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Tamaki yawned, he was bored. This was normal though he had been on his own for awhile now and had nothing to do most of the time. Hunt, sleep, drink, travel, it seemed liked a lot to do but really he was just efficient and getting done what needed to be done. He had begin to wonder though if perhaps he needed more in his life.

Tamaki made it to his favorite spot and settled himself on a rock by the lake. From up here he felt he could comfortably nap and feel safe that no one was going to be able to sneak up on him.

Eilley had been lounging by the lake for most of the day. The female had been alone for as long as she could remember. She couldn’t remember ever having any parents or family around her at all. She had met a few others, adult, that lived with their parents still. It confused Eilley why one would want to live with their parents well into adulthood couldn’t they be self sufficient like any other adult creature.

Eilley shook her head, she didn’t mean to be so callous but she couldn’t understand how she managed to care for herself since she was a young nothing of a thing and yet these adults depended on their mommy’s and daddy’s still.

Tamaki was studying the shore line from his perch up on the rocks. The lake was a watering hole for many creatures, and Tamaki liked to watch them all. He always found it interesting how others acted and spoke to each other. While laying up their he noticed a pretty pink lioness lounging not far from where he was.

He studied her closely, he was pretty sure that he hadn’t seen her in this area before. She was pretty, colored remarkably like a flamingo. He wondered idly for a moment if one of her parents had been a flamingo, then he laughed at himself of course they couldn’t be. He wondered if perhaps he should go over and introduce himself to her.

Eilley had also seen the purple lion with a black main. She watched him jump up onto a rock and was immediately jealous of his spot, she should have looked around more for a good place to rest before she had settled on the pebbled shore line. Though of course she could stick her feet in the water from where she was laying.

She was curious about the male up on the rock, he moved as though he knew the area well. He could be a good one to talk to. See if this area was worth settling in or not. Eilley had been on the move for awhile now, trying to find a good place to settle for a bit. She was tired of travelling, but she also hadn’t found a place to settle yet.

Noticing that the female was looking his way Tamaki decided not to wait any longer. He leapt off his rock in a very graceful manner and made his way towards the female, his head held high and his chest puffed out. It was only a short walk over to where the female was laying.

“Hello there, my name is Tamaki.” He greeted her. He took a seat next to her looking out onto the lake. Tamaki did love the blue of the water it matched the blue of his eyes. “I haven’t seen you around her before.”

Eilley saw the male coming her way and she couldn’t help but smile a little. She was usually able to attract males where ever she went, and occasionally some females too. She didn’t bother to sit up to greet him, she was quite comfortable in her laying position.

“Hello Tamaki.” she greeted him back turning her crystal blue eyes up towards the male. “You are correct I have never been in this area before, however the lake drew me in so I decided to rest here.” She told him a sparkle in her eyes. “It seems like you know the area though, would you recommend it?”

Tamaki was amazed by her eyes when she turned to look at him. His own blue eyes were his favorite part of himself, but when he saw her crystal blue eyes he was amazed. He found himself looking at them for longer than was probably socialably acceptable. He shook his head a little to clear his head of her eyes.

“I have been in the area for a little while, it’s nice enough. Plenty of prey to hunt, and great dens to sleep in plus the lake is a good bonus. If you are able to fish there is a great number of fish in here.” Tamaki himself was no good at fishing but he did enjoy a good fish when he did manage to catch one.

Eilley noticed that he stared at her for a little longer than she was comfortable with, but again she was use to attention. “Well this area does sound like a good place to stick around then” she told him with a smile. She wasn’t sure how long she would stay in the area but having a good place to sleep, good food and water to fish in, swim and drink was a definite plus.

“Perhaps you would like to give me a tour around the area Tamaki.” She told him a slight flirting tone to her voice.

Tamaki felt the large smile spread on his face, he would love to give the ravishing female a tour. Though there wasn’t a lot to show her, she had already found the best thing in the area being the lake. “I would be happy to show you around.” He told her rising to his feet.

“Follow me I’ll show you all the things you need to know.” He told her. He turned to walk away. Turning to look over his shoulder to make sure that she was following him.

Eilley smiled, sure she had managed to get on on her own for most of her life, but she certainly used others to do it. Her looks never failed her. “Perfect” she said when he agreed to show her around a little. She rose to her feet pausing for a good stretch.

“I must say I am very glad to have met you today Tamaki.” She told him as she caught up beside him. She gave his a shoulder a quick brush with hers as they began the tour. Maybe just maybe they could make a friendship she thought.