Name: Marie Moonstone
Nicknames: Marie
Gender: Female
Age: 180
Faction: Demon
Race: Succubus

Natural Ability: Charisma: This species has a natural boost in charisma, and seductive lure. Succubus/Incubse need people to naturally be around them, because of their need to feed, so a natural boost in charisma/attraction to others helps.

Personality: Marie is overly self centered, she has to be noticed where-ever she goes, comes with being a succubus I suppose. She isn't so much greedy, in less your talking about her lovers. She is a go getter, boobs hanging out, flirty kinda demon. However, don't let her beauty fool you, this girl's got bite. She is just as intelligent as she is luring.

Marie wants to attend the school in hopes of bettering her trade. To be the best you have to cause the most fear. Fear is wealth in their world, it is literally what keeps things going. She already has the attraction down, now for the Fear aspect.

FEAR Ability: Supportive Ability- Poisoned Tail- The end of Marie's tail is coated with a poison, that slowly causes the victim to become paralyzed, last's about 2 turns.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Crimson red with flecks of gold.
Hair Colour/Style: Jet Black, Long, reaches her lower back, and wavy/curly
Skin Colour: Tan
Clothing Style/Colors: Black Halter top, with definite cleavage showing, helps with luring in prey. Orange booty shorts, and black and orange striped stockings. High heal studded boots.
Extra: Has small black horns on the top of her head, a snake light tongue, and a long tail with a pointed tip. Her nails are also quite sharp, as well as black wings.
References: Just a reference to get an idea of how her outfit looks, and the seduction factor she puts off. devil/f1271509420.jpg