. "I simply liked your style." Its been awhile since I have seen some of your size be any good at hunting.

"I would be more impressed if you had taken down something more then a calf, but I suppose you have to start somewhere."

She could tell the Cheeton was weak, she wondered why, clearly he was able to hunt. "What held you back?" she wasn't really interested in his life story more just wanted to see if it was something she could teach him. She was bossy but those who lived under her had to admit she tended to teach them a thing or two.

Chozi sagged a bit, the tension somewhat draining. She was unfamiliar though and he didn't want to let his guard down completely. "I've got mouths to feed and they're very far from here. Prey doesn't come easy that close to a drought. Most of the prey has move on to better areas," he told her.

"Its easier to take back something whole, and lightweight, rather than a strewn out corpse that'll attract all sorts of creatures wanting an easy meal," he frowned at her.

Now it wasn't typically in Giada's nature to be helpful, but she found this little halfbreed to be intreguing. "Well since you have made it this far, and you've already caught this. I'd say the wise thing to do would be for you to eat it and then catch something bigger. If you can do that I'll help you carry it back to your home for the cubs."

The one soft spot Giada did have was cubs and she didn't like to hear of any going hungry. It was just sad and they were too young to hunt yet they had done nothing wrong.

"My only condition is you must hunt and kill it on your own." She didn't want to make things to easy for him after all, she was already offering to go way out of her own way to get food back to his young.

He couldn't possibly eat all of it on his own. Still, his stomach rumbled. If he could get more food back, it would help a lot. He'd have a lot more strength himself as well. "You've got a deal..." He started in on the small prey creature, taking his fill.

With that he began to search out some larger prey. It would take a moment for the large chunks of food to settle in his stomach, but he could still stake out his next target.

Giada was impressed that the male had taken her deal, she thought he would be far too much of a whimp. Perhaps he had more guts then she had realzied.

Giada sat back and waited for him to come back. All the while taking bets on how long it would take him and how big of a game he could really catch. At least she had some company for a little while, and it would appear that he was more then willing to let her boss him around a little too... it was a good match.