Seaki: The pack was beginning to bustle with life. There was a small herd of klipspringers along the side of the mountain and there was new life bouncing around all over. She remembered when her girls where that young, and Maziwa mused on them for a moment. They were growing still - already apprenticing their craft. They were an eclectic bunch - extremely talented.

It pleased her, and she knew there was love blossoming in the air. She wasn't sure how many of them would marry - she hadn't herself. The father of her pups was a traveling rogue that she hadn't heard of since, but she didn't mind it. Her own son was preparing for his marriage to the General.

She sighed, settling along the edge of the river.

nessiaing: Kunle walked proudly beside the female wild dog he was about to announce as his mate. They hadn't officially told anyone yet and his first step was the be his aunt the pride's alpha. Kunle knew she would be pleased with the news but he couldn't help but be a little worried at the same time.

He glanced over at Bik wondering how she was doing. If he was nervous he assumed she would be a wreck.

Bik glanced towards her mate when he turned his head. She knew they were heading to see his aunt, and she of course had met the wild dog in passing a few times but had never had had a meaningful conversation with her. But her in the pack she was Kunle's closest family. This was important to Kunle and their relationship so she put on a brave face.

Seaki: It hadn't taken long for Ziwa to hear paws along the earth coming near her. She had gotten used to the sound with her children running about all over the place - even Damu who was like a pup again with Airle by his side.

That was when she saw her brother's son. He had been the heir of their old pack, but this one was different - so different. He would have suited leadership eventually, but it took his cubhood away, and she couldn't do that to anyone.

Besides, he was fine in his role.

"Good Morning," she greeted the pair gently.

nessiaing: Kunle smiled warmly at his aunt and moved foward to give her a friendly nuzzle. He caared a great deal about family and this is why it was so important his aunt be the first to know.

"Good morning Aunt Ziwa" he greeted her. He was brealy containing his excitment, it was all tide up in his nerves.

Bik on the other hand was barely holding it together. "Morning" she mummbled she was afraid that she was making a bad impression but she could barely look the alpha in the eye.

She was proud to be able to call Kunle her mate, but she was afraid that his aunt wouldn't approve, Bik was after all completely new to the pack and its not like she had any family here either.

Kunle had registered his mates concerns but pushed forawrds anyways, "Aunt Ziwa we have some news we want to share with you."

Seaki: The bright orange dog gave her nephew a nuzzle in turn. "You both seem well," she said, though the newer girl seemed a lot more nervous for some reason. This situation was quite familiar, now that she recalled.

"Don't fret, young ones," she smiled comfortingly. She hated they were so nervous, but she rather suspected something. "What is it you want to share?" She urged with a gentle patience that her children had managed to instill in her.

nessiaing: Kunle could barely contain himself, he had always been a somewhat excitable dog, even if he was working towards a leadership role in his last pack he found joy in even the small things in life.

"I am pleased to say that I have asked Bik to be my mate, and she has accepted!" Kunle basically shouted.

He moved back to Bik side and gave her a loving nuzzle. He wasn't one to be ashamed or to shy away from showing affection in public.

Bik relax a little bit once the news was out. She eyed the alpha caustiously, she could say she didn't approve but based on Kunle's level of excitement Bik doubted that would happen.

Once Kunle gave her a loving nuzzle she calmed down even more. She gave him a nuzzle back and moved into his side. "Its true." she said happily to the alpha.

There was nothing for the couple to do now but wait for Ziwa to respond.

Seaki: The alpha watches Kunle bounce a little. He was young, still a pup in her eyes, and she liked to see him happy. "Is that so?" she mused, with a smile. She watched them for a second. "Well then, it must be a joyous day indeed!"

She kept her voice light and gentle, though she was quite excited with her nephew's new-found mate. It was exciting indeed. "I must offer my Congratulations!"

nessiaing: Bik let out a sigh of releif that was probably audiable to everyone standing there. "Thank you Ziwa" she said tears shining in her eyes. She really was overjoyed to have found Kunle and be joining his family. She had never known how well her life would have turned out when she joined the pack but she really could not have asked for a better outcome.

Kunle on the other hand was a lot less reserved. He bounded over to his aunt in his excitment gave her a quick nuzzle and then back to his mate.

"Next up, PUPS" he announced. He may be young at heart but Kunle was more then ready to start a family. It gave him something more to protect as a sentry.

Seaki: "Relax, little one," she gave a small laugh. "I wouldn't deny you your happiness, and you both look quite happy together," she offered Bik a smile. "I'll be glad to welcome you into the family." Now she would have to tell her mother - she would be a great, great grandmother probably fairly soon with this new development.

She shook her head at Kunle's enthusiasm and stood from her spot on the edge of the water. "Don't rush into things, little ones," she laughed. "Enjoy yourselves for a little first, but I will support your choices," she informed them. She knew raising cubs was hard, and with the health of the pack, the litters seemed to be getting larger.

nessiaing: Kunle nodded to his aunt, of course she would bring up the practicle side of things, but that didn't change how he felt about it and he knew Bik would want pups soon too. "Thank you." He told his aunt again. "I suppose we should let you get on with your day now." he told her. He wasn't sure what she would have to do today but with a litter of pups who were still young and a pack to run he was sure her plate was quite full.

Bik blushed deep red when Kunle brought up the subject of pups. She of course wanted them.. and as soon as possible really. Her biological clock had been ticking for quite sometime. She however wasn't fully ready to discuss it with the whole family yet. She rather wait till the news was official and they were expecting, who knows they might not even be able to have cubs.

"I'm glad to be apart of the family" Bik said a genuine smile on her face. That smile lasted the whole walk home with Kunle, Bik truly was amazed by her luck