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Ilarion tossed his head a bit to make the white tuff of hair flop on the top of his head. He had gotten seperated from his pal, a maned wolf called Haruki'Ryuu. The pair was a foot loose, fun loving, and jolly pair of bachelors. It had been several hours since the pair had seperated. Ilarion had finally decided to go looking for his friend. He hoped that something hadn't happened.

Cini wasn't sure where he was...He was sure he was no where near his family's den, but that was ok. He was on an adventure! He was young and wild and free; but seriously, if it was going to get dark soon, he was going to have to find a den or something because if he got attacked, he would never hear the end of it from his mother. She was a good woman, but she worried about her cubs.

Cini moved quickly, his slim form a white blurr.

Ilarion looked up as he got a sniff of a scent. "Haruki! Are you there?" He perked his ears forward hopefully, though his nose told him that this wasn't who he was looking for. The wild dog waited to see if the white creature would brave to come closer or flee.

Cini startled at the call, the unfamiliar name that he was called stopped him in his tracks. His nose twitched in curiousity, and he turned to look to see who had called. It didn't take him long to spot the wild dog not far from him and he hesitated. The male didn't look aggressive...and Cini wouldn't mind a friendly face in this he might be able to lead him towards a den or something that he could spend the night safetly in.

"Sorry, not Haruki!" He called back and moved cautiously towards him. It was very obvious that Cini was not 100% trusting of the stranger

The male heaved a sigh as the other confirmed it wasn't Haruki. Obviously, he should have known as his pal was black and gold. "Sorry for the disturbance young sir," he said after realizing it was a youngster. Ilarion grinned at the caution in the young male.
"You needn't fear me, I'm friendly. Just looking for my friend. Have you seen a maned wolf pass this way? He's black with gold spots." With any luck he could get a lead here.
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Cini relaxed a little - the dog didn't seem aggressive. It was probably stupid to take the wild dog at his word, but really, he seemed honourable enough to trust his word. "No I haven't, sorry," Cini said, apologetic. "You're the first person I've really seen out here, to be honest."

Though to be fair, until now, he had been actively trying to avoid strangers. He really didn't want to get attacked...

"Ah well, the old boy wandered off he did. I'm sure he'll show up soon wagging his tail," he laughed. "Really? That's too bad. Usually there's a few wandering around. Can I help you with anything? You seem like you might be a bit new around here." He'd always help his fellow traveler whenever he could. The young could always use an extra bit of advice.

"Don't you two travel together?" Cini asked, curious. If he had wandered off, his parents would have FREAKED, but that was probably because he had been a cub. They were less concerned now that he was an adolescent - he was big and strong, he could totally make his own way in the world.
However at the male's offer of help, Cini couldn't help but sheepishly speak, "I'm new everywhere," he admitted. "I don't have a home. Just left my parents; off to find adventures!" He coughed..."You don't happen to know of any safe denning areas for the night around here, do you?"
Well that sounded lame, but at least he'd be lame AND alive.

The wild dog gave a hearty laugh at the innocent question. "Sure we do, though we're not bound at the hip. We're both adults and can handle ourselves on our own. Though we prefer to travel together for the company." Ilarion smiled at his young companion.

"There's nothing wrong with that! It just means the whole world is a new adventure for you." He looked around as if expecting a den to appear right there. "Uh well there's the den Haruki and I have been staying at. If you'd trust us that is." He didn't mention that he was still in search of his friend.

Cini felt embarrassed by his question, because the wild dogs answer made sense. Still, he didn't seem patronising in how he answered it. He just seemed like he was willing to talk. Cini liked that.

He grinned a little. "Exactly! It's all very exciting," he agreed eagerly, bouncing on his paws slightly. He was excited; but at the same time he was absolutely terrified. Was that how everyone felt? He had no idea. Man he hoped so.

He hesitated for a moment. "You wouldn't mind an extra den mate? It'd just be for tonight!" He rushed to assure. He didn't want to be a burden.

Ilarion liked this cheerful youngster. He seemed pretty sweet and enthusiastic about his new adventure. "I remember when I saw the world like that. Man I must be old!" Ilarion gave a hearty laugh at the joke.

"Course not! You ain't much but an itty bitty thing, and you look pretty cuddly. Plus we love friendly company. I'd like to look for Haruki a little more before dark and we head back."

Cini grinned. "That just means you'd have heaps of stories to tell me! I'm totally keen to get some life lessons before I set out - I'm sure I'm gonna make some pretty big mistakes."

He glanced around, knowing that if he didn't take the strangers offer, he'd probably struggle to find a place himself; if only out of inexperience. "Thanks, I'd really like that," he said nervously, but gave a warm smile. "Shall we go now?" Cini didn't want to admit that he was a bit afraid of being out after dark and it would get dark eventually; he'd much rather be safe than sorry! And this stranger seemed like safety.


"Well there is that! If you wanna listen I'd be happy to tell them." Ilarion gave another grin to the youngerster. "Sure," he wasn't really worried about his friend yet. They'd look for a little bit longer then head to the den.
