Seaki: It had taken Nebesa a week or so to get back out into the roguelands. It wasn't that she didn't like being within the pride - but it was small. There weren't a lot of members and she could recognize them all. Not many cubs had been born lately either.

And she wanted to meet new people. She wondered if she had brothers out there. She vaguely remembered two cream colored cubs that no longer were in the pride and she couldn't see anyone allowing cubs to just wander off.

She gave a sigh, settling under a shady tree. She didn't want to search for herbs today, or even do her job! She pressed her back against the tree's trunk and looked out into the plains.

nessiaing: Cefni had a bounce in her step since the grey lion had saved her and removed the giant splinter that had been in her rear paw. She was happy as a clam now and was plodding along. Amazing how one could change anothers life so much.

Cefni hoped that she would be able to do the same for someone. She had met a lion who needed a surrogat for a litter for him and his infertile mate. Cefni had never given much thought to having a litter of cubs before but now that she had met this male she seemed to think that it was a good thing to do. She was happy she may be able to do something for someone else.

Seaki: It had taken an embarrasingly long time for Nebesa to notice the figure walking vaguely in her direction. When she did though, she focused on the leopard with an intensity that she figured only her sister had. She huffed once more and pulled herself away from the tree a bit. "Good Morning!" She called out, as she greeted most in the mornings. Normall only in the pride, but she wanted to make friends! She had failed spectacularly the last few ventures.

But maybe the third time's the charm?

nessiaing: Cefni turned at those noice and smiled when she saw the adolecent lioness coming her way. The lioness looked friendly enough and Cefni was never one to turn down a new friends.

Cefni had never had a bad interaction with another creature so when someone came up to her she was always willing to interact on some level. She liked to get to know other's stories and names and where they came from. It added for the bank of stories she had for when she was lonely.

"Why hello there." she said. She stayed in her seated position she found it more comfortable for interactions, no point in everyone standing. "My name is Cefni. May I ask yours?"

Seaki: The small lioness rocked on her toes a little before leaning forward. The Leopardess was coming towards her! She hoped the grey female was nice! It would make her day. She wasn't sure if she would leave the pride again if this went badly.

But, the leopardess sounded friendly and Nebesa was relieved. "My name is Nebesa. It's nice to meet you Cefni!" She said. While her mother wasn't the most tactful lioness, she had learned manners in the field of healing. It would serve her well, she hoped.

"Are you from around here?"

nessiaing: Cefni smiled, the lioness was indeed friendly. She was happy to have met another friendly soul. "I suppose you could say that I am from here there and everywhere." she said with a giggle.

"I travel a lot and I don't really stay anyone place too long. Haven't found a place I was willing to stay forever, too much to see and do." she said with a smile, Cefni liked her freedom and exploring and finding different sould to interact with. Of course if she did decide to have this litter for the lion and his mate she would be tied down for a little while at least.

"What about you Nebesa? Are you from the area? Do you travel a lot?" Cefni was always interested in the way others lived, perhaps someone would tell her something amazing and Cefni would decide to follow suit.

Seaki: Nebesa couldn't help but giggle a bit as well. She hadn't travelled a lot, just to the barest edges of the pride's lands and a little further to discover passing rogues. Truthfully she shouldn't even be beyond the border, especially not in secret and without a guard.

Still, what's a little rebellion, right? She could do what she wanted! Well, mostly. "I haven't been that far from here. I live that way," she gestured towards the direction of the pride in a vague way. She huffed. "I've longed to travel though," she admitted.

nessiaing: Cefni smiled she hadn't met many lions from rogues, a lot of them didn't tend to leave their prides very often. Cefni sort of understood the draw of a pride with all the security it could provide and lots of friends but Cefni wasn't sure she would be able to stay just one place all her life.

"Travelling is nice, but there is a lot that can be said for having a nice home to go to." Cefni told the younger lioness. She didn't want the lioness to feel sad about where or how she lived after all.

"You probably have plenty of others that care for you there, out in the rogue lands you tend to be on you own. It can be raehr lonely at times and not everyone is very friendly." she said in a soothing voice.

"There are pluses to both worlds I suppose. My favorite areas are treed ones." she told the lioness. Cefni was a typical leopardess in this sense, up in trees was the safest place to be.

Seaki: Nebesa hadn't actually thought about it that wa. She had a support system in the pride - hunters that brought food and guards to keep them safe and other such things. Still, the pull to see the world was strong.

"Maybe my sister will come with me?" She mused aloud. Her sister was a much better hunter than she was. It near made her ill to take a life, but her sister held no such regard.

She hummed a little, rocking on her toes again for a moment. "I'll have to think on it now," she said sadly. At least she had a new friend, but her haphazard plan to leave this place - well, she knew better now.

She just had to make a better plan.

nessiaing: "Well I am glad that I have given you a lot to think about young one." Cefni smiled, she didn't truly have an opinion whether or not the lioness should leave her pride, and even if she did she would never share it unless the lioness was being hurt and eyeing her over this lioness didn't seem to be facing any hardships.

"Make sure whatever you decided you think hard about it first and if you decide to leave make sure you plan it out well. You don't want to be surpised out here." she said.

"Speaking of the hardships of living on your own I sadly have to leave you and go and hunt or I shall be hungry tonight." Cefni said. She wasn't excited about hunting and was sad to leave the lioness but perhaps their paths would cross again soon, you never knew how small the world was.

Seaki: Nebsa perked up and smiled at the leopardess. "Of course!" She said, bounced up to a standing position. "Good luck." she would have if the leopadress would have to go hungry tonight - it was getting older at night she had noticed!

She couldn't wait to get back home to tell her sister all about the kind leopardess, she thought as she made her way back towards the lands.