Moose: There hadn’t been a day since descending to the mortal realm that Kifunguo hadn’t thought about the God’s Haven. He had spent most of his days on the beaches where the Gypsies lay, and had thus gotten rather attached to a lioness there. It was odd, for the apathetic God to form a bond. It wasn’t love, nor was it a fondness that could be explained; she was just there, and that was alright with him.
He craved cooler temperatures. The water on the beach was in constant motion, and so he had flown late in the night to a quieter spot on a distant river. By the time he landed it was morning, and various prey beasts scattered away from him. There was little point in hiding his Godly form. His wings stretched wide, and he, like most other Gods, would have towered over the tallest mortal.
Ruffling his boney wings, Kifunguo decided to descend into the water.

nessiaing: Batu was lounging. He had met a lovely lady the other day and he was contemplating going back towards his pride to see her. He had mentioned that he might like getting a tour of her pride, it had been a long time since he had been in a pride. If he was being honest he kind of missed being in a pride, having the hustle and bustle of others activities.

He also missed raising his cubs, they were all well grown now and no longer had a need for their dear old dad. At last Batu was very bored with life and needed something new.

Moose: There was a rustle as Kifunguo shook himself out in the cool river. He sighed with relief was the water swelled over his obsidian coat. The God was vaguely aware of others in the area, but as he was blind he couldn’t honestly tell what was around him. Not that he would be bothered with it. If need be he could escape, or fight his way through a hoard. That would be unfortunate, though. Mortal life was so fleeting he felt as if they were like flowers in the breeze.
Dipping down, he let the water consumed his mane before breeching, horns first. The God must have looked a sight with his stitched eyes and bone wings, but for all intensive purposes he was as content as a breeze.

nessiaing: Batu's ears twitched witht he noise of water. Curious as always Batu got up and made his way towards the river that he knew ran through the area. It sounded like someone might be there swimming and he definitely wanted to meet them if they were friendly Batu was all about making new friends when he could.

He came to the rivers edge and froze. What he saw in the water was astounding. It looked like a lion, but had wings, and was so much larger then any lion he had ever seen. Of course Batu had heard of gods in his passing years, but he had never seen one and this was beyond strange for the simple lion. "What are you?" he gasped.

Moose: Kifunguo’s ears perked with interest, and he turned his head slowly towards the sound. Though he couldn’t see mortals as they might see each other he could see their bones. All he knew was that this one was an adult lion; male, in fact. “I am what you see. Do you think your eyes are deceiving you?”
He tucked his wings in at his sides, though he didn’t move from his spot in the water. “Are there no stories of our kind in the world anymore that you would need to question that?” Kifunguo was far from sarcastic; if anything he was highly depressed. His lioness partner hadn’t known much of Gods either. It was as if the faith in the world had died out.

nessiaing: Batu's jaw hung open, total amazement on his face. "Well yes I know of Gods, but I never imagined any of you here, with us, around us... I always thought of you all being somewhere else." He didn't mean to sound rude, but he hadn't imagined he'd see a god till he was dead and on his way to whatever heaven exsisted for him.

"I am sorry." Batu said frowning, he seemed to have upset the god a little and that was the last thing Batu wanted to do, ticking off gods seemed like a very bad idea.

"My name is Batu... the pleasure is all mine." His words were coming naturally Batu could be a charmer, but to be honest it was probably a good thing that the God was blind but for Batu's bones because Batu's face was his tell and right now it told everyone around that Batu was really unsure of this situation.

Moose: Kifunguo grinned. “We’re always here. It’s just that some of us can hide better than others.” Most days he would have been able to hide better as well, but today he just felt like being natural. Of course, he hadn’t expected company. “A lot of us stay in the God’s Haven, far away from here, but it’s…duller than what my kind like.”
Shaking his head he made a move to sit in the stream. Because of his size there was no worry of being swept off by the current, and it felt too relaxing to move. “Do not be. I am not what you would normally see so it is natural you would be upset.” He could listen to changes in his voice, though it was not as expressive as ones face would have been. “Greetings, Batu. My name is Kifunguo…God of Bones.”

nessiaing: "God of Bones" Batu repeated... "What does that mean?" he was trying to ask what the god had the bower to do, should Batu be concerned that his skeleton may suddenly dissapear.

"This whole God thing is very interesting." now that the shock was wearing of Batu wanted to know more and more about what made them different what could they do, and why they came to earth. He didn't want to throw all his questions at the God at once though, he was willing to wait it out a little see what information the God would volunteer.

Moose: “Should you show ill favor towards me I will weaken your bones to the point where just the slightest jostle will cause them to break under your weight.” He said this with a dead pan expression, looking all to serious at Batu. Even Kifunguo had not yet tried this technique, but he had pondered on it for a while. “I can also ‘see’ your bones, though not your flesh.” What did this male look like? Was he yellow, pink, or maybe a darker shade?
“Come sit with me and I will tell you what I can. “ As rare as it was for him to be around mortals, Kifunguo was also in a talkative mood. He had much to share joy with in the world at that time, so why not?

nessiaing: Batu moved slowly towards the God, he was nervous about this but at the same time he was pretty sure that this God wouldn't hurt him. Plus Batu really wanted to know more.

"Okay I'm ready I think" Batu told the god as he sat in the water, he stayed closer to the edge of the water so that the current wouldn't move him away.

Moose: And thus Kifunguo began his explanation. He spoke of the stars and how Mkodi began her creation before the Gods themselves came to be. It wasn’t hard to gather the information he needed to weave, as it as the one thing he truly had a grasp on in this world. “And then the Gods were born…” So he went forth, telling his tales in the evening day sun.

nessiaing: Batu sat listening utterly amazed, he had heard bits and pieces of the story here and there before, others were completely new. Batu loved learning, and this was pretty well straight from the source.

When the God had finished Batu was again sitting with a slacked jaw. Standing he turned towards the God, "Thank you, thank your for sharring all of that with me."

With a quick bow of respect Batu turned and headed back the way he had come totally amazed by the day he had had