The Hunter
Name: Theodore Gordon Parker
Nicknames: Theo
Gender: male
Age: 20

Category: Sun

The Weapon
Name: Anthusa
Nicknames: Song
Type of Weapon: Fishing Spear [but metal]
Unsummoned Form: A delicate and feminine bracelet that jingles with bells.
Former species of weapon: Monster - Siren
Gender: Female


When Deus comes to take him, Theo is only just starting to reclaim his life -- working a quiet life laying floors and trying to pretend that he doesn't see all the strange things that lurk around the corner of his vision. He is the broken remains of what once was a bold, over-achieving young man, an honest straight-A student who has learned well how to lie to those around him.

Deus records will show why. Three months into his first-rate college education, to all the people around him it seemed that Theo suffered a nervous breakdown. He started skipping classes on account of the monsters he caught glimpses of, babbling about some conspiracy being run on campus. His roommates grew wary of him, then nervous that the babbling would turn to something wilder, more violent. When they reported it to the RA and his parents were called in, Theo was promptly taken out of school on medical leave and went through a series of care facilities trying to figure out how to treat his obvious schizophrenia.

Drugs and treatment have certainly left him damaged, but haven't succeeded in breaking him, at least. Theo has a somewhat skittish, serious quality to him, not quite meeting peoples' eyes, well-used to keeping to himself and keeping quiet. He thinks carefully before he speaks, struggles to figure out the motives of the people around him before he commits to trusting them, and carries himself with care to keep the world from pressing him down -- but beneath that, there are still glimmers of the young man he was before:

A lurking but hard-to-crack sense of humor that comes out dry and flat and leaves people around him wondering 'was that a joke'? A love for music, especially rock music, and a battered old fiddle that he picks up now and then to play. A couple pairs of wild-colored sneakers and a pin-and-patch-covered jean jacket, neither of which he's worn since his breakdown, that speak to a once-bright sense of fashion that's since fallen to the wayside.

Time at Deus will either bring him out of his shell or break him.

Anthusa, at least, might help with this somewhat: her own chaotic song, her violence and desire to crush men against the rocks faded out when she began the steps to become a weapon, and has since quieted her to something more serious and focused. Most of the time, she is nothing but a soothing song in the back of Theo's mind, driving away nerves and the rattle of unsettling memories. She is supportive, and fiercely protective, and the only time that her song will go cacophonous and wild is when he needs her help.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?

When Deus came, he was out of the care facility, but only through a liberal amount of lying: reassurance that his visions and his paranoia were in check, even if they weren't. He was working, at last, living at home with his parents in his childhood room and laying floors during the day. It was a flat life, filled with unnecessary drugs that made him foggy, and with the certainty behind it that there was something wrong with him.

There is nothing in the world that would draw Theo in so much as someone telling him it was real, and giving him a purpose beyond existing day to day. He has skills -- is fit from physical labor, and smart, well-read even if his advanced education was cut a bit short -- and just needs a way to use them. Deus is perfect, and once given a chance, Theo will throw himself into work with an enthusiastic abandon.

Weapon Ability

Siren's Scream -- Functions as Gambler's Chance; his weapon makes an audible shrieking as he attacks, which may affect his opponent, himself, or both.

Tier Two:
Dice: 8d12
First Dice:
xxxxx 1-6: Miss
xxxxx 7-12: Hit
Damage: Total of second, third, and fourth dice.
Fifth Dice:
1: Take the full 100% damage.
2-4: Take 80% damage (multiply result by .8)
5-7: Take 75% damage (multiply result by .75.)
8-12: Take 50% damage (multiply result by .5 or divide by 2)
Damage to Self: Total of last three dice multiplied or divided by the modifier. This always hits you!
Average Damage to Opponent: 19

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: CC
Hair Colour/Style: CC
Skin Colour: CC
Clothing Style/Colours: Expensive, brightly-colored sneakers are my only real 'demand', with clothing that would go with that.

Extra: In high school, he was very fashion-forward and somewhat daring, wearing bright colors and unusual articles of clothing, especially since he had the money to afford it. Since, he's gone back to things a bit simpler, but this love will probably come out again as he becomes comfortable in his own skin again.

References: nope