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The maned wolf breathed out an annoyed sigh and rolled his eyes. Ilarion was suppose to have met him here, and yet there was no sign of the brown wild dog. "Where is that useless lump?" Haruki looked around then paced a bit more. Anything, he knew, could have held up his friend. Particularly a lady. He'd flirt with anything. Haruki paced a bit more then debated heading back to the den.

Dysi moved confidently across the land, unconcerned by those he passed by really. He was looking for an old friend - she had taken her daughter to the Koti but she hadn't returned to where he and his mate had been staying. He was worried. What if something had happened to her? Unfortunately, he had no idea where the pride was, so he didn't even really know where to START looking. This direction seemed as good as any, really.

The flash of black caught his eye, and he found himself calling out, even as he realised that it was stupid. "Sukanya!" The creature before him was not the black and blue leopardess though, and the gold colour made the mistake even more laughable. Dysi winced. "Woops, sorry!" He called out in apology. How awkward.

The maned wolf looked up as someone called out a name. He could tell it wasn't the voice of Ilarion, and the name wasn't familiar. The male perked his ears as a leopard apologized. "No worries. You looking for someone too? My friend was suppose to meet me here, but he hasn't shown up yet."

Dysi grinned at the maned wolf. "My friend doesn't even know I'm looking for her! So you've got an advantage over me in that respect. Hopefully your friend shows up..." He glanced around, a bit curious. "This isn't a dangerous area or anything, is it?" He just wanted to make sure. He doubted it was, but, well, if his friend hadn't shown up, it was worth asking. Man he hoped Sukanya hadn't gotten herself into trouble...

"Well I'll admit that makes it a bit more harder." Haruki sounded amused. "Oh he's off probably flirting with some pretty lady he found." He rolled his eyes commically. A quick shake of his answered the leopard, "nah, it's pretty nice here. We've been here awhile and fairly comfortable. Mind if I ask who you're looking for?"
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Dysi chuckled. "Ah! I see, nothing wrong with that then!" He too had been very flirty back in his day. Now he was settled; well more settled than he used to be. His mate had his heart, though there wasn't harm in flirting a bit still... he knew she didn't mind, as long as he came back to her.

"I am glad to hear that!" He enthused. "Ah, I'm looking for an old friend. She had a den near us for a while, but went out on a trip and didn't return. She is an adult, of course, so I am sure she is fine, but her lungs were damaged in a bushfire, so I worry about her sometimes." He smiled with a gentle shrug of his shoulders. He probably babied Sukanya more than he should, but she was his oldest friend. What was he supposed to do?

"Nope, he tries but he gets shot down more often than not." Haruki chuckled at Ilarion's expense. It was always fun to tease the wild dog. Of coures that meant he came in for his share of back teasing. It made the days lively for sure.

"Ah I see. It's good you're out looking for her." He winced to hear about the bushfire. "Those are horrible. I'm happy to hear she survived though. We haven't seen many around, so I doubt we've run into your friend." The maned wolf took another look around. "Say, its getting toward dark. Why don't you come bed down in the den we've been using 'til morning?"

He laughed. "Well at least he keeps trying. Usually all you end up with is a bit of disappointment if you fail, so it's not the end of the world," he mused to the maned wolf. He didn't really miss playing the field, but at the same time, he met so many interesting people and had so many of his cubs from paying a compliment to a stranger; he really couldn't regret any of it.

"Sukanya is a surviver," he agreed with a smile. She had barely gotten out - thankfully she had saved her cub as well, and they had both lived long lives; though she was struggling with her lungs now as she got older. He looked surprised at the offer but smiled. "I would appreciate that! I am sure I could find a den myself but I am never one to turn down company. Maybe I could ever give your friend some tips for the ladies," he joked with a wink.

"That is true. I'm not sure anything could bring him down. He takes it all in stride, which I suppose is good for me." He flicked his ears in amusement. One of the reasons he liked Ilarion was his laid back and go with anything nature.

Haruki pulled his head up as he learned the reason she was in the brushfire in the first place. "Good for her!" He grinned. He loved stories with a happy ending. "Excellent! We enjoy having good company ourselves when we can get it. I have no doubt you could either. Well I doubt Ilarion is unlikely to show up here. Shall we head in and hope he brings himself home by morning?" Haruki gave a wink as he rose to his feet to set out.

He grinned. "Glad to hear it! Sounds like he's got a good outlook on life!" He chuckled to himself. It was always nice to hear that others were living life well - he'd met too many people who hated their lives; it was the only one they were likely to have! Why waste time hating it? It would be so boring.

He bounced on his feet. "Sounds splendid!" He agreed cheerfully. "Perhaps you can tell me some more about yourself and your friend; I do love hearing the stories of strangers. They can be so fascinating to listen to. I might even bore you with a bit of my story," he laughed, and motioned a paw. "Lead the way, good sir."

"It would please me greatly to swap stories with you tonight! Honestly, it's been some time since I heard anything new," Haruki snickered. He gave a cheerful nod and set off at a trot.