It was well passed an hour before Titus finally began to stir. He groaned with pain, his features having gone back to normal long ago. "Who the ******** has been dancing on my back?" If only he knew.

The demon started to shift, a hand going to his aching head as he started to push his way up but as soon as he moved he bumped into something and a chain reaction began. Before he realize what was happening it was suddenly raining chairs and trash, the frying plan smacking against his head once again before it clattered to the ground.

Titus laid there a moment longer groaning in agony. Realizing he felt sticky he reached up to touch the trash covered mess that was his hair, picking away at the paper. He found the cup shortly after hanging from his horn and hissed out a curse as he threw it off and slowly began to pull himself from the wreckage. When he was finally free, his body crying out with every little movement, he turned to leave only to find the lunch lady behind him.

Her unfriendly scowl was a pretty good indication of her mood and she stared into the depths of Titus' soul before she thrust a mop into his hand and shoved a bin into his chest with force. The action made him wheeze with pain, doubling over but still clutching at both items.

"Get to work." She ordered, standing there and waiting while Titus collected himself.

With a small whimpering cry Titus cursed his life before he began to straighten out this terrible mess. He was going to be there for a while.