Batu yawned a big yawn. The male was bored, his pride was gone, his cubs were grown, he had nothing to occupy his time. He had been thankful for his home and cubs and the cubs mother, they had taught him that his father had been bad, and Batu didn't need to be bad like him.

Now the big white and black lion was bored. Nohing in life was happening and he wondered if perhaps he should find something more to do with his life, a new home, a lady friend... something.

Thala was looking, once more, for material. She hadn't found much good lately, and was working on designing two new matching patches for her boys. They looked devilishly handsome in them, if she said so herself. They both adored them and it made them look even more alike.

She just could not find the right material though. To be completely identical, they needed to be made from the same things, and that was... hard, to say the least. She trotted off into the roguelands, curious looking quite closely for something that would work for this project.

Batu heard movement, his ears perked a friend? he thought. Excitedly he perked up and sat up looking around to see where the noise was coming from. Batu was insanely friendly and wanted to be friends with everyone, a vast change to thinking the worse of everyone when he was a cub being raised by a spiteful father.

Peaking around he saw movement "Hello, Hello there" he called out. He hoped that whoever it was would want to at least chat with him.

The bright orange lioness had such an intense focus that she nearly missed the voice calling out to her. She snapped out of her search, right at the tail end of the sentence. "Excuse me," she said politely, if not a bit shyly. "I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" she asked. She flushed slightly. Sometimes she could get really focused...

She glanced around for the source of the voice, before landing upon a lion. He looked like he could be the father of her cubs, had he been paler. It nearly made her giggle. "Hello."

When Batu saw the bright orange lioness he couldn't help but smile, how had he missed her with such a brilliant coloring. Batu himself was pretty boring in coloring just black and white, his dad had been beige and the little he had known of his mother she had been bright blue he thought. He wasn't really sure where his boring black and white had come from.

"All I had said was hello." he told her a sheepish grin on his face, he was totally taken by her colors and was finding it hard to talk. "I didn't want to miss you going by, I havent seen anyone in awhile, and I was so excited to see someone else. I didn't mean to shout."

"My name is Batu" he told her with a kind nod.

"Oh," she gave a small embarrassed giggle. "I wasn't paying much attention, I apologize," she said cheerfully. It'd been quite a day so far, she thought, though she had met many interesting characters in her travels - and even in her pride alone! Though some of the merchants intimidated her quite a bit, so she tended to stick to the Na'ila quite a bit.

She looked back the direction of her pride. She had wandered quite far... "Oh," she murmured, "There's a pride that way," she mentioned in the direction she was looking. "Though I guess I walked quite far from it," she gave a sheepish smile.

"And I'm called Thalassa. It's quite nice to meet you, Batu."

Batu's ears perked there was a pride in this area? Perhaps he should check it out, the more the merrier in his eyes. He found that in pride's it was a lot harder to be alone. He made a note of the way that Thalassa had gestured, perhaps before he moved on he would check it out.

"Its very nice to meet you too Thalassa." he said sweetly. "What are you doing out here so far from you pride?" he asked. He had always stuck around his home when it exsisted but perhaps that wasn't the way everyone operated.

"I was looking for some items for a craft project, but I think I'll have to think of something else for it," she admitted. She didn't even know quite what she was looking for, but when she saw it, she knew it would be perfect. If she knew what she was looking for, she could ask for help after all! "Though I think I may try another day..."

She gave him a small smile. "I didn't mean to wander quite so far..." And it was true - she'd been a traveller before she had joined the pride - a simple little nomad, and sometimes the habit got the better of her still.

Batu listened to her carefully, trying hard to focus on her words, and not the colors of her fur. He wasn't sure why it drew him so but it was like something sparkly infront of him and that is all he could see.

"Well I hope you find it soon." he told her kindly, if he had a creative bone in his body he would have offered help but he was useless in that department. Batu's strengths lied in his social abilities, or at least thats what he thought, not that he was putting a good show on of that today.

"Well I suppose I should let you get on with your search." he told her, he didn't really want her to go but he also knew that he had to get hunting he stomach was starting to growl.

"Maybe though if your pride is a friendly one perhaps I will come that way and visit it. I've been missing being in a pride and it would nice to see another one." He was hoping she'd take him up on his offer.

The lioness gave a small giggle. "Thank you - for talking to me, anyhow," she said. It had been a while since she'd been outside the safety of the pride - she was protected there; she was safe. She was grateful that he was kind to her.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll be welcome. The Monarch is very open," she said carefully. It was hard, sometime - a harem pride run by a woman - it was something unheard of in the area. It was fruitful so far though, even if traditions had changed.

"Perhaps we'll meed again!" She said her parting words and gave a nod as she trotted off. Now only if she could find what she was looking for...