Thuraya had been travelling for a long time, when her pride had been taken over by the bad females she had quickly packed up and left, thankful that she didn't have any young cubs in the pride at the time. She wished she had been able to help the young ones that were there but there wasn't a chance. Thankfully she had heard since she left that the females were overthrown and here was little injury to anyone.

Now the blue female was looking for a new home. She had thought about staying with Kwea or her father but in the end she decided she needed a fresh start. So now she was trecking across the land to find something new away from the forest she had always called home.

It hadn't taken long for Nebesa to wander out of the pride lands again. She was a curious little creature, and she wanted to explore. She liked being able to leave the lands freely, though she wasn't sure she was allowed to. It didn't matter much to her either way. After her last experience, she was eager to find more friends, or at least someone out of the pridelands to talk to. Besides, wandering rogues could have the best stories sometimes, though sometimes the time got away from them and she didn't have time to ask for a story.

Maybe this time would be different though! A story or not, the new characters she met were interesting. She bounced a bit as she walked, padding along the sandy ath into the roguelands. For once she wasn't truly looking for herbs, but a companion.

Thuraya spotted the adolescent female almost right away. "Hello" she called out. She was concerned that a younger lioness would be out here alone. The ways of her pride were still in her head, females were meant to be taken care of, and to her you weren't a grown up till you were an adult.

She trotted towards the white female and smile on her face. There wasn't an intimidating bone in Thuraya's body, even if she wanted to scare someone she didn't think she could.

"What are you doing out her all on your own?" she asked. A hint of worry on her face. "My nameis Thuraya by the way." she made it to the white females face and took a seat.

Nebesa was quite pleased when the newcomer approached her. She nearly hadn't seen the blue female and she was glad she didn't miss her! Or that the female didn't miss herself! Either way, it worked out quite well for her.

"I'm just exploring," she told the new female - now known as Thuraya. "I'm Nebesa."

"Why hello Nebesa" Thuraya said warmly. "What are you exploring for?" she asked. Thuraya had never been on to explore much, she had always had exactly what she needed right in front of her, it was quite strange now to be on her own unsure of what might becoming next down the line for her.

"Are you from around here?" Thuraya wasn't sure what she was looking for but she was interested in hearing what was in the area, perhaps there was something worth staying for.

Thuraya asked a very good question - why? Well.. She didn't really know. "I was curious," she told the rogue female. "There's lots around here I haven't seen yet, and I thought I'd look around some." She felt the need to explain herself.

"I live that way," she gestured. "In a pride, I guess." She didn't really feel completely at home there, and the only one she felt close to was her sister and one of the guards that patrolled the borders. The Leopon had always shown her kindness, and if she didn't know better, she would think that Leopon was her mother.

"I haven't seen you before though! Are you a traveler?"

Thuraya smiled and nodded, "I suppose you would call me a traveler now. I haven't always been a traveler though. I use to have a home, a pride, but those days are sadly gone." Thuraya couldn't imagine growing up anywhere other then where she did but it was hard now travelling all the time now.

"My home was a big one where males had more then one mate and children were plenty. The pride is gone now though." she a sadness in her voice.

Nebesa couldn't imagine, honestly. She furrowed her brow. "You lived in a pride with males?" She found it completely strange - prides weren't for males! They wandered and aided females in having children. A Male keeping a lot of females as mates! That was... She couldn't even grasp it. She shook her head. "There aren't any males in my pride," She informed the traveler. "That's just... weird. Males in a pride..."

She paused though, noting the sadness in the female's voice. "I'm sorry your pride is gone though, Miss Thuraya."

Thuraya couldn't help but laugh, the young females reaction to males in a pride was amuzing. "I suppose every pride is very different." she told the pale lioness with a chuckle in her voice. Thuraya found the idea of having no males around just as perplexing how did they make their families form bonds. She wouldn't question it now but it was definitely something for Thuraya to ponder later while she was travelling.

"I am sorry for my pride too." she admitted, "But perhaps its a good thing, or at least there maybe a good thing could come from it. You never know what could come of it." Thuraya tried to keep a positive outlook on things.

"Change is never a bad thing." she said her smile returning

Nebesa rocked on her toes with a smile. She nodded enthusiastically, change was always good. Or mostly, she supposed. She didn't think she would quite like the change of a pride involving males. That... would be weird. "I hope you find a new Place, Miss Thuraya. I haven't traveled much but its nice returning to a familiar place at the end of the day," She told the lioness.

She figured the lioness probably knew that already. Still, she was young. She gave a grin, bouncing a bit more. "Though, I think I should probably return home soon," she said regretfully. "I didn't tell my sister where I was going. She's a guard you see? She gets worried about things like that."

Thuraya smiled, "Of course you should get home, I wouldn't want anyone worrying about you." It made the older lioness very hapy ar that the younger female had somewhere to call home, and a family that cared a lot for her.

"You get on your way then young one. It was a pleasure meeting you." With that Thuraya turned and continued her journey towards whatever it was the world had in store for her next.