User Imagenessiaing:
Hinekiri was up early and slipped out of the pride lands. She didn’t go far but she felt a need to clear her head a little bit, and to do that she needed to be out and away from the hustle and bustle of the pride. She was moving slowly a little uneasy in the rogue lands, she didn’t exactly have favorable memories of being out here.

Finding a small stream she settled down beside it, she was hoping it was early enough in the day that not many other creatures would looking for water it hadn’t gotten that hot out yet. She liked the water the sound of it babbling along the rocks was soothing.

Painted Moose:
The lions knew they were closer to a pride than either truly wished to be, but such were the circumstances. They were both too exhausted to keep on their trek without resting, so neither of the males had particularly wanted to move on. Let the guards find them! At least then they might know where they were.

Akarui had chosen a spot hidden in the brush not to far from a stream as their safe haven. He looked around, his large silver mane covering nervous ears. It wasn't safe here; it never was. When he spotted something blue that was most certainly not water he lowered and moved to prod Susumu, who had been enjoying a mid day nap. "Wake up. They found us."

"Hmm? Who?" Susumu yawned, then gargled when he found a paw over his mouth. Apparently he had been too loud! He pushed the larger lion off him, and rolled up onto his paws, peeping through the brush at the female. "Oh come on, Rui, what do you think she's going to do? Cry on us?"

"The last female you underestimated almost gelded you."

"Point taken," He murmured with distaste. Still, it was rude to spy. Should they move?

Hinekiri was off in her thoughts, thinking of the bright violet male she had met only the other day. They hadn't crossed paths again since she had given him a breif tour and then darted off with barely a good bye, she hoped he didn't find her too odd.

The blue lioness's ears began to twitch when she heard rustling and she was pretty sure talking coming from a near by bush. She was studding the bush trying to decide if she should take off running for hom or if it was just her imagination. She was sure she could see glimpses of blue through the leaves.

"Hello?" she called out in a small and clearly frightened voice

Painted Moose:
Shaking his head, Susumu began to rise, despite Akarui's pawing to keep him down. He tried his best to smile and look friendly while picking himself out of the bush. Without knowing there was a lion weighing him down she might have thought his lower legs were paralyzed. "Hello! I'm sor-" He grunted, kicking Akarui. "I'm sorry if I spooked you. Can't be too careful, you know?" Frustrated beyond words, Susumu stopped and turned around. "Get the hell out of there. Does she look like a Guard? Or a fighter? Jeez." Turning back to the female he gave an awkward laugh and ran a paw through his mane. "My friends a little paranoid."

When Akarui let up from Susumu the other lion was able to stand without being held down. The silver lion stood at his full height, which was larger than his friend, and his eyes were more wary than Susumu's. "I'll not apologize for my behavior since it's as he said, you can't be too careful." He didn't say it with malice, but rather a blunt understanding. Still, he was no unkind when he asked, "Did we frighten you?"

Hinekiri felt a smile growing on her face, although both lions seemed to be truly serious the whole situation was quite comical. She managed to not let the giggles escape her lips though and instead just kept a smile on her face.

"Yes you did frighten me a little, I'm not use to being in the rogue lands and the few times I have been out here haven't exactly ended favourably for me." she told them. Her voice was small but clear.

"What are you frightened of?" she asked the duo, although she gathered it was more then large silver lion then the blue one.

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Painted Moose:
"So you're from the pride, then? The ones whose lands were so close to?" Susumu had gathered as much, since she didn't seem as rough as the other females they had come across. She was far too accepting to be an outlaw rogue. "Would you mind telling us the name of the pride? We're actually kind of lost." He chuckled, only to have Akarui place a pressing paw down on top of his. Too much?

"We are sorry to hear that." Akarui stated. "It's for the same unpleasant experiences that we are wary of talking to others. Without the support of others at our backs it is just us, and should we be attacked...." Well, they would be sitting ducks. It wasn't as if the males couldn't fight, but no one could wing against a mob.

"We're looking for the ocean, if you have any idea where that is." Susumu piped up, hoping to lighten the mood.

"There is a pride there that my mother was from, and we wish to join. " Akarui explained.

Hinekiri listened to their stories and nodded along, she never considered that males would be scared for the same reasons as she would be. They were so much bigger and able to fight so much beter.

"The pride I live in is Suka'Fumo" she told them proudly. "Its mostly an pride of players and singers, no real fighters here, though maybe they would act out fights but no one actually wants to hurt anyone else. I work as a nurse and rarley have others to heal."

When the other lions asked about the ocean she had a puzzled look on her face. She had heard of the ocean before but it was a novel concept to her. "No I'm sorry I don't know where you would find an ocean, the only water we have here are streams, brooks and small lakes." she knew it wasn't overly helpful.

"Have you both been looking for it for a long time?"

Painted Moose:
Upon hearing the name of her pride both males looked at each other and shook their heads with a sigh. Neither had even heard of the place, and for all of it's apparent luster it was far from their target.

"Your home sounds lovely." Rui recovered first, but it was apparent in his form that he was just as dejected as the quiet Susumu. "I'm glad to know that there is somewhere in this world that is indeed as peaceful as you've said."

Fake fights? Players? Susumu didn't get how that made a fully functioning pride, but apparently it worked. He smiled through it, though. "Not really. I would say...maybe around a year or so?" He looked to Rui for confirmation before turning back to the female. "It's been a goal, but not a has to happen thing. More of a dream, really."

"A hope to settle down, actually," Rui amended. Out of the two the larger male was the one that wished to settle, but the other took some convincing.

Hinekiri nodded her head, her home was a lovely pace and pretty peaceful she was happy to call it home.

"I suppose its always good to have a dream and a goal." she told them, she was surprised that they had taken a whole year to find something and that they still hadn't found wha they were looking for.

"Well the day is starting to pick up I should get back home before I am noticed missing." she told the two males with a brief nod to each. It had been a strange encounter but Hinekiri was definitely thankful to have her home and a place to return to she couldn't imagine having to live out here all the time.

Painted Moose
"The world is a large place, and the Savannah is larger still. Maybe one day our paws will find the ocean, but for now, we're floating around." Susumu smiled. There was a certain beauty in being free like that. He could see as many stars as he wished, and try as many different prey beasts. If he settled with Akarui, would he be allowed to truly be himself?

"Of course, of course. We're sorry for keeping you from your duties." Rui nodded, apologetic for their selfish actions. Here they had been asking her ten thousand questions when the female may have had other things to do! He shook his head. They really did need help, but not for directions.

"Have a pleasant day, miss!" He called after her.

Susumu jumped up on his paws and waved. "Be careful next time! Don't come out here by yourself!"

"....You're one to talk." Rui said snidely, a little teasing grin popping up as he turned to leave.

"But I'm not alone, I have you, goofy." Susumu bumped into the bigger male and chuckled, walking in tandem with him.
