Noh'Vah woke in a fright with her paws thrashing and pawing the air and ended up nearly clawing walls of the den when she did so. The night was barely setting, but adventuring out was safe enough that sleep was gone for now, the noctournal lioness slowly rolling to her paws in a fright as she shook her head.

Noh was never a powerful seers like Kyouko, at least, as far as she knew, but her visions had begun to grow more aggressive, keeping the demon quiet about her situation and making her uncertain about talking ab out things to anyone, although going to Kyouko often crossed her mind to ask her for help and reassurances. For all Noh'Vah's pride and arrogance, she still had some softness - a softness she didn't share often, but tonight she needed to. Young adult paws found their way creeping out into the dusk as she waited for her eyhes to adjust to the light before she began walking to the water hole close by, eyes on the fiery mountain in the distance, the crater's glow low and bright. Once, they'd lived there, long ago knowing secrets to avoiding hazards, but now they were coming home, and the air felt and scented differently. She glanced out at the sleeping mountains, and the lioness felt her vision prickle and change. Deep, dark caverns filled with the chants of long lost lions left in the Earth. The mountain glittered and gleamed; and lions gifted treasures and crafts. They sang, and fought. There were clans, fingers of one larger familymade of many, and Noh'Vah's ears flicked as she saw it disappear in falling Earth and crumbling rock, the earth rumbling and shaking. Noh'vah flinched and in an instant the despair and concern of a king washed over her small form, searching for survivors. Searching for life.

Some were found. Some had fled. Alone, the king wailed and in his den he spoke to his queen, but alone he suffered worst. They would move and move quickly to fresh lands, and Noh's ears pricked alert as she saw a female hiding from the pride next, belly swollen with cubs from some outsider who came and left in a night, and perhaps hiding the shame of an unmated leader in a pride was best.

Noh came out of her vision when the soft pawsteps of another drew her from it, and she glanced to see Kabi stretching and emerging from the dens, the brown female blinking at her sister's shaken face. Kabi blinked.

She knew the face. Noh'Vah made it often recently and did not say why. She was tired and frightened and Kabi suspected her sister was Seeing, and Seeing plenty that kept her awake or woke her in broad daylight. Ther lack of a reproachful blow or word confirmed it when Noh only shook her head to clear it, stretching idly.

"I think," Noh'Vah spoke to her sister idly, in passing. "The mountains might be worth investigating today. I suppose you'll tag along?" Noh grunted. Kabi nodded, grinning a bit before shrugging.

"Yeah. I'd like to keep my eyes out for someone."

Noh blinked, tilting her head to look at her sister as the small lioness looked awkward, then down.

"I'd like to find Kankri. He was nice, if loud, and. I miss him." The brown lioness admitted. Noh'Vah eyed her sister a moment, blinking before shuddering.

"I worry about you, but I guess it won't hurt. Maybe he's learned to shut the ******** up." Noh admitted, ignoring the look her sister gave her. The female nodded toward the mountains. "I'm looking for a pride nearby." She admitted. "Cave dwellers. They might be near our land."

They weren't the spectres in her visions sometimes, but they'd woken her. "Can't hurt to practice diplomacy in case I actually take on thje Diplomat role." Noh shrugged. Kabi giggled.

"Right." The grin on Kabi's face betrtayred her amusement. Noh'Vah was not a very friendly lioness to outsiders, not always, buty she kept cool and did often address them well enough, even if she was tactless. Still, the look on her sibling's face betyrayed a sense of concern. If Noh had a vision of strangers, there may be meaning - even their father whom saw the past didn't deny visions seemed to sometimes have meaning - but he didn't think every seer's visions did. Admittedly, they knew little of the hows and whys of seerhood, and the brown lioness often just went with Noh's visions on a lark. Today was no different - Noh usually persued her visions with vigor and if this was important, then Kabi was following. One never knew what might happen - after all, their father returned to their mother due visions, and seers had identified Hakuna'jina's killer and brought new blood to the pride. Noh's vision may, once again, help, and suddenly, Kabi wondered if Noh'vah might be better suited to tasks not concerning leadership, but for now she didn't think of it. Now, they had a journey to make. While their old lands were not far from home, and the pride was not far from that, it would certainly take a day to investigate, more if there was searching, and the pair began moving, paws kneadng the dirst and grass below them as they moved, Kabi following her sister before licking her maw thoughtfully.

"So what did you See?" Kabi asked softly. Noh sighed.

"Nothing important. Another pride. Mayhem I guess. How did you know?" The pakle demon glanced over her shoulder, blinking. Kabi grinned.

"You always look disconcerted when you have a vision." Kabi giggled. Noh frowned, sighing and shaking her head before rolling her shoulders.

"Whatever. We just - ought to go." Noh frowned, jumping across a couple stones, and Kabi followed, smiling.

"Sure, Noh, whatever you say." The smaller lioness giggled, ignoring the huff from her sibling. The female was greeted by a snort from her sister, and Kabi giggled, rubbing Noh a moment before starting to trot ahead. Noh grunted, padding after and shook her head.

"Alright, dork." Noh finally said with a half grin. "You're going the wrong wy." Noh noted, before beginning to move out. Kabi giggled, and began moving after her sister, grinning as she began trotting after, humming. Tonight might yet be good.