Two of four claws had gotten Otuo across his face. The leopard was a b*****d and Otuo planned to make him pay, the arrogant lion indignant his face was harmed. At least it was healing well and the male grimaced, shaking his hed before turning claws on the leopard Mauji yet again.

Mauji, for his part, was rather satisfied with himself. The lion had been sleeping, lazily dozing in a sunbeam when Mauji caught him and there was a certain satisfaction in taking the first blow, and even if the lion had woken at the moment he was struck, the male was content knowing if he survived, the larger lion was marked permanently by his claws. The scar was hi legacy and Mauji took pride in this feeling.

The leopard circled much like a circling bird of prey, the pair studying one another with disgust and distrust as they moved, eyes locked in as Mauji's snarl resembled a twisted grin, and Otuo's expression was dark and grim. Yes, there was satisfaction to be had, and Mauji planned to enjoy it.

Otuo stalked in a circle, watching the other male as they seemed to enter a stalemate - or rather, as Otuo noted, the leopard appeared to be waiting, and Otuo decided to wait as well, eyes locked on Mauji for some sign of a move.

If Noh hadn't been awake, she probably wouldn't have given three craps what was going on between some crackpot and a lion, but she was and that was because visions of a leopard attacking a lioness had woken the grumpy seer up, the female abandoning her sister for the moment to investigate, paws stomping irritably as she padded towards the source of the commotion tiredly.

Fighting. Of course. Noh yawned and made a face, before grooming a paw. She rather didn't want to get involved, except the leopard was from her visions.

That made hr pause.

He was from her visions and the female demon's teeth bared in a distnt hatred, vision flashing before hr eyes. He was - he killed a mother? Grandmother? She didn't know, but she was of the colours and of the look, possibly of the blood and the female roared, lunging to interrupt the stalemate, jumping on the leopard and biting at him immediately.

To say Otuo was pleased a lioness had saved him was to say he was pleased someone had walked in and called him a mouse. His pride was wounded by a small, diminutive lioness acting to help and his dignity followed, but it came back when he saw the hatred in the leopard's face at a female intruding, and perhaps it wasn't so bd. Otuo decided to accept it for what it was and ignore the lack of certain anatomy on his rescuer, instead grinning at the leopard coyly.

Mauji, however, was furious. A female dared attack him. A female. Dared. Attack. Him.

Mauji flipped and lunged as he tried to put the female in her place, but she was small and quick and Noh'Vah quickly dodged aside to bite again, tail rigid compared to Mauji's own lashing tail, the female snarling and snapping at his heels and biting at his face, and Mauji resented every moment as they fought. She was quick and deathly intelligent, fierce and horridly aggressive, and he? He was clearly showing age.

Noh'Vah bit at him again and the male jumped back, Otuo smirking Mauji's way, seeming to spark his ire, and the leopard finally prepared to lunge at Noh'Vah rapidly. Noh'Vah braced, and Otuo took the opportunity to strike, snapping at Mauji's face before raking his claws against it. Noh'Vah hissed, and tackled Mauji, the trio rolling and flipping and biting legs and neck, as they rolled downhill. When they reached the bottom though, Otuo was up first.

Noh'Vah snapped at Mauji before she got up, fur ruffled (so undignified) and eyes flashing furiously at the male before she swiped with her own claws, a growl in her chest forming. Mauji rolled, hissing under his breath before the pair began advancing, and an aching leg compelled the leopard rise, bolting as rapidly as he could.

Noh'Vah braced to pursue, but Otuo nudged her, causing her to pause, and the female sighed, frowning and looking to the male curiously, blinking as he shook his head.

"I'm going to find him."

Noh'Vah broke the silence with a scowl and frown, the female squaring her shoulders. "I have to track him."

Otuo considered this idly, the violet-eyed male thinking before speaking.

"Perhaps. But - why?" His tone was idle and curious, the kind of tone used most by someone half-interested and half distracted, and Noh'Vah recognized it promptly for what it was. The female shrugged, looking to the larger male with a calm, cold gaze, and sat.

"Because I must; because he haunts my visions and I will not stand for some insolent mother-killer to run loose in the land. Because he will die." The female said coldly. Otuo raised a brow, head tilting idly before he shook his head. It still burned, his face. And it was uncomfortable.

"I suppose." He shrugged. "Never seen things like a seer myself. But, I suppose that's how it is." The male stretched and yawned and shook his head, and glanced back.

"Yes, perhaps." Noh'Vah agreed. She rose, glancing to Otuo with a calm look that was curious.

"Where do you plan to go?" She asked. Otuo mused, before hrugging.

"Somewhere. Anywhere rreally." He said calmly. "I am a rogue. I do as I please, and it makes me happy."

Noh nodded, shrugging.

"Perhaps. I am my mother's favored child." Noh'Vah said idly. "So I too do as I will. I am her blood and her starling and I do as needed." Noh shook herself out then, calmly, and looked to Otuo idly. He shrugged.

"Lucky you. Mother had us with some random male. But mother? Nobility." He purred, smirking. "Regal, a lady of home, before they fled flooding." He shrugged idly.

"She and my aunt were... Wonderful."

Noh'Vah nodded, sighing some.

"Mother never speaks of family much. I have my sisters and brothers though. They're nice. Kabi's weak, but that's to be expected." The female shrugged idly, glancing out.

"So. What now?" Otuo asked. Noh'Vah frowned.

"I check on my sister. We watch for that-thing." She frowned, then flexed her claws.

"We hunt if needed. But... We'll see." Noh'Vah moved, Otuo watching as the female idly began to pad away.

"I think I'll join you." The male noted calmly, before rising, and the pair began to pad away in quiet, as if nothing happened at all.