User ImagePainted Moose:It wasn’t often that Kifunguo found himself in leopard territory. The God had arrived earlier that morning to find trees at all angles crowding his wings into a small tree that could barely hold his weight. Even though he had planned to take the guise of another, this time he had been forced to. Shifting from a large God to a smaller leopard male was difficult, especially when he hadn’t seen one in so long and couldn’t remember exactly how they looked. When he felt comfortable enough in his own skin, he hopped down to a lower branch, trusting his paws to find the way.
And it was with relief that he met the branch instead of the ground. Being blind had more disadvantages than he would have liked, but Kifunguo was starting to manage.

Cornetified: Today was a day for wandering! Ornantombi had felt the breeze telling her to come play, so she had! She followed a butterfly that was always a little too high for her to pounce on. It led her well away from home, and she was disappointed when it fluttered higher up into the sky. But, she realized it had led her to another discovery! Her ears perked as the male 'leopard' was climbing down from the tree. She hunched down with her rump in the air to sneak closer for a better look at the stranger.

Painted Moose:Taking careful paw steps the blinded God made sure he had a decent footing before trying to get himself down from the tree. It was hard work since he couldn't see where to put his paws, and it would have been made easier if he had the space around him to simply float down on his wings. However, being in "disguise" cut that out for him.

He licked his lips and tried stepping down once more, only to see a shade out of the corner of his eye. Without being able to see mortals as they saw themselves he could register their bones. And whatever was watching him was awfully small...

Cornetified: Hmm... Nope. She didn't recognize him at all. Orna crept closer, tail twitching in the air. Why was he moving so carefully? Was he not used to climbing trees? Something was... odd. She couldn't decide what was odd, but it was something. She wanted to find out! So, she straightened up with a big smile. "Hi!"

Painted Moose: Settling on a low branch, Kifunguo made sure his thick paws had their claws burrowed deep into the bark. He turned his closed eyes towards the sound, and twitch his mouth. A cub. The God had hoped to see a Guard or something akin to it so that rumors wouldn't begin to spread of a stranger. But a stranger near a cub? He knew this could end badly.

"Hello. You really shouldn't be here alone, little one."

Cornetified: Ears perking, Orna simply shook her head. "Nu-uh! I not alone! Everyone in pride here. You the alone one," she stated confidently. Sure, her pride was a ways off, but what did that matter? They were still there. Oh! His eyes! "Why are your eyes closed?"

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Painted Moose:Kifunguo furrowed his brows, opened his mouth, and then closed it with a shake of his head. Of course her pride was around, their entire little colony was there, but- Oh, he would have better luck explaining that to a rock.

"My eyes are closed because I don't have pretty little eyes like yours." Kifunguo meant it to sound very matter of fact, but it of course came out slightly sweet. "I can't see, so getting around is difficult."

Cornetified: Head cocking, she stepped even closer to the male. "How do you know my eyes are pretty? You ain't looked at them." Wait- Couldn't see? "Oh, so you can't see where you're goin'? ..That sounds hard." She sat down and looked up at the stranger. "How come you can't see?"

Painted Moose:"It's just a word." Anyone could say pretty and not meant it, no matter how well intending they were. "A lucky guess." Since she obviously thought they were pretty enough. He settled into a sitting position, craning his head to turn down towards the cub. " a longer story than you need to know, little one. Just know that yes, it is hard to get around,, I can't see where I'm going." That wasn't entirely truthful, but she wouldn't understand the bigger concepts.

Cornetified: Orna paused and sighed. He couldn't see... "Want me ta bring you to my pride? Maybe someone there help? I can show you the way!" She padded over to the male and bumped her head against the male's leg confidently.

Painted Moose:Kifunguo shook his head, and reached out to hesitantly touch the little cub. What he had thought to be her back was the top of her head, which he ruffled. "I'll be fine where I am. I would appreciate if you didn't tell anyone you met me here, though. " Normally he would advise against cubs keeping secrets with strangers, but for her own good he had to insist up on it.

Cornetified: "Awww," Orna's ears tipped down with disappointment. Still, she nuzzled against his leg after he ruffled her fur. "Like, a secret?" She gasped and wiggled her tail. "I can keep a secret! I can!" She bounced around the adult excitedly. "But why a secret?"

Painted Moose: He took a deep breath and resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. The God had lived so long that he had forgotten entirely the energy of cubs. "It's a secret because if they find out everyone will want to talk to me and that makes me nervous." Which wasn't too far off the mark. "So I'm trusting you with my secret. Are you sure you can keep it?"

Ears perking, Orna let out a long sigh. "Talking to papa makes me nervous sometimes," she admitted with a sagely nod. She could understand! And she knew some people found strangers made them feel nervous. He must be one of them! Bouncing back to her paws, she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! Yes! I can, I can!" Tail twitching, she pawed at the male's leg. "Sure you don't need anythin'?"

Painted Moose
Kifunguo gave a little smile at her cubish reasoning. He reached out to pat her head, albeit a little awkwardly, “Yes, I’m sure. I thank you for your concern, but you should be going back to your family now before they start to worry.” Surely a colony like this would miss their little ones if they wandered off for too long?

Orna giggled as she was patted again. "Aww! Do I hafta?" Looking back the way home, she sighed and nodded. It wasn't polite to talk balk to adults! "I mean, yes, sir." Still, she gave his leg another nuzzle. "When you're not so scared of strangers, come back an' see me again!" she pipped up as she turned and ran back toward home. Her very own secret friend! This was a good day!

Painted Moose
“There’s a good girl.” The God gave a sad little smile. It was disheartening, knowing that someday she would age and die. Something so sweet should stay that way forever. He didn’t answer her though, when she left. Just waited for her to leave before reaching down o touch the leg she had nuzzled. Though he had met many mortals recently, none had ever invited him back.
And he found he rather liked the idea.

(WC: 1240)
