Ruth had heard of the school's "Shipping Wall" since her days as a snot student. But as far as it concerned her, it was just a novelty that wore out the next second. It took her experience in Wonderland just to realize how very useful and very important it was for her personal interests.

And yes, she may have some vested interest in the individuals written on the wall (and possibly those who have yet to be written.) Alright she had a lot of vested interest, which was why she actually went to seek it out personally. Her biggest difficulty had been what the persona her Superiors had assigned her would think or say about the whole matter. Surprisingly, the Shrinking Violet was all for the idea.

In fact, the Violet was adamant Ruth pay the wall a visit and even add her own name to the roster. After the initial bout of internal screaming, Ruth's personal thoughts on the matter compromised with her persona's and wrote "Blondie" in a curving, loopy hand.

It was her, technically, just not her-her. Ruth only hoped no one saw...

xNothing Yet